Written: 4 october 2012
Travel time: 7