Worst holiday ever

Written: 14 september 2008
Travel time: 15 — 22 september 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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I rested at the hotel in early September 2008, the worst holiday I have ever had. Russians in the hotel do not like it was immediately clear. At first, there were few Russians to rest (our company was 4 people and 6 more people), mostly Germans, British, French, Italians. The food was good, varied. Seven days later, Russians arrived 0.5 of the hotel. This is where it all started. The diet is the same every day. What was not eaten in the evening, in the morning could be found in some other dish. Milk came across sour in the morning. Immediately after arrival, I signed up for a peeling at the spa. For 80 dinars (1 dinar = $1.2) they promised to steam me out, do peeling, apply mud, and massage. SPA salon shocked at once. Dark room, everything around is gray, twilight. There is no peeling couch. You had to lie down on the tile. The whole procedure was carried out on a conveyor type. One man who rubs everyone on the tile, not looking up from production. The women are waiting in line. My procedure lasted 15 minutes. During this time, I steamed out, they rubbed me with a washcloth with soap, smeared with mud with menthol. AND EVERYTHING!! ! Of course, I didn't enjoy. I don’t even know how fungi can’t be earned after such a SPA. But that's not all, the limit was when red cockroaches began to run in my room. In 11 days of living, I killed three. Of course they were stained, but still unpleasant. In addition, the plumbing in the room killed me. To wash in the sink, the stream of water had to be made as small as possible, since with strong pressure, water from the pipes poured onto the floor, and I didn’t really want to walk in the bathroom knee-deep in water. What impressed me the most was the staff, instead of repairing the pipes, they gave me more foot towels so that I could change them more often. The limit came when we were about to leave. When buying a ticket, the travel agency assured me that for the extra. I can extend the payment for my room (I was with my little daughter 5 years old), since the checkout time is 12.00, and our departure is 21.30. We were supposed to be picked up from the hotel at 17.40. It made no sense to extend our tour for one whole day. As they explained to me on the day of departure, I went to the reception to extend the room. In response, they refused me. I asked for any other room to offer me. I was denied. Even the fact that I had a small child did not bother anyone, at 13.00 we were put out of the room with our things into the lobby. I advise all vacationers to read better reviews if you don’t want to get into such Shit like me. I would give the hotel 2 stars for more, it does not pull. There are fours with much better service.
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