With love from Marmaris!

Written: 28 august 2016
Travel time: 7 — 14 august 2016
With love from Marmaris!

It was very scary to fly to Turkey for the second time. After 12 days with a 4-year-old child in the spooky Matiate Hotel, we closed this country for ourselves. If not one "but" - my old dream to visit the Aegean Sea and in particular in Marmaris. I have been to Egypt 5 times already, my heart has been devoted to this country since 2006. But the summer there is probably too hot for us. Greece, Cyprus, Montenegro this year bit their prices, and after the events of July 2016 and the price drop in Turkey decided to take a risk (in all respects ())).

So, the hotel is Nimar Beach Club. Tour operator - TPG (aka - Lemar). Honestly, I heard about him for the first time. But attracted the price of the tour (26 thousand for three, despite the fact that Join Up offers the same hotel for 44 thousand). And the second advantage - convenient departures. Early there (4:45) and quite late back (16:35). Total - 7.5 days at sea.

However, my girl-manager in the travel agency was so confused that she forgot to say that our flight was not from Boryspil, but from Zhulyany.
I'll find out at 7 pm the day before (well, not later))

I feel at home in Zhulyany: literally in March I flew from here with my son Kiryusha to Poland. Great airport! There are no queues at all. At the reception, the girl is surprised by only one suitcase weighing 13 kg. "Is that all? Three? " The man jokes, "I was shocked. "

On the plane (Bravoir Airlines) they feed sandwiches with ham (quite tasty) and cake. Drinks include coffee, tea and lemonade. No juices. After 2 hours and 15 minutes we land gently in Dalaman. The huge airport is deserted. There are catastrophically few tourists. No filling out migration cards, just stamping a visa, that's all. The whole procedure of customs control and receipt of luggage takes 15 minutes by force.

Guides meet near the buses, ours is filled with 70 percent. We do not leave for a long time.
Finally, the guide asks: what happened on the plane, why are the two tourists who have to take our bus now with the police? Surprisingly, no one was raging ...It was decided not to wait for them, they say, they will take them by minibus. At the technical stop (summer fast food area with free toilets and souvenirs) we are brought a "scarecrow". It turns out that the young man has an expired passport. There are 120 days left until the expiration date, and more is needed… Paid a fine.

At the entrance to the city of Marmaris, six people who come to our hotel change to a minibus. We enter a suburb called Yalinka Bogaz. The beauty is incredible! Lots of pine trees drowning in the sea of ​ ​ green mountains… The air is extremely clean!

SETTLEMENT . We drive to the hotel. The small building is reception. Except for us - six tourists and the next manager - no one.

I put $ 10 in my passport (after an unpleasant experience in Kemer I always do so, otherwise greed can turn into a spoiled vacation) and in English I ask for a number not so high, because we are vacationing with an 8-year-old child. The manager understands nods and immediately gives the keys (and I'm already set to cook until 14.00 - have the right).

NUMBER. Slowly follow the doorman, a few steps up and straight… We approach the last building on the first line (only three lines, the third is very high)), our number - 130. The door opens - and I'm ready to shock ))) On the Internet I read reviews about old shabby rooms, dampness in the bathrooms and broken air conditioners. But! Pinch me - or there was a mistake with the hotel, or I'm asleep, or the Internet brazenly lies! Room - with the latest renovation. Very bright! In the hallway - a sliding door wardrobe, opposite which is a bathroom.
I look at him - solid plumbing, new tiles, instead of a bath - a shower unit. We consider further. A new type of air conditioner hanging over the crib is good because the airflow will not blow on the baby. And the main ecstasy is a balcony! ! ! ! ! Wide sliding balcony doors, behind which the SEA! The balcony itself is small. But this species! ! ! ! ! The last time we had a vacation with such a sea view was 10 years ago on our honeymoon (Hurghada, Princess Palace Hotel), and even then for a tip of $ 25. In connection with everything I saw, I have a question: who are all these people who write decent reviews, and on all sites? ! ! ! ! Okay, I later read that in 2015 the hotel was completely renovated (most likely plumbing, air conditioning replaced, rooms refreshed). But still ...Looking ahead, I will say that in the room we spent two siests for 1 hour (maximum) and spent the night. All!
I would like to spend more time here - lying down, reading a book, sitting with a glass of wine on the balcony. But for such an impressive holiday you need to have in stock at least 10-12 "resting" days.

