I do not recommend to anyone!!!!

Written: 29 june 2011
Travel time: 15 — 23 june 2011
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 2.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 3.0
Amenities: 3.0
Good afternoon prospective travelers! I "rested" with my family in this hotel from 06/15/2011 to 06/23/2011. - I do not advise anyone, deceit, swindle, mockery, etc. , but first things first... I want to share my impressions, opinions and feelings of what I saw....
The tour operator PEGAS touristic, the hotel belongs to them - they bought it last year and changed the name, repaired it “in haste and into battle... ” the names deceived her and sent her back here). The hotel is occupied only by residents of Russia and Ukraine…. Foreigners do not go there, or maybe Pegasus is afraid to bring them here (there are a lot of them in the neighboring hotel - Limra) !!!!!
We arrived at the hotel, at the reception, the place is small and not beautiful (usually this is the face of the hotel and it is the most beautiful), a crowd of people and only two employees in the “soap”, they do not have time to do anything. The crowd of vacationers is divided into two categories - one requires check-in, the other requires a change of room..... and as it turned out, every day!! ! Checked in only at 2 o'clock (arrived at 10 o'clock). When buying, a large hotel was promised, with a large territory (the territory of neighboring hotels is captured in the pictures)....In my opinion, the Hotel is overcrowded, the territory does not correspond to the number of tourists and does not seem so big…. Everything resembles an anthill, the beach and the sea are clogged and crowded, the dining room (I don’t dare to call it a restaurant) is an anthill, there are not enough places, everything is busy..... near the pools the same story.....

They settled in a room (bungalow): the room is large, hastily renovated, the furniture is old (repainted several times), the air conditioner is old and barely breathes (on the street 25-27, when it became 33-36 it could not cope). Bathroom - there are no shelves, hooks and tables, one wall is finished with 20-year-old tiles, the rest is painted with paint, under which an extensive fungus is visible, the plumbing is wretched and old...... two towels per person living, a bottle of liquid soap and the same bottle are not understandable shampoos… and that's it (no slippers, no bathrobes, etc. ) !! ! 5 stars, he is ultra clusive - very reminiscent of hotel rooms in the remote provincial cities of Russia....!!! ! Cracks on the ceiling of the room dispersed before our eyes, the doors are skewed, the drawers do not close... everywhere is twilight - they save on lighting. They gave out one key card per family, no matter how much they asked for the second, they didn’t give (they were tied to each other, they couldn’t go anywhere, it’s very inconvenient)....In the bar of the room there are 6 bottles of 0.2 liters. cola, fanta and mineral water - everything is local, it tastes like poison, he forbade the child to drink - he poured everything into the sink....Oh, I forgot to write - a room for the disabled, although there are no such people in the family..... !!! ! The room was cleaned according to an incomprehensible schedule, they could not be cleaned at all, they could clean and change linen every day....But they didn’t strain, they cleaned up poorly.....
The territory is green, in some places well-groomed and beautiful. Not to say that the territory is small, but in my opinion, for such a large number of residents, it should be twice as large....Very beautiful mountains around. The paths in the hotel are mostly old and painted, but there is a meta where new sandstone tiles are laid - beautiful, but very slippery....
There are two pools, not small, but due to the large number of people, they are always crowded... and one pool is always occupied by animation....We often escaped in the indoor pool (third), there are no people there, but the water is very cold, as a result I caught a cold....
The beach - as I already wrote, looks like an anthill (only 100 meters), a lot of people, sunbeds are always busy, you walk over the heads, you swim the same way....We got out of the situation - on the sea in the morning while people are having breakfast, then in the afternoon and in the evening... the pool is on the way to the sea and back, all the sunbeds are also occupied. On the beach they clean up badly, glasses and cigarette butts are lying around, stones are not leveled (in neighboring hotels they do it - I saw it). There is no entertainment on the beach - parachutes, jet skis, etc. outside the hotel - but they bear the symbols of Pegasus....The trick is that outside the hotel, you are not covered by insurance and they are not responsible for you….

