Kingdom of Thailand

03 September 2012 Travel time: with 06 august 2012 on 20 august 2012
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We went "out of season", but these are trifles. Rain for 10 days in the evenings from 17 to 18 in the evening or at night practically did not interfere.

We traveled with two families with children 2.5; 6.7 years old.

Probably getting old, but I can’t say anything super “Ah” or “Oh” or “Fu”, neither about the country, nor about the hotel, nor about the tour operator. Thanks to Coral (Odeon) for not bothering me, but fulfilling my obligations on time and accurately. There are no complaints about the operators. There were: Koh Samet speed, Dream World, Crocodile farm + Shop tour, Dolphins (+ swam with dolphins), Nong Nooch, Khaow Kheow, Sea Safari. They didn’t eat durian, leaned on proven pineapples, bananas, passion fruit, tried and liked lychee, mangosteen, rambutan; didn't like papaya. It was possible to save on food and eat for 100 baht (second and beer) OR in a cafe like Armenia, opposite VoodooLands, BeerFast, or on the 4th floor of the Festival in a pizzeria for 1000 baht for a family of two adults with a child (with beer and juices). For me, BeerFast is the best place for beer - 4 varieties and food adapted to Europe and Asia (there are also sausages, mashed potatoes, knuckle, Greek salad, dumplings). I am not a fan of Thai cuisine, I was not and did not become. The hotel is a standard three-ruble note, without pretensions for 4 stars. Breakfasts, like the country, got tired after a week. At first, the exotic pleased me, but a person gets used to this as well. Before the trip, I lived for two months on the Internet, read, watched about the country and the place where I was going. What I have not read anywhere, I share:

1. Rubbish on the beach must be handed over to those who brought this garbage. You bought ice cream - give the garbage packaging to the seller, bought shrimp - in half an hour the seller will come again and pick up the garbage, But what you bought from those who sold you a sunbed (40 baht for one, sold in pairs) - feel free to give it to him - do not blather.

2. You are leaving - The light in the room - turns off, which means that the electrical appliances are not working, which means that the refrigerator does not work either, which means it does not freeze, which means that the food is not stored. Question - why the heck was so much to buy-? Damn - I'm so logical today....

3. VAT can and should be returned. It's not that hard, you just need to get confused.

4. Again: Protect yourself from the sun! Always and strongly! We swim through the mask to look at the fish, smear the legs from behind - you will burn out in an hour, into the lungs.

The locals are mostly nice people, but there are also boors, and there are those who understood humor. We walk along the Walkin with our wives (they got out on the last evening, having put the children to sleep), well, they pester us with different pictures, like let's go see how cool the others are, well, we tell them: "we're going to do boom-boom, let's go with us". Some jumped back, some laughed, but no one gathered with us.

regretted that:

1. It was necessary to go 3 days - Bangkok (Madame Tussauds, Oceanarium, Baikok-sky, Dream Word); then 5 days - to the islands (Phuket or Phi Phi); 7 days - Pattaya (Zoo, Dolphins-bathing, Sea Safari-Swimming with masks and snorkels, and all other days - shopping or belly to the sun.

2. Fruit had to be brought. Sloth mother.

What did not like:

1. Obsession with a merchant.

2. "Come on, come on"! - from the lips of sitting ladies, when you go without your women.

3. The feeling from the locals that I am a cow that is fattened for slaughter, but for now they are just milked (IMHO), kindly, so, massaging the nipples beforehand, but they are milked strictly and demandingly.

Will I go again or not? And why, there is still Singapore, Goa, there is Spain (the Mar Menor beckons and calls), Greece, Italy, France, Cuba, Jamaica, Australia, the Mariana Islands are becoming fashionable (This is where the depression of the same name, like went to America). So for the second time, the Thai economy will do without my modest injection.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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