In general, we do not hide our admiration for the room ...The doorman is patiently waiting for his $ 1 tip. I ask about the keys to the safe. "They're at the front desk, I'll bring it now. " “With it free? ». "Free, free" - he convinces me. Free, they say. And in the description of the hotel it is specified for a fee. Okay, let's find out.

INFRASTRUCTURE . It's too early for lunch. All hope for snacks by the pool. We change into the beach, go and be disappointed. In all the Egyptian fives where we were (Sunny Days, Aqua Blue, Sunrise Makadi) and even in the emaciated Turkish quartet (Matiate) sandwich and pizza time were from about 11.00 until noon. Snacks began to be served at 3:30 p. m. , half an hour after lunch. Nekomilfo. Irrational. Amazingly.
Lunch is always richer than breakfast, at this time we were not hungry yet. And it is better to eat such harmful and nutritious food in the morning - the sooner the better. So I tried these snacks only once. A man with a son, maybe 3-4 times by force. Served mainly chicken nuggets (various shapes) and potato sticks. A few vegetables. There were no snacks or pizzas. But back to the first day. There is silence by the pool. No snacks, no people, no music. Unusually quiet. I was upset and my husband was happy because I was tired of music at work (restaurant business). The landscape is pleasing to the eye - a lot of greenery and pine trees, the heat is easily tolerated. Sea view - pool on the terrace. To the sea at hand - across a narrow road with low traffic. Police are on both sides of the crossing. Even if you want to, you won't get married. In the middle of the holiday, Kiryusha was boldly released across the road. What else is available? Bar. Tables on the terrace over the sea.
Table tennis.
Wi-Fi catches well. We - all so impressed - called back to everyone who needs and does not need. Some were shown videos. Bathed in the pool. It's time for lunch.

RESTAURANT . The restaurant is two steps from the pool. It is convenient for us, because we dived more than once after a meal (and even after dinner). The main disadvantage of the restaurant is that it is not glazed. This is a terrace. Yes, with dizzyingly beautiful sea views! But if breakfast and dinner are still at a more or less normal temperature, then lunch… well, what can I say - you float later ((And if you eat hot soup, and even if spicy…) We choose a picturesque table, ie closer to trees, and immediately face the second big disadvantage of the restaurant… And these are wasps! … There are an incredible number of them! Paradoxically, but no mosquitoes… None!

Knowing that I was going to live almost in a coniferous forest, I stocked up on fumigators and mosquito spray (of course, both remained unpublished). But I did not think about wasps. For 8 days I have not heard any complaints that they stung anyone. But to eat in a swarm of wasps - somehow fast. It can just fly into your mouth. In the evening of the same day, a "coffee snack" (as the waiters called it) appeared in the restaurant. Simply: chimney from wasps. They set it on fire and put it on the table for everyone, it helped for a while. But several times this tool ran out. In general, what do I do? We chose the most unfortunate table. Near wasps the most trees. Therefore, in the future we chose tables closer to cold snacks.

NUTRITION. The power supply corresponds to four stars and deserves a solid four. Why not fives? I'm trying to explain.
For lunch and even dinner of first courses to choose from - two types of soup (instead of five, as in 5 *). My husband and I were sick of tomatoes.
Moreover, it was in two variations - acute and non-acute. Who liked it better is easy to guess))) Sometimes in tomato soup floated something like noodles. Sometimes he was clean. The man joked: they heat tomato juice or something. They say: no, soup in broth. Salads and snacks in the range, but always the same. This is neither good nor bad - this is a given of a 4 * hotel. Very tasty potatoes in a peasant way. Not fresh, but real potatoes in the skin with spices. A couple of times I indulged in beer (now I lose extra pounds, but it is impossible to refuse! ). Delicious casserole a la lasagna. Things were worse with hot dishes. There was always a choice between chicken / beef and fish. Most often I had to choose between chicken wings and mackerel (once there was river trout - very tender).
Cooked deliciously, the products are fresh… But a little tired. Quite a bit))) So for food 4, not 5. Oh yes! !!
Sweets - they were plentiful, but we are not fans, so we tried only 2 types of jelly-like substance - delicious. There are also enough fruits - watermelon, melon, oranges, apples, plums and very large and delicious peaches! Always report if the fruit is disassembled.

