A walk through Moscow with a native Muscovite.

04 April 2015 Travel time: with 02 April 2015 on 02 April 2015
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No, we will not go to Red Square. Understand, you only have three hours and it doesn't make sense to watch what you've seen a million times on TV. The most interesting thing on Red Square is the crowds of woodpeckers walking with long sticks and filming how they walk on Red Square.

Here you live in the hotel "Moscow" , and you know that this is the most famous hotel in the world? Why? It is depicted on the label "Stolichna" vodka . And everyone loves vodka. She is delicious. Well, almost everything. And they know this picture.

Do you see which unusual facade near the building? Unsymmetrical. Schusev drew two projects on one sheet and submitted them to Stalin . Vissarionich was leisure and he signed without looking. Strictly in the center. They did not dare to disturb the leader again and built a house on two projects at once. By the way, what you see is a newcomer.

The lawn demolished the old building and slammed the new one. Pig, of course, but as it turned out, there are pros. When the old building was dismantled, TNT was found in the basement. It turns out that in 1941, the building was mined in order to collapse in any case, and make it difficult for the Germans to get to Red Square and the Kremlin. The last line of defense, so to speak. And then there were other cases and TNT was forgotten. And lay for 60 years. And he could babble.

Well, let's go to Tver . Do you see the house on the opposite side?

Now it's just house number 6. And in the fifties there was the famous "Cocktail Hall" .

And Tverskaya was then called Gorky Street. But our parents and grandparents, who lived next to Cocktail Hall, called this street Broadway. Or Breed. Or Peshkov Street. They roamed this Broadway, scaring passers-by with "semolina" shoes and monkey ties.

And Ziganshin boogie was running out of the windows. Here, listen, let's go.

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So you haven't heard of Ziganshin. And in the early sixties he was known all over the world. And then Gagarin flew away and Askhat Ziganshin was forgotten. And in vain. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Well, let's move on.

You see, the first floors of many houses are decorated with the same stone slabs. In 1941, the Germans drove an echelon of this stone to Moscow. He seems to be from Italy. And they wanted to quickly build a monument of their victory from it. Well, it is clear how it ended. And the stone remained. Do not throw the same.

Look - this is Tverskaya Square. It used to be the Aragvi Restaurant. Also an iconic place. Well, in the center, on horseback - our founding father Yuri Dolgoruky .

When this monument was unveiled in 1954, a funny story happened there.

He was brought too early and covered with a tarpaulin for a while.

While he was wrapped up, he covered himself with some sort of plaque and on the night before the opening he was ordered to clean it without removing the tarpaulin. The crew whipped him all night. Coped. We had time. And here is the grand opening. Ministers of any kind. Writers. Historians. Foreign guests. The tape was cut. The tarpaulin was removed. And the horse's eggs are shining. Well, every hard worker for Hochma tyrannized and as a result such a fart turned out.

And this is Pushkin Square. Gun. Or Push .

On the other side of the monument to Alexander Sergiev, a date is still being set. The boys are worried, the girls are late. You would see how bright their faces are. Not some Facebook. Alive.

But in the house next to which we stand, by the end of the fifties there was a huge statue of a ballerina. It was dismantled, but still real Muscovites call this building "House under a skirt. "

On the other hand - the first in the USSR McDonald's .

Maybe I've seen long queues on TV? Well, it was interesting. And I also stood several times. And earlier on this place there was a cafe "Lira ". Do you remember Makar singing - http:// www. Moscow. fm / artist /% EC% E0% F8% E8% ED% E0_% E2% F0% E5% EC% E5% ED% E8 / song_808638 This is about her. About "Lyra". We will go well along the boulevard.

This is Tversky Boulevard. Tverbul . On the left is the most expensive cafe in Russia. "Pushkin". There, a cup of tea is more expensive than the salary of many. Then the Moscow Art Theater . Let's turn left after him for a while. This is the Swedish impasse. It rests on Leontiev Lane. Why did we come here? But I need to say hello to my friends. Here on the left is the coolest Moscow school. Christina Orbakayte used to study there. Old-timers still remember her behavior with horror.

