Thanks for a great vacation!!!

21 July 2018 Travel time: with 03 May 2018 on 13 May 2018
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After returning from Thailand, just a few days later, I went to the office for the next ticket, since it is nearby, it is convenient.


In total, I rested 4 times through this agency. My friend went with me twice. And we never regretted, the rest was always great! The first time I booked a tour on the site, they called back within 1 hour. When signing the contract, the manager spoke in great detail about all the stages of our cooperation. In addition, all the necessary information until the moment of departure to the country of rest was duplicated by SMS and sent to the email. mail. Everything was on time in accordance with the explanations of the manager, so I didn’t have any negative: I never had to call myself, find out something, since everything is clear and transparent, on time. After the first trip, she began to contact the manager Anna Mikulina directly. It is always pleasant and easy to interact with a professional, a competent specialist, therefore I plan to use the services of this travel agency in the future.

Tunisia is an amazing country where you can not only enjoy the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the beach, but also visit the ancient cities under the protection of UNESCO, feel the former beauty and grandeur of the famous Carthage, ancient Dugga, see the amphitheater in the city of El Jem, the museum Bardo, the blue and white city of Sidi Bou Saidou and many other amazing places, the photos of which will remind you of the wonderful days spent there for a long time to come.

Do? gga - the ancient Roman ruins in the north of Tunisia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, occupy an area of ​ ​ ​ ​.65 hectares. Dougga survived the Byzantine rule and then was taken over by the Vandals.

In terms of the number of attractions and entertainment, the excursion to the ruins of ancient Dugga made the biggest impression on me of all the ancient ruins that I have so far managed to see in my life.

The city of Sidi Bou Said is located on the outskirts of the capital of Tunisia, located on the hills near sea, listed by UNESCO.

Carthage is a Phoenician state with its capital in the city of the same name. The Latin name for the Phoenicians-Carthaginians is the Punians. Carthage was the richest city in the ancient world.

The Bardo Museum is the central museum of antiquities in Tunisia, the most interesting ones have been brought here for 130 years and valuable finds from all archaeological sites in the country. It is the second largest collection in Africa, second only to the Cairo Museum.

On March 25.1885, the premises of the harem of Sadok Bey in the palace of Bardo (wife of the bey expelled immediately after the death of the ruler).

The amphitheater in the city of El Jem is the third largest in the Roman Empire after the Colosseum and amphitheaters of Capua and Verona.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Ду́гга — древнеримские руины на севере Туниса, объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, занимают площадь 65 га. Дугга пережила византийское правление, а затем была захвачена вандалами.
По количеству достопримечательностей и зрелищности экскурсия к руинам древней Дугги произвели на меня самое большое впечатление из всех античных руин, которые я пока успела повидать в своей жизни.
Город Сиди- бу-Саид находится на окраине столицы Туниса, расположен на холмах у моря, занесен в список ЮНЕСКО.
Карфаген- финикийское государство со столицей в одноимённом городе. Латинское название финикийцев-карфагенян — пунийцы. Карфаген был богатейшим городом Древнего мира.
25 марта 1885 года музею передали помещения гарема Садок Бея во дворце Бардо (жен бея выгнали сразу после смерти правителя).
Музей Бардо – центральный музей древностей в Тунисе, сюда уже 130 лет привозят самые интересные и ценные находки со всех мест археологических раскопок в стране. По размеру коллекции он является вторым в Африке, уступая только Каирскому музею.
Амфитеатр в городе Эль-Джем является третьим по величине в Римской империи после Колизея и амфитеатров Капуи и Вероны.
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