I don't remember that we ate our first meal, but after that the skin on my stomach tightens, my eyes close… and yes - I want to sleep. Or maybe it's not because of the meal, but the night flight is all to blame? We returned to the room and slept with the whole family (which is rare with our hyperactive boy) until 18:00. After a sweet sleep we wake up with an even sweeter thought: and we have not been at sea!

We leave the air-conditioned room and get ...to the bath. The beginning of the seventh evening, and the temperature does not seem to have dropped by a degree. Hot!
We go down the stairs from our building, go in the direction of the beach and see the gate, from which to the waterfront at hand. But they are closed.
You have to make a small circle and go through the reception. By the way, there is an unpleasant surprise waiting for us: there is an announcement: "Safe: 2 euros per day. " And they said "fries". Unpleasant, but not deadly (we took the key to the safe before going to sleep). Also, the same doorman was asked about beach towels during the day. Everywhere on the Internet it was written that they simply do not exist in this hotel. Like, offer to buy in a shop at the hotel (I do not remember how much). I was scared of this schedule and took two thin beach towels from home. So the doorman's answer was this: $ 20 bail for 2 towels. You can withdraw money on the day of departure. They consulted with her husband and decided: well, they with their pledge, in vain dragged their own, or what?

BEACH. And so, crossing the narrow road that we are on the beach .
Go left - platform. Go to the right - a large pebble. Apparently, there used to be a pontoon between the two parts of the beach (I saw it in some old photos).
That's just not enough. It was so hot that I wanted to run headfirst and straight into the water. We mostly took seats (although they always were) on the platform. First, lying under the pines is more pleasant than under umbrellas - and there are huge crowns and always shade. Secondly, on the platform the feet are always clean (not in the sand and not in small pebbles). And thirdly, closer to the bar. My husband and I are not non-drinkers - I drink beer (during the day) and wine (in the evening), and he loves gin and tonic, rum, cola and more. I have never tasted his drinks, but he says that the alcohol is good.

So, it was on the beach and on the day of arrival that we met the people who made our vacation.

Oil painting: a bar on the beach, which has everything - hot and strong drinks, lemonade and beer… There is no bartender! And this is normal. As we learned later, there is a problem with the hotel staff. It is not enough.
At lunch, the same bartender could serve at the pool bar and on the beach. At lunch, the bartenders were especially excited. By the way, most bartenders and waiters are very young (and I wanted to ask: how old are you, young man? ). Probably forging on vacation. And in their honor, the guys behaved very decently (I always remember the case when at the Hotel Matiate impudent bartender barely threw glasses on the bar and once said to her husband: how much do you take here, you left at least once a dollar. How do you even understand ? ? ?? ). There were few staff in Nimari, and the Turks had not yet learned how to teleport and clone, so the beach bar was often empty. There was already a queue at the counter.
My child reaches for the tap with Coca-Cola, of course, can not reach, and here is a very tall man in line: come on, little one, help. This is Gena from Kharkiv. Two meters tall, possibly in the past - a basketball player. Gene poured not only Kirill's cola, then everyone went for a beer.
Well, self-service is a normal practice here - the bartenders were not offended.

MEETING WITH A GUIDE . The next day we broke records in the air. The man said that the days of rest were too few, and he and his son would not go to the room during the day. They will sit in the pool. The word was restrained, but there were side effects: with a very plague head, he cut down immediately after dinner. I decided not to experiment anymore. I went to my room in the afternoon, but spent no more than an hour there. The child woke up and pulled to the beach. It was decided that at 18.00 I would go to a meeting with the guide. I take vouchers, tickets, insurance, and go straight to the reception building. The guide was Anna.