And here is Leontievsky.

See the Nizami monument?

Left Embassy of Azerbaijan , and the next building Embassy of Ukraine . Hello Ukraine! Higher Nose.

It was supposed to be 4 times higher, but not allowed. Therefore, the view is a bit strange.

The case of the church where Oleksandr Serhiiovych and Natalia Mykolayivna got married . And in front of her is a senseless monument to him. Nickname - "Dwarfs".

Nikitsky Boulevard we will go in silence. I have no stories about him.

Next is the Arbat Gate Square. Intersection of Boulevard Ring and New Arbat . He is Kalininsky Prospekt , he is " Kalina ", he is " Moscow's inserted jaw ".

Right Old Arbat . We will not go there. Time is short. At least it should be. A class monument to Okudzhava was erected there. But I think Bulat Shalvovich will forgive us.

Turn around. You see on the other side of Kalina, to the right is a strange house.

Turtles all stuck.

His heap was built by the rich. Arseniy Morozov .

I saw something similar to Spain and decided to repeat it in Moscow. When his mother saw this miracle, she said, “I used to know you were a fool. Now all of Moscow will know. " Moms are like that ...They can say something encouraging. .

The next boulevard is called Gogol . Gogol (emphasis on me). A scene from the movie "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears" was shot here. Katya and a gloomy TV woman met on this bench. Do you remember?

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But guess from afar who this monument is?

No, not Grandpa Mazayu. Although I almost guessed. He is called "Grandfather Mazai and horses". In general, this is Sholokhov . In 1941, on this boulevard, at the level of the upper floors, the Junkers raced from the river and watered everything with machine gun fire.

But it was once.

We have reached the end of Gogol.

This is Kropotkin Square .

Look a little to the right Ostozhenka Street , and there is a house on it. Look at the roof.

Yeah. This is a glass, you got it right. The man - the homeowner who built this house - drank to nonsense. And decided to tie. With this glass he seemed to raise the devil under his drunkenness. All. The boulevards are over.

Let's take the Simon's Passage to the Moscow River. On the left is the Temple of Christ the Savior . Copy. I also gave money for its construction. But it turned out somehow wrong. I don't know what's going on. There is no splendor in it. And Pussy Rayot in general finally shook everything.

Embankment. Look to the right. This horror is far away - The man with the newspaper.

Tseretelivsky monument to Peter the Great. In general, to erect a monument in Moscow to the figure who deprived her of her Moscow status was not a buzz. And even more so in this performance.

He has another nickname. "Briefs are drying. " Look at the sagging sails.

In this flags are evolving.

Go left. On the other side of the river is the famous " house on the waterfront ". Built in the thirties for the party leadership. There, the entire facade is plastered with memorial plaques dating from 1937. These clowns devoured themselves. And the clown with them. We walk from the river towards the Alexander Garden . Do you remember? Margarita, Azazello , etc. And this building on the hill is Pashkov's house .

For me - the most beautiful building in Moscow. On its roof, Woland rested in front of a long road.

Next is the Lenin Library (or Lennon, whichever is closer). Do you see the monument?

This is Dostoevsky . Only not rye. His nickname is "Hemorrhoids". It is unclear what Fyodor Mikhailovich did badly to Afftor.

Next Manege .

When it was being prepared for the bombing in 1941, it was discovered that the entire attic was littered with tobacco crumbs.

So in the old days from rot and parasites were protected. You understand that some - who had, as a result, to smoke until the end of the war.

Well, here's your hotel. We coped even faster. Your taxi hasn't arrived yet. Cool? Interesting? And you say "Red Square. "

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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Здание, где располагался
Отец родной.
Дом под юбкой. Пятидесятые годы.
Первый московский Мак Дональдс. Стоит на месте кафе
Леонтьевский переулок. Слева школа, где училась К. Арбакайте, справа посольства Азербайджана и Украины.
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