I can safely say. It was the most disgusting holiday!

Written: 6 november 2012
Travel time: 1 — 7 november 2012
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I'll start by saying that we went there, after reading positive reviews, with great joy. with great hope to get a full relaxing holiday. tired of the Moscow bustle. I wanted to sleep off and breathe in the purest air of a pine forest. We got to the boarding house from the center of Moscow for 4 hours due to traffic jams. Finally, we saw the light of garlands ahead! Oh eureka! We are in place! A good impression was made by the security guard, kind and friendly. who opened the gates of the guarded parking lot for us and indicated the free spaces. We took our things and went to the reception. We were given electronic cards for the doors, they indicated where our building was and we went. happy and contented, looking forward to a holiday. Entering our building, a disgusting smell of sewerage and mold hit our noses. Immediately not sickly spoiling the first impression. but the lobby was comfortable. upholstered furniture, flowers. Everything would be fine there if not for the smell. We found our room and opened the door. . . we go. Opening the door, we immediately run into the bed. There is not even a tiny hallway to undress. With dirty shoes, we pushed together at the door so as not to stain the floor. . The room was so small that large people could not turn around in it. I will add that the room was single with a half-double bed, because there were no more double rooms available. Why "supposedly"? Yes, because then we walked around the territory of the boarding house and there were very few windows in which someone lived! almost all the rooms were free during our entire stay there. Well, here we go, let's move on. There was a smell of stale air in the room, not very pleasant. The laminate on the floor is bulging in places, the wallpaper is peeling off in some places. From double-glazed windows pulls severe cold. . . The room is cold to say the least. We go into the bathroom. Pretty big. with big !! window! ! There is a film on the window glass! as it turned out the next day through this film you can see everything that is happening in our toilet! and I washed there and went naked. And not only me, but also my husband. There were no curtains on the window! And we were on the first floor. After washing, we hurried to crawl under the covers and warm ourselves, so as not to catch a cold. removed the covers, climb under the covers. . ii. . . what was our disappointment when, in place of a normal blanket, we saw only a thin sheet and a dirty, sometimes burned-out blanket. This is where we were quite disappointed. Like on a train! OK. . . we go to bed. Here the mattress begins to make creepy sounds. like it's rubber. The sound of squeaky rubber. a couple of movements and these sounds are already beginning to turn away. We climb out of bed, turn the mattress over, hoping to improve the situation. Flip it to the other side - so much better! we lie down again. We think the adventure ends here. embrace and close our eyes. to finally sleep properly and for a long time. But it was not there! We realized that our neighbors from the second floor would stupidly not let us sleep. The soundproofing in the rooms is so terrible that we hear EVERYTHING that is going on outside our walls. The neighbors were clearly having fun and were not going to calm down. The husband went to the reception, asked to have a conversation with them. The girl from the reception reacted quickly and went to our building. Neighbors immediately shut up. and we finally went to bed happy! But half an hour later, our beloved neighbors again, with a vengeance, began to enjoy life. roar, roar. stomp, listen to music. As a result, we fell asleep only at four in the morning, exactly as much as our neighbors from the second floor decided to fall asleep. And exactly at seven we already woke up, at that time our neighbors woke up.... Angry and not getting enough sleep, annoyed and tired, we went to the reception to ask to be relocated. and lo and behold, it turned out that a room was being vacated in another building. the same as ours, and we were offered to move into it. We agreed without hesitation. At 12 noon, we packed our things and moved to another building. to another room and already on the second floor. The number was even smaller. At least the notes were quiet. and that was more important to us than comfort. about the bathroom in this room is a separate article. It is three times smaller than the bathroom in the previous room. It's cold out there and it smells of dampness and mildew. horrible smell. cold blowing from the window, very cold in the room! I ended up with a runny nose. and with a bad back. We were simply blown away in this room. Don't even bother with small children! We wanted to drink tea, but there was only one glass in the room. At the reception they refused to give us a second glass! Because supposedly the room is single and there can only be one glass in it. Although we paid extra one and a half thousand for an extra place! With grief in half, we managed to beg for an unfortunate glass. Let me tell you about the cleaners. They walked along the corridors and pounded into the walls with such force that the dead would jump out of the grave. What can we say about us living people. The second night was calm and quiet. but VERY cold. Now about the cleanest air and infrastructure. There is NO infrastructure nearby. There are no shops or pharmacies. not even a single stall. Therefore, if you do not have a car, and you want to eat. you have to pay a thousand a day to eat in the canteen. The food there is terrible. There is a small bar in the dining room, but there is a 100% markup on prices. Alpen Gold, for example, costs about a hundred rubles. A day later, we decided to go to Fryazino to the store. ate on a typewriter, let's go, what was our shock when, a few kilometers from the boarding house, we saw a gigantic landfill !!!!!!!!!!! ! But she was just great! like a big mountain. over which the birds were circling! And now think about what kind of clean air we can talk about if there is a giant household dump next to the boarding house? This completely disappointed me. The third night I slept very badly, it was uncomfortable, cold, disgusted. We were looking forward to the morning to pack our things and leave. To be honest, I'm sorry for the money and nerves spent. in the end, we arrived from the "rest" without having rested at all. And therefore, if you are going there in order to break away from the hustle and bustle, how to relax and gain strength before the working week, then you better not go there! are obviously waiting for you. And we decided for ourselves. that there is more, not a foot !! ! this is a real scoop! Money is taken from everything. EVERYTHING is paid. . . and no matter how sad it may sound, even wi-fi.... oh yeah, still no hot water at night. Save even on heat by turning off the heating at night. There are no telephones in the rooms. And a little more about the territory. The description states that the area is truly huge. This is not true. The entire territory of the boarding house can be bypassed in 5-10 minutes. this is probably all
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