By all accounts, Russian, age - 30+. She is pleasant in communication - she did not hang noodles on her ears, did not impose excursions too much… But what she threw away does not go to any gate on the last day (more on this later). At the meeting it turned out that Gena from Kharkiv came with a very solid company - only 9 people.
His first request to the guide - whether it is possible to replace the bed with a large one, because the child is not contained. A 14-15 year old girl is also very tall - here they are, genes Genes! In honor of the guide, I note that the meeting began with our questions and requests, not excursions. I deviate from the topic: my godmother, who was vacationing with a 2-year-old godson in Kemer, was outraged that the whole meeting with the guide was reduced to: culture (Not them, sorry, right: who and why goes) and 2) buy tours and ONLY from us. The guide did not answer any questions about the hotel's infrastructure.
Anna was just pleased with the lack of "morality". I ask a question about the safe. The answer more than satisfied me: it used to be paid, now it's free, because it's a very bad season, everything for tourists… Nice. I ask about excursions that interest me: Pamukkale and the Aegean Islands.
I wanted to get to Pamukkali a long time ago - it would seem that now is the time. There are few tourists. According to the guide, there are no buses from Antalya now. If earlier there were up to 60 buses in the parking lot, now there are 10 (all from the Aegean coast). Plus it's only a 3 hour drive… But there are big "buts". Our shilopopiy Kiryusha will definitely not withstand such a trip and will whine. Leave with your husband and go alone? Well, yes, an option (albeit boring). I ask the price: 56 dollars. Hmm… Before that, I went through the prices in Marmaris travel agencies with my own websites: you can leave for $ 40. And the second tour - the Aegean Islands.
Before the presentation of this tour, Anna secretly asked: what sea did we come to? Everyone answered in unison: in the Aegean. But the guide disappointed everyone: in Marmaris - the Mediterranean Sea, and its surroundings Aegean. Well. . On the tour, by the way, met people from the hotels of Marmaris, who are sincerely convinced that bathing in the Aegean. Well, well, "I'm glad to be deceived. "

In general, the fact is that visiting the Aegean Islands was my old dream. The only dilemma was: to take a tour of several islands or just the island of Cleopatra. Anna urged Cleopatra, because on the islands mostly hang out young people from the "threes" - there is music and eternal fun. And why did she decide that it was a minus? ))) The price of a tour of Cleopatra - 46 for an adult and 10 for a child. Where do you get such prices? ? ? So why Daisy Tours - $ 33 per adult and free child?
And we go to sea on one yacht, and go by no less comfortable bus, and so we have "all inclusive". After hearing the prices, I had no more questions about the tours. But by the end of the meeting I was tired. A lady from Lviv with her 12-year-old son immediately decided what she wanted for Dalyan (Turkish Venice): "Let me give you money quickly, and we'll go swimming" (also the right approach, I think! ).
Anna takes the money and suddenly realizes that she has misled the lady with the price: "Oh, your child is not small, you have to pay $ 10 for it. " The lady was not confused: Yes, no, 12 years is big, let it be small. Puts money on the table without giving up and goes to the exit. Anna, confused, "Well, if they demand, you will pay extra for him on the spot. " Here is the right approach! Then there were questions about a trip to the Greek island of Rhodes. Tempting! In short, Schengen owners cost $ 60 a ferry ticket, at 9 am there, at 5 o'clock back.
A walk through Rhodes is independent. For those who are unlucky with Schengen (as I am, unfortunately! ), With a visa (for 3 working days) the trip will cost $ 150. Unfortunately, it disappears. But even tourists with Schengen did not go.
As the woman, who is resting in our hotel alone, was indignant in a tete-a-tete conversation: ». In general, I understand everything with the tours: I book on the site "Daisy Tours". By the way, there was another free tour of the city, but we do not bite on this: imported to the "fed" supermarkets, where prices are appropriate. But to my surprise, all Kharkiv residents and ladies from Lviv signed up for this tour.

ANIMATION. At dinner the next day, a handsome guy sitting at the next table looked at me suspiciously. A couple of minutes later he spoke to me in pure Russian.
The next question is: where did you come from and do you like it here? We really liked everything, so the conversation settled down. It turned out to be an animator. Wow! !!