The dining room is an anthill, there are not enough places, you have to leave and come again....Food - a lot, varied (at first glance), looks beautiful (but tastes...... ). During feeding, they seem to be clearing the tables, but when it’s like, once at a time it’s not necessary....The apparent variety comes down to zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant and other vegetables stuffed with each other and stewed with each other....There is no meat. . . !! ! Instead of meat - chicken and turkey..... There are a lot of pastries and cakes, beautiful and varied - they taste... plastic, very greasy, sugary and not tasty..... It’s just a disaster with fruits, they gave watermelons and melons grown on nitrates (completely covered with white spots and veins), bananas, unripe cherry plums, apricots and peaches - everything is green, without taste and smell....Drinks are another song!! ! Anything could flow from juice taps, juices do not correspond to the names and are often replaced by water....Coffee - water is also poured instead of milk, the drink itself gets into the glass a little - gruel..... Alcohol !!!!!!!!!!! ! I remind you - the hotel is ultra he kljuziv - alcoholic drinks of local production and at least one imported should be free of charge!!! ! They found an original way out - imported alcohol - our vodka (of dubious quality) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! I tried everything local liquor…. . I don’t advise anyone and nothing – swill of poor quality causing a gag reflex…. I tried to switch to our vodka - after 4 glasses I suffered with heartburn all night..... One beer - Effes, unpretentious (reminiscent of Baltika 3)..... I did not try white and red wine, my wife drank - simply, without taste and smell... The bartenders are polite, they never refuse, they pour if there is - but they wash the glasses themselves and very badly - I came across beer with the remnants of previously used herbs... isn't it 5 stars and ultra clusive - it pulls !!! ! To drive tourists out of the canteen, they found a good way - they turn off the air conditioner and it’s impossible to be there......
The hotel has a tourist service from the tour operator - Pegasus tourist....On the third day of residence, they are asked to fill out a questionnaire with questions about accommodation and wishes. I wrote everything I think and see, my wife too..... My wife was offered to change the number and come up for this the next day at 12 o'clock. The wife came at 12, they said to come at 14 o'clock. I came at 14, with a responsible employee of this service, they came to the reception - there, as always, a crowd of swearing tourists....In general, they were sent to the reception...... "far" - there are no rooms !!! ! The employee again offered to come the next day at 13 o'clock, but the wife already refused, citing that she had come to rest, and not deal with housing issues, and leave after 4 days..... The next day, the employee called me (the next shift left , who did not know anything about the work of the previous) of this service and after reading my profile, offered to meet and discuss my dissatisfaction with the rest, my nerves are not iron and I said everything I think about them and their hotel (on the eve of the evening I made a scandal with them - I will describe below) …. .
While the wife was offered to change the room, they foisted her on - they sold her, a trip to a fish restaurant (by the way, not for 10 dollars per person, as it was said, but already for 15)....Since the food in the canteen is disgusting, I did not mind eating the fish menu (in the canteen they gave fish once). The campaign was purchased at 14:00 on the same day at 19:00. Having dressed appropriately, my family and I went to a fish restaurant on the seashore…. Imagine our surprise that it was closed!!!!! ! Arriving at the reception, to the service of working with tourists (who sold us this adventure), I made a scandal, demanding to return the money..... Representatives of the Pegasus smiled stupidly, spoke memorized phrases, said that they did not solve anything, on the demand to call the manager and the person which solves issues, nothing was done - they just smiled stupidly..... As it turned out, the fish restaurant was closed a long time ago (last year, although the signs and signs remained) and they forgot to tell us about it..... We need to go to another restaurant and there we they will give a fish menu..... On the demand to return the money, the Pegasus representative stated - “. . . Pegasus, never, never returns money to anyone....Once the money has entered the system, it is not possible to return it…. ”!!!! ! As a result, the wife agreed to reschedule the next day…. In the restaurant, after refusing to buy a bottle of paid wine for dinner, interest in us disappeared, they served us reluctantly, showing with all appearance that we had to leave.....
Another interesting point - Pegasus offered a free trip to a large shopping center (in their words) for souvenirs. We reasoned like this - you need souvenirs home, why not go....There were about 20 people like us. We got on the bus, let's go..... The guide says that 1.5 hours is enough for us, we all agreed..... We arrived - where is the shopping center (first question), here - we were pointed to a small two-story structure…… Shock!! ! In 10 minutes, having bypassed this institution, making sure that the prices are 3 times higher than in the hotel shops, all the tourists went to the bus....The guide said that until 1.5 hours had passed, she would not take us anywhere and went to the store..... Leaving only an hour later, she deigned to take us to the hotel (it was a Pegasus representative - in uniform). Everyone was outraged by the wasted time, but they do not care about us..... All tours and excursions offered by Pegasus are 3 times more expensive. Hamam at the hotel costs $55, behind the hotel $15-20, a fishing trip $20, a Pegasus $70….

Draw your own conclusions. My opinion is that the vacation is ruined, it’s a pity for the time and money spent, the hotel hardly draws on 3 stars..... I don’t recommend going to this hotel, even more so to contact Pegasus..... By the way, Pegasus buys up old hotels and creates its own network (we are there we saw several hotels under reconstruction with Pegasus symbols), I think the service there is similar...... The rave reviews about this hotel are surprising - either these are custom reviews, or these people have not eaten anything sweeter than carrots....In general, the Turks have become insolent, the country is dirty, expensive, they are no longer bargaining, the prices are exorbitant, I won’t go to Turkey anymore (at least in the next few years).....
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