Similan Islands - heaven on earth

26 May 2010 Travel time: with 24 April 2010 on 25 April 2010
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The Similan Islands are truly a paradise! We took an excursion there with an overnight stay, and did not regret it for a minute, although the overnight stay was extreme, if you can call it that.

You can spend the night on the Similan Islands only on island number 4 (Koh Mieng). Here you can choose (at different prices) camping, fan bungalows or air-conditioned bungalows.

When buying an excursion, there were free places only in tents (camping), so we had no choice, and the desire to visit these islands was great.

So, full of uncertainty, we went there. A high-speed comfortable boat with a breeze took us across the azure Andaman Sea to our cherished dream..... The beauty of these islands cannot be expressed in words, you just need to see it. Unusually blue water, a magnificent beach with white coral sand, bright green thickets of tropical vegetation....we enjoyed all this for two unforgettable days.

But the enthusiasm faded a little when we saw the place of our lodging for the night. The tent city is set up right behind the beach, only densely growing bushes and trees separate it from the beach. And above the tents themselves, the crowns of very tall trees also bow, on which flying dogs sleep during the day (there are a huge number of them), which shit right on these tents. Especially without focusing on how we would spend the night in these "apartments", we went for lunch and to explore the surroundings of the island. After relaxing on the beach and seeing two more beaches on the island, which can be reached through the jungle along a well-worn path, we went for dinner. After dinner, we were taken to the jungle to watch a hairy crab, a spectacle not for those who are afraid of all sorts of creeping evil spirits, they went into the jungle with flashlights and there was a high probability of stepping on someone in the dark, but there is no limit to human curiosity.

The time was approaching night, and the confidence that we had the courage to spend the night in tents was reduced to zero, fortunately we managed to agree with a local Thai for a fee on a bungalow with a fan.

So we went to our house for the night.

To be honest, the impression was depressing… A small dirty room, walls…. They hardly converged at the seams with each other, and with the ceiling, there was a hole in the door.

Shower and toilet... I won’t even describe it. The smell is not fresh.

The light on this wonderful island is turned on only from 18.00 to 06.00

There is only one outlet in the room, which includes a fan.

The worst thing awaited us at night.

We went to bed at eleven o'clock, I basically did not turn off the light in the toilet, because it was scary to stay in this room in complete darkness. I remember that I could not sleep for a long time...

About an hour later I woke up from a rustle and saw a huge light green lizard with a long tail, which safely climbed into our room through a hole in the door and ran into the toilet. As a matter of fact, I didn’t close my eyes until the morning, until dawn I enjoyed the sound of the wild jungle, the loud squeak of flying dogs and shuddered at every rustle in our room..... I didn’t dare to go outside either, because. there at night is full of running opossums (in appearance they resemble rats, they have about the same length of the tail) and all sorts of other crawling creatures.

And thank God, dawn came and this whole nightmare was over..... we went for breakfast, after we were taken on a boat to snorkel, an amazingly beautiful underwater world...... The Similan Islands have a reputation as one of the 10 best places in the world dedicated to diving. After swimming and seeing the beauty of the underwater world, we returned to the beach where we continued to relax before they come for us and take us back to Phuket from the island.

Despite everything, it was a bright unforgettable trip to a beautiful island where I want to return again, even a sleepless night did not overshadow my impressions of this wonderful island. The Similan Islands is a place of relaxation. . . A place where time stops. . .

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