As soon as I or my husband saw Peppa on the horizon, they immediately stabbed Kiryusha: Peppa came for your soul))) He has not given up in recent days and ran away from her. As for animation in general, the guys tried, but weakly. Once there was a fun game: to get spoons from the bottom of the pool. Played with two teams. Our Kirill got two spoons, although he was not in any of the teams))) But then, all the following days Kiryusha followed Maruf and asked: will there be a game today? He replied that not enough people were going, but if you want, I will play anything with you personally. Respect for readiness, but Cyril did not want anything.
For 7 days there were 2 evening shows with invited artists - belly dance (and a transvestite dances) and a fakir show. On other evenings - light music in the bar, wine and interesting conversations (including from Martha).
Oh yes, one evening we decided to walk towards the city: to take pictures, and there was hope to reach the cafes, which we saw on the way to the hotel. These cafes turned out to be too far away, they did not reach them. They returned and told about the promenade of Marufu. He was pleased that it is dangerous and wild boars are found here. All is well that ends well.

DAY TRAIN TO THE CITY. There is a free shuttle bus from the hotel twice a day (10.30 and 14.30), which takes you back in two hours. Well, if someone did not have time - get there on their own. Well, it is very convenient for partygoers: at 21:30 the same shuttle bus goes in one direction - in Marmaris. On the 4th day of rest we were bored at the hotel, and at 14.30 we rushed to the city.
The bus is very comfortable, air-conditioned, the views of the city are mesmerizing. At the entrance to Marmaris - a luxurious marina. Here it is - the happiness of an esthete! But everything changes the second the bus door opens. The street is hot! Hell of a breath ...
First of all, we go to the Migros supermarket to exchange money. It was recommended to us by guide Anna. You can pay in dollars and get a delivery in Turkish lira at the normal rate. In the market we cool down, take an inflatable ball and cold water. We get the rest in lira, yes! The course is normal (1:28). Next we go towards the waterfront. We pass a beautiful square with singing fountains (according to Anna, the evening show of fountains was closed after the July events). We take photos very quickly, because it is unbearable to stand in one place. Then we come to the waterfront. It is somewhat reminiscent of Yalta, and Marmaris himself reminded me a bit of this city. Located like in a bowl - between the mountains.

We go a little further to the marina, and splash into the water on the first city beach - and it seems that our bodies are still steaming))). Cyril and I are the only ones bathing - the man said it was dirty and decided to wait for us on the waterfront, sitting on a bench.
There is some truth in his words. Compared to our "suburban" sea, urban - dirty. The shore is sandy, but the sand is not white, but dark. That's it and muddy swimsuits, creating a muddy color of water. We shopped, changed clothes, ate Turkish ice cream and quickly ran to our shuttle. In general, we planned to stay here until the evening, and when it gets dark, walk around the cafe-souvenirs. But no! By the evening we will melt. Already on the bus I have a terrible thought: maybe my desire to go to Pamukkale is a mistake? I have to go there a lot and what will happen to me under such sun? As soon as we arrived at Yalinka Bogaz, it became easier to breathe.
And it became even easier for me when I received an answer by e-mail: there are no more places in Pamukkai. I exhaled! ! ! ! ! Well, I'll go back to Marmaris again and go with the company, not alone. And the second message: The Aegean Islands have places for Friday.
But the transfer to the city is independent: by minibus, which departs from your hotel at 9.00. You will be greeted by our guide at the Migros supermarket. That's good!

THE MOST HAPPY DAY. On Thursday morning, a lady from Lviv and her son were seen swimming. Did you like the trip to Dalyan? Did you pay extra for the child? - I ask. It turned out that I did not have to pay extra, I really liked the tour, and their names are Eugene and Dmitry. We talked. Eugenia was so "appetizing" about the trip that she wanted to go to Dalyan.
They saw, caught and ate blue crabs, contemplated the tombs in the rock directly from the ships, and were lucky enough to see large turtles called "Carriage-carriage" (by the way, a couple of Kharkiv residents who went on the same tour, but another day, not lucky) turtles were). A sea of ​ ​ admiration and impressions. I also learned a paradoxical thing from Eugenia: it turns out that the beer in our hotel is non-alcoholic.

