New Year's story.

25 December 2014 Travel time: with 31 December 2011 on 31 December 2011
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Once upon a time… In short, it happened quite a long time ago. A good friend of mine worked as an office manager for a large, well-known Russian campaign. This position implies the possibility of obtaining all kinds of additional income with the help of petty fraud, and my friend used this opportunity. On one of the New Year's Eve days, he called me and offered to become Santa Claus at their corporate party. The fact is that having received a task from the authorities - to provide Santa Claus for the holiday, he called several of the most expensive agencies specializing in this subject. Having received quotes from these agencies, he presented the printouts to his superiors, and the authorities, without much deliberation, agreed to pay for the cheapest offer. On good terms, a dozen Santa Clauses could be invited for the allocated amount. I got about four hundred dollars and I agreed. At the appointed time, I was made up and dressed in an obscure little Moscow theater. There, the make-up artists worked on my Snow Maiden. And the Snow Maiden, and the make-up artist, and the dresser also entered into an agreement. The office driver took us to an expensive restaurant on Tverskaya, where I was handed the agreed text of congratulations and a giant fridge-sized bag of gifts. Everything went off without a hitch. I read the congratulations to the team in a bass voice. The congratulations contained terms such as “volatility”, “majority shareholder” and “futures” that were not very clear to me, but I managed. The distribution of gifts to the management went without problems, and the middle and lower management, knowing that they would receive any garbage with corporate symbols in the form of gifts, spat on this matter and rushed to the tables. I understand them. The tables were breaking. Literally an hour later, the entire team was stabbed to an insane state. My cute snow maiden as well. And then she disappeared altogether. As I understand it, she retired to a separate office with one of the majoritarians. I was sad. I wandered among cheerful cheerful people, congratulated them, said “Oh-ho-ho” and “Oh-ho-ho”, but I could not join them. The damned beard and hard make-up interfered. Having departed the agreed time, I began to look for a driver who was supposed to take me home. Found. What's the point? He got drunk like a beast and I realized that in this form I would have to go to hail a taxi. Being a well-to-do man, leaving, I grabbed an almost full bag of gifts and went out into the street. It was about one in the morning. Tverskaya was practically deserted. I went down to the underpass and there…. . There was a crowd of, so to speak, very fallen women. It was a time when they were still working on Tverskaya. I don't know what they were doing in transit. Maybe a police raid, maybe something else. And now imagine a picture - a stunned Santa Claus and stunned 150 prostitutes are looking at each other. To be honest, I freaked out. I knew that they were somehow connected with crime, and there were a lot of them and they were all different and all in war paint. For a minute I stood in a daze, not knowing what to do, and then I decided that since I was in character, there was no need to get out of it. “Happy new year girls, ” I growled and moved through the crowd. The girls smiled, parted to let me through, and suddenly one of them, quite a pigal, jumped up to me and squeaked - “Wish me something, grandfather”. I wished her luck, gave her a leather-bound diary, and then it began. All these virgins demanded congratulations from me. Well, why not? I slapped their cheeks with a mitten, asked how they behaved in the past year, gave all sorts of pens, wall thermometers, sets of pencils and calendars, wished in the new year, to whom the groom is calm, to whom more money, to whom health and happiness to everyone. When only boxes of sweets in wrappers with the Company's logo were left in the bag, I appointed Snegurochka to help me. She held an open box and I gave one candy. This was my second Snow Maiden for the evening and she was much cooler than the first one. High boots, a small gap in fishnet stockings, leather shorts, a leather jacket with studs, aggressive black tattoo makeup, black hair and a leather cap with a silver cockade. Probably her specialization was the role of “mistress”, but she also coped well with the duties of the Snow Maiden. Why am I writing this. This is a difficult time for all of us right now. Very difficult. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. But when I feel uncomfortable from the news, I remember this passage through the underpass. All these girls went into the profession not from a good life. All of them, in the course of their work, saw things that we, TurPravdintsev, would not dream of even in a nightmare. But you should have seen their faces. They looked at me like little children with trust and hope. They listened to my wishes and believed in them. I am sure that many of the gifts and sweets I distributed then are still alive and are kept as talismans. So we don't have to be sad. Sometimes luck comes from unexpected quarters. Just a couple of weeks ago, I put together a sled to carry children behind an ATV. Usually the children hitched a dozen sleds to me in a chain, but this was inconvenient and dangerous. And so I put together a sled where either four adults or a bag of children fit. During one of the rides, my sleigh was seen by the owner of an office from our village, which is engaged in the repair of ATVs and snowmobiles and the sale of used equipment. This uncle offered me 30.000 rubles. for the sled Said it was a wildly sought-after thing. You can buy factory-made ones, but they are either more expensive or look obscene. I didn't sell. But in which case…. The materials cost me 3.000 rubles. I did them one day. 1000 percent profit. In which case I will drop everything and make a sled. It is not the first time for me to change the field of activity. People!!! ! With coming. May everything that you wished come true, and if this does not come true, then something even better will happen !! ! All happiness, all the beaver and all the best!!! !

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