Marco Polo or... Half Gloom?

Written: 17 march 2006
Travel time: 18 — 25 june 2004
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We were greeted and placed pretty quickly, so we even had time for lunch. But the lunch itself seemed rather meager in terms of the range of dishes, at first we attributed this to our late arrival at the restaurant, and thought that we had already eaten everything before us, but further visits to the restaurant, unfortunately, dispelled these weak hopes.

Now a little more about nutrition - which was an unpleasant surprise - the absence of fruits, except for banal apples and oranges, was a couple of times muzhmal (a fruit that looks like a small pear, tastes a little like an apricot). Although the market in Kemer had an abundance of strawberries and cherries (1 dollar per kilo) and apricots, watermelons, melons and other southern fruit and berry splendor.

The main dishes also did not differ in variety, but sometimes they completely satisfied the taste needs of the dining guest.

The main assortment - dishes from turkey, beef and lamb, in one form or another, was 2-3 times veal tongue, very tasty, various casseroles - vegetable, cheese, with dough.

For lunch and dinner, there are always 2 grilled dishes, this is either fish (river trout or tuna), turkey fillet, or beef steak, or lamb cutlets (kebab).
Snacks are practically absent, except for 2 types of incomprehensible (probably canned) sausage, which even Father Fyodor from Ilf and Petrov's "12 chairs" would hardly eat.

The set of cheeses was limited only to local varieties, 2 types of cheese, chechil, and one variety of semi-hard low-fat cheese. Fresh and stewed or fried vegetables in such an assortment - tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet and hot peppers, various herbs and greens.

The first courses - mashed soups are quite tasty: tomato, mushroom, some other indefinite ones with the name like "Roman soup", etc. , 1 type of soup a day, for lunch and dinner.
French fries, the mini-disco tourists' bestseller, have always been.
The fish cuisine was presented extremely modestly - there was only 1 fish day a week, worthy of description - when a huge 2.5-meter tuna was brought into the hall, sliced ​ ​ ​ ​ from it and fried right there on the grill. There were also mussels fried and in batter. There were no shrimp at all, except for a couple of them in a huge bowl of rice. There was smoked and fried mackerel 2 times in 2 weeks.

Desserts are traditionally delicious and there are many of them, but the same type. Ice cream was not every day and is issued by the chef in portions. There were donuts in the form of balls, and very tasty donuts with a piece of apple inside.

Drinks ...- unfortunately, there is no positive here - the juices are all from powders, poisonous in color, the wine is of very low quality, and then it also turned sour, the wine is not from bottles, but from a barrel inside which, probably, a bag. Pepsi, Sprite, and Mirinda are standard.

Strong drinks, all locally produced, of rather poor quality, apart from the national raki. Of everything that was there - whiskey, Turkish vodka, crayfish, cognac, wine, beer, you could safely drink beer, crayfish and a mixture of whiskey and cola, just whiskey does not go down your throat ...

There are several bars on the territory, but the main one is by the pool, there is a “Gulchatay house”, as I call it, a national felt tent, where from 11 to 17 they bake cakes with a choice of fillings: minced meat, spinach, feta cheese, and mashed potatoes with bow. These flat cakes are great after active physical exercises in the air, when it is still far before dinner, and I have long forgotten about breakfast.
There is also ayran, but for some reason it is different every time in taste and consistency, is it diluted somehow differently or what?

In addition to nutrition, an important component of proper relaxation is the very room where you have to rest from outdoor activities.
The rooms are located in houses on the 2nd or 3rd floors, it’s how lucky you are, on the first floor you will have a chance to get acquainted with local ants and other “smaller brothers”, and on the 2nd floor in the bathroom we very successfully “soaked” a hefty cockroach, and then found another already dead - he probably died of hunger ...

There are also 2-storey, so-called new buildings, which are located far from the sea (120-150 meters) on the outside of the hotel, i. e. close to the road to Kemer. We were lucky because we were still in Moscow in advance, we asked for a room closer to the sea. We lived in an 18 sq. m. where there were 2 beds with rather uncomfortable, hard mattresses, not orthopedic at all, and terrible pillows. As soon as we checked in, they brought us another rollaway bed, the mattress of which was much better.

There are no air conditioners in the rooms, no matter what the tour operators or hotel owners say, what they have is called central ventilation, it is impossible to really change the temperature of the supplied air, and no matter how cool the regulator, the air goes to the same temperature. There was a safe in the closet! To our great joy, the use of the safe was free. But the clothes hangers were completely broken, and it was promised to send a master to my application to fix it, and as you know, they have been waiting for the promised 3 years - I did not wait.

The TV was Telefunken specially, probably for the Germans, of whom there were not so many in the hotel, the bulk of them were Russian-speaking tourists (there was also a contingent from Ukraine). The most remarkable thing about this TV is the remote control - there are only 4 control buttons - sound and program selection and an on / off and off button. sound. The quality of channel reception is average, ORT shows in black and white and sometimes with noise.
But German satellite channels and the BBC are no problem. Cartoon channels for children, I don’t remember anything either.

Another surprise awaits the tourist when he goes to bed - in the middle of the night, you may well accidentally activate the interior lighting switches, that is, turn on the light to the fullest, just because these same switches are made at the height of the pillow - one awkward movement and the luminous flux will wash away remnants of sleep from your eyes. In addition, the decorative finish of the head of the beds is made in such a way that there are protruding right angles, hitting which at night, you can definitely forget about sleep.