How much I drank - weak, but with a degree. I ask her where she found out. It turns out that such a rumor was spread by Kharkiv residents. When they went on a sightseeing tour of the city together, Gena insisted that the guide stop at a store to buy "normal" beer. And then everything is clear: for a two-meter gene may be non-alcoholic. That's exactly what it is for me. Less than a few hours later, the same Gene made himself known. Loud and brutal. I'm lying on the beach and I hear someone arguing very expressively near the recipe.
"I said $ 5 and no more! Or I'll punch you in the face now! ». And then the incomprehensible text of the opponent in Turkish-English. I do not belong to the gaps, but I did not stay here. I went out of the beach to the reception and saw a picture: Gene in swimming trunks and barely able to stand on his feet, another Kharkiv resident (for some reason he is dressed and with a purse in his hands) swearing at a taxi driver.
Eugenia and I decided to buy one for two (plus one gift, along with a cocktail per person). I was unpleasantly surprised that we chose cocktails from the menu on the table, but the bartender got a completely different price: they say that only these cocktails are on sale. Well, the price there is an average of 10 lira ($ 3 higher). Free cocktail - well, well, a good marketing move. Well, on the other hand, clubs need to spin somehow. Entrance to all establishments on Bars Street is free, so the prices are set by various "promotions".
They danced wonderfully - fun and passionate. No one clung to the girls. The music was tolerable. Impressed by the performance of Peppy's pig. She told her husband the next day. He, however, does not know what a tverk, promised to show))) Although I, like her, will not work. Really clockwork girl. But even more than the tverk, I was struck by the night Marmaris. Maruf took me and Eugenia away from the noise of the club and gave us a tour.
Near every club on the Street of Bars are called, and there are prostitutes (in my opinion, even men). Everywhere thunders and blows carelessness. We leave the Street of Bars on the waterfront and get to the parking lot of the most beautiful yachts. Yachts are also bustling with life - their residents drink champagne with ice, talk, watch the Olympics… We went to several shops. Eugenia is keenly interested in all sorts of painted plates, butterflies. . I find out that she is an artist and teaches at the Lviv Academy of Arts.

The acquaintance becomes even more pleasant - a lot of new topics for conversation. We return to the club, dance, and at 3 o'clock in friendly company we go to the hotel. However, while waiting for our minibus, there was a feeling that not 3 o'clock at night, but rush hour at a public transport stop. To the homeless people rocking the city at night - darkness. Upon arrival, we wake up peacefully sleeping in our room Dmitry and on the beds.
There are 4 hours left to sleep…

EXPORTS TO CLEOPATRA AND THE AEGEAN ISLANDS. Woke up at 7:30. Unfortunately, I was the first to go to the bathroom ...And I saw an uninvited guest there - a lizard climbed up to us in the sink (window without a mosquito), and can not get out. Because the beast was a bright green color, I was afraid to touch it. From the biology course (or maybe from the Discovery program? ) I remember that brightly colored reptiles are often poisonous. In general, I brushed my teeth and washed in the shower, not over the sink. She forbade the beast to touch her husband, much less her son.
The cleaners left him - she already knows exactly what to do with him. We had breakfast quickly, at 9.00 we boarded a minibus. Fare 3.25 lira per person, the child was not taken (which was a pleasant surprise). At the end of the supermarket "Migors" there was an idea that no guide will meet us and we will return to the hotel now… I did not have time to think of an idea, I was immediately shouted: "Natalia? ».
The woman is well over 50, as it turned out later - Lyuba. Here we pay for the tour and go to the heel near the fountains - there we have to pick up the bus. Anyone calls someone and announces the good news: the bus is now gathering tourists at hotels, and we will be the last (I hate this hour-long meeting! ) Well, great. Don't we want some tea? "- Asks Luba. Of course we want to. We go to the nearest street cafe, order tea, and Kiryusha - orange juice. I was very surprised that Lyuba did not pay the bill - she paid for it herself. Well, that's a trifle, but nice.
For 20 minutes we talk with interest on various topics. It turns out that Luba went to Turkey in the 90s, worked long and hard as a cook, received citizenship, now lives and has a small business in Marmaris. Her son created a tour desk "Daisy Tours" with easy navigation on the site and democratic prices. I recommend to everyone for the future.

