The cutest hotel

Written: 31 july 2008
Travel time: 1 — 8 august 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Rested with a friend in this hotel from late August to early September 2007!
About the preferences of hotel managers
Miraculously got to this hotel, because. ONLY Brits are taken there!! ! Then the hotel workers explained to us that, having received an application from Russia, they did not want to take us, but when they saw that 2 Russian girls of 20 years old wanted to come there, they agreed and made us an indulgence! The travel agency did not tell us anything about this, we chose the hotel ourselves, not knowing about country restrictions... that's why we waited so long for confirmation!
About entertainment
It was an unforgettable vacation!! ! The staff is extremely friendly, the hotel has a cafe FRIENDS, where only lighters work!! ! in the evenings, sometimes I didn’t want to leave this cafe, everything was so fun there! Once a week, TURKISH NIGHT is arranged, belly dancers, hiphoppers perform in a modest cafe, barbecues are prepared))) mmmm. . .

Location in relation to the sea and the center
To go to the sea - 1.5 - which is insanely nice))) In my opinion, this is the 1st line. To the center and BAR STREET - 15 minutes of a quiet walk, which can not but rejoice when you return from there at 5 am)))
About food
The food here is only breakfast, but for those who like to save money or eat in different cafes - that's it!! ! We got up in the morning, ate, and the rest of the time either ate in a cafe at the hotel, where prices are very democratic, or in various cafes in Marmaris, of which there is a great variety
The only negative is the sidelong glances of the elderly and not only ladies from England. Yes, English women do not differ in beauty and figure, and therefore they rest away from pretty Russian girls. What was their disappointment when they saw us in the hotel))) Oblique glances and various sharp statements addressed to us, we provided ourselves for the rest....
And so - the hotel for 5+!! ! I WANT THEM MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!
Have a nice holiday!!! !
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