Animation - sluggish attempts of Turkish-Russian entertainers to make your holiday even more active.
What is there from outdoor activities - tennis courts, 2 table tennis tables, 2 volleyball courts, but only 1 ball, and that is not of the best quality, the coating is small pebbles, it is problematic to play barefoot, and jumps and falls lead to the effect of sliding on sandpaper . Shooting range for archery, you can shoot 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. Air rifle shooting is entirely at the discretion of the animator in charge of the event that day. That is, he decides for himself - at what targets to shoot today (balloons or a paper target) and from what position (standing or lying) and from what distance, and also on the go figure out how to count points.

There are darts, bocha (throwing metal balls to a certain place). Board games like backgammon, okay, but they are hard to catch because they are almost always in someone's hands. No water polo! A shame!
Although this is written everywhere both in the hotel's advertising from the tour operator, and in the hotel itself on their board-schedule of sporting events. Instead of water polo - water volleyball, boring standing in the water with a rare stretching of the arms up. There is a basketball court and a badminton court, but no one plays there. They say there was football somewhere, but I didn't see where it was. Konstantin from St. Petersburg said that "...if you go from the reception towards the new buildings, there will be a football field on your right hand (it is hard to see it behind the greenery)".

We were looking for an informer board with temperature data for a long time ...we only found it 2 days before departure and the data on it were 3 days old! In general, you know less - sleep better!

There is a mini club for children. Officially, it is for children 4-12 years old, but in reality everything is only for kids up to 6-7 years old, older children get bored there.
A good program for women, constant outdoor exercises under a canopy: aerobics, step, stretching, something else, classes in the pool - aqua aerobics.

Arriving at the hotel a day later, you will choose your favorite activities and the rest will go like clockwork - getting up, swimming in the sea, breakfast, physical activity in the air, swimming in the sea, approaching the bar - moving away from the bar, mental training in board games, or swimming in the pool, at 12 o'clock the animators hold some kind of game in the pool, such as who better dives over the bar or collects more spoons under water.
Then lunch, afternoon program - rifle and archery, volleyball, football or FREE banana ride (this is an inflatable object that is towed by a boat and on which 5-6 people sit) it was really amazing that the banana was free, besides there were water skis, but my attempt to master them ended with a rupture of the muscle tissues of the back of the right thigh - it still hurts (2 weeks have already passed).

This served as a pretext for getting acquainted with the local specifics of providing medical care! It turned out that any visit to the doctor will result in the amount indicated as a "deductible" in your health insurance, even if you ask for one tablet of analgin! This business is put on stream there, because the tiles around the pool, when water gets on it, become very slippery, many children fell.
And the pool itself is not made very smart, there are a lot of underwater feet with sharp edges, which can hurt your lower leg.
Water skiing and a banana also contribute to the improvement of the material well-being of Turkish doctors. Sour wine, or overheating in the sun is another reason to get acquainted with the doctor.

In addition to a banana and skis, there are 3 skiffs in the hotel (such 2-seater sailing boats) 2 or 3 windsurfers - it's all free, if you know how, if not, then you suffer so much that you don't need anything for nothing, and the course costs $ 30 /hour by tax. Draconian prices for a jet ski - $ 25 for 10 minutes (!!! ) But you can scuba dive in the pool for free, for those who have never done this, this is a free opportunity to find out if you need it in life! I liked it very much! True, I already had some experience diving with a mask and snorkel.
The sea is clean and transparent, if it were not for the excessive activity of water-motor devices such as boats and jet skis with their exhausts, then it would be absolutely beautiful! There is a wooden pier on metal piles, from which it’s great to dive or just go down into the water along the ladder like into a pool, although the bottom of this pier is littered with various construction waste - beams, slabs, piles and other pieces of iron, but this stuff is somewhere around 3.5 meters water. There are also fish that you can feed from the pier.

In the evening, after dinner, there is a rather long break for a mini-disco (for children) and then an evening show. From everything that we saw there, everyone, without exception, liked only one performance - “Russian mermaids”, this is synchronized swimming with elements of a pyrotechnic show. But even here the Turkish electricians managed to cut down the accompaniment music 2 times.
On the rest of the evenings, we walked around the surrounding area, where we found a flock of shops and shops oriented towards the Russian-speaking tourist.

Our holiday program also included one free, so-called sightseeing tour to Antalya. Why "so-called"? Because the person who cannot be called a “guide”, but who accompanied us, did not even know how to read Turkish, and apart from the address of the leather and sheepskin coat store, where we were supposed to be delivered, did not know anything about Antalya. In the end, he left us with the car at this leather store, saying the cherished words “I am being transferred to another program” and ran away in an unknown direction. But the driver with whom we stayed, and who spoke only Turkish, realized very quickly that we wanted to return, and pretty famously took us to the hotel.
Unfortunately, there were cases of theft of things left unattended in the hotel, such as a government-owned beach towel (for which, by the way, you will have to pay 20 euros of compensation upon departure) and sunglasses, which disappeared, but the cap remained ...But, despite everything cons The main mood of the rest is given not by the kitchen and air conditioning in the room, but by a good company with whom you can have fun, even in Marco Polo, even in Las Vegas. Therefore, I send my regards to Vadim and Lena, Vera and Denis, as well as Olya and Natasha, with whom we had a great rest, only we got very tired .. .
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