The water is this turquoise color, and in the open sea it turns sharply blue. This color gives the water the finest white sand. According to legend, he was brought here in galleys at the request of Cleopatra, who lived on this island and was so bored with her native Egypt that her second husband Mark Anthony was forced to give such an order. The island was opened to tourists 8 years ago, and they did not hesitate to rush here with bottles, which were collecting miracle sand. That is why now there is a strip of 10 meters from the sand on the shore, which is protected from tourists.
There are security guards in the booth, whistling to all the careless tourists who looked at the sand. That is, you can not lie on the sand. It's already bad. Well, the second significant disadvantage - a lot of people bathe in the bay, do not push! And this is a bad season for them! And what is going on here for good? We find free sunbeds in the shade of olive trees and take turns going swimming.
Impressions after the tour: because of the heat is very tiring. I'm surprised that on the Red Sea I can go on a sea excursion at least every day and I don't get tired. But there the corals, the underwater world and the head are most of the time under water, not in the sun. My advice to tour operators: cut exactly in half. Make an early departure, lunch, not lunch, clean up swimming in one of the bays - and return tourists to 15-15:30 at the hotel. They will be happy!

OUR Slipper NINJA .
On the way back on the bus we sit next to an African-American family (two dark women, two white men and four black children, the child himself - a year and several months). I was thinking all day - where did they come from with such pure English? In the bus, curiosity prevails, and I still ask the black woman in the tattoos where they are from. "From California. " Wow, that's a shock! How did you get here?
How many flew, and even with such a crumb… We get off the bus where we sat and remember that on the island of Cleopatra, Cyril broke his Vietnamese. There are no spare parts, only sandals. We run first to the stop - we learn that our minibus in 10 minutes, and then to Migros. There are flip flops, but none of our size! Thoughts accompany our minibus at 18:30, the next at 19:00. We run to the shops. In the first - no size. In the second - Hallelujah - is our size, but Cyril does not like Vietnamese.

It's time to sort it out! Why? - I ask. - "Because in it I can not be a slipper ninja")))) The man angrily rounds his eyes… And I know who these slipper ninjas are))) And you? There are two very strange video bloggers - grown men, but, apparently, never grew up.
Periodically, they make a video review of Lego Ninjago toys, and in order to somehow attract attention and gather more likes, in each review they play scenes from the life of a ninja. One of the scenes looked something like this: "I'm a sneaker ninja and I'll kill you with my sneaker (throws a flip-flop off the opponent's leg), and I'm a sneaky ninja… (the opponent's cap flies). " In general, in the understanding of Cyril, to be a ninja slipper, you need to wear a Vietnamese not very close to the foot, so that at any moment you can swing it at the opponent. There were no such slippers in the store. Let's go to the next one and - miraculously - find it! 10 lira is the price of the question. But only on the clock is 18.59.
We took a break from the tour all day on Saturday. But in the afternoon no one went to the room again - let's sleep at home! They bathed, hid in the shade of pine trees, poured themselves beer and cola, relaxed by the pool, in the evening called the chef to personally thank and say goodbye.
Well, closer to the evening we were waiting for the guide Anna with information about the flight. After dinner we go to the reception - there is no printout of departures. Kharkivites were bored and already in a panic, they had to leave at 7 am and leave the hotel at 3 am. Anna is called on Viber - she does not answer. Time about 22.00… Well, I've never met such a thing! Suddenly there is a message - a screen of the list of departures tomorrow - 9 Kharkiv residents. And our second screen - only the three of us fly away. And the message, they say, pass here to these tourists from Kiev. It seems that Kharkiv residents should know us in person ...What if they spat and didn't hand us over or didn't find us? In general, the negligence of the highest degree.

Kharkiv residents say goodbye to us in a friendly group and go by numbers. We also do not stay long. In the morning - collection of suitcases. For some reason, our only bag does not fasten, and after all, beach accessories should be tucked in after bathing. How so, after all bought nothing?
The airport is just as empty… Our flight is the only one departing at this time. But at the same time the queue for registration is huge, because there are only 2 service personnel. The air conditioners worked, the flight was not delayed, and thank you. There is almost no time (and desire) left for duty-free. Immediately after our registration (we were the last to pass it), landing through the sleeve began. There are a few empty seats on the plane (which is strange for the season). We take off very quickly - almost without accelerating. Calm at heart.
I look out the window, one thought in my head: I want to come back here. No, there is probably another opinion: thank you, Marmaris, for changing my opinion of Turkey and falling in love with it ...
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original