Rest on Elbrus

Written: 17 march 2010
Travel time: 26 february — 10 march 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Rested in the CAO Terskol from February 26 to March 10.2010
. Disadvantages:
We were put in a block room 2+3. A room of 6-7 meters in it is impossible for the two of you to disperse, there is no TV with a refrigerator, if you managed to take a TV from the maid with an extra charge of 100 rubles a day, then you are very lucky, otherwise look in the hall. The toilet and shower are separate for 2 rooms, but there a thin person will not turn around or something that is full. Audibility is good, my husband knocked on the wall so as not to snore. Through the administrator, it was not possible to agree on a good room with a surcharge, since there was an answer “There are no suites”, although there were suites for people who came again. After the scandal, they turned to the deputy. The boss, who gave the go-ahead to move to a superior room. Exactly the same only without neighbors with a TV and a separate toilet. Meals 350 rubles per person per day: pasta, buckwheat, mashed potatoes on the water with grated carrots or beets with 3 pieces of meat, tangerines and bananas from fruits, after 5 days of monotony they got so tired that they went to eat in a cafe.

From entertainment: a bathhouse, billiards, a cozy cafe "Penguin", movies, an evening "Guitar in a circle", takes place in the library, from which they are soon expelled and the whole crowd with songs moves to the hall, a concert dedicated to "Kabardino-Balkaria", a disco in " Wolfram".
According to the level of skiing, people are divided into groups and given an infrastructure that more or less teaches skiing. The rental equipment is good, they give new skis, it is better to bring your own boots.
Among the groups, there is a Spartakiad in table tennis, volleyball, tug-of-war, there could be competitions in the pool, but it does not work. At the end of the race, the groups organize a final concert, show who will come up with what, who composes poetry, who dances, who humors, as in the Comedy Club. As a result, the winners are awarded certificates, a huge pie, and you no longer want to go anywhere, because you understand how expensive Terskol has become, only there you will find many new and interesting friends with whom you will come here more than once for a friendly, cheerful atmosphere and a sea of ​ ​ ​ ​ positive from skiing skiing and it doesn’t matter what number you have, because it only has time to spend the night.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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