Hunting is worse than bondage, or what is unlucky and how to deal with it-2. Part 2.

01 June 2018 Travel time: with 19 May 2018 on 27 May 2018
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I hardly slept at night. I was afraid to sleep. We left the hotel at 3.10. The bus was already parked. The manager warned that there are few people who want to go to Cappadocia, everyone prefers to lie on the beach, so the bus will be small. It was a Volkswagen with 16 seats. There was only one girl sitting. I naively hoped that there would be few people and lay down on the 4 rear seats in order to pokemarize. But I didn't succeed. In Kemer, they began to plant people. And then in Antalya. They beat it to capacity. I had to return to my seat. And immediately I began to fall asleep. But I don't know how to sit.

How far is this Cappadocia! Travel agency managers said who 6 hours, who 8. Probably even more. It's good that the road is very scenic. There is something to look at. Beautiful bare rocks, densely overgrown with junipers, pines and other fir trees. Somewhere in the crevices there was still snow.

We passed the cities of Konya and Aksaray. Here it would seem, the province. And the roads are great. And the same neat multi-colored five-story buildings, as in Antalya. And flowers in the dividing line.

The guide was good. Not that Ildar, not that Eldar. He has been taking excursions exclusively to Cappadocia for 18 years, so he knows the subject for 10 years. Along the way, he began to tell us about the subject of interest to us - balloon flight. He announced the price - 150 euros! Not even dollars. However, they wrote to Vinsky about the same amount, and directly in local agencies. Local - in the sense of Cappadocia.

In addition to the two of us from our group, only three more signed up. The rest were offered a light option for $10 just to go and see from below how we would soar above the crowd. But if they pick us up at half past four, then there will be 4 of them!

At one of the stops, seizing the moment, I went up to Ildar and asked him in his ear to give us a discount on the occasion of Vadka's anniversary. He promised to talk to the owners of the ball bureau. Just don't say a word to anyone!

Finally, the first excursion. Underground city. Six stories deep. Open for visiting 3. Not impressed. I like Eski-Kermen more. Galya is spoiled.

The price of the tour included one night in a hotel with half board. Today we only paid for dinner. And they didn’t promise to feed on the way. The day before, I went to the reception to order lunch boxes. And I was told that lunch boxes are not provided in our hotel! Take, they say, something from the canteen yourself! Aha! Take it here! Cerberus stands at the exit. True, he does not rummage in bags, and does not let him in only with plates. Actually, we had food. We took sausages and bacon from home for the journey, but did not eat. I took only oranges from the canteen. In the morning we were brought to some roadside establishment where we could eat our own products or buy a simple snack. And for lunch we were brought to a very interesting place - a huge cave carved into the rock, in which the Restaurant is located.

They promised a bunch of national goodies for $10. We decided to take one lunch for 2. Drinks separately. Our ears were delighted by a peasant playing some local harp. And then he sang some more. The food was so-so, small portions. Moreover, the waiters roamed back and forth, but we still managed to wash down their snack with our Dutik whiskey. In short, a purely touristic place. Nothing special, except for an unusual interior.

And finally we were brought to a place where you can safely say "Wow"!

Although, I have seen something similar before. And on Demerdzhi, and on Meganom, and in Petra. Galya is spoiled.

After we took a picture, we moved to an even more unusual place.

And then another one.

I won't tell. This must be seen. We were going to one more place, but it started to rain.

And we went to the hotel. True, as soon as we drove off, the rain ended, but they did not return. Postponed until morning.

The hotel is not bad, 4 stars. The guide said that 40 euros per night is worth it. Although it is located on the outskirts. Having sent Vadik to the room, she approached the guide. He gave us 20 bucks. More precisely, as he said, that it was not him, but the owners of the aeronautic agency. So I paid $330 instead of $350.

After having a good dinner, we went to bed. It was cooler here than in Kirishi. There was a mosquito net on the window and we left it open. It was very pleasant to sleep under a warm blanket. But get up again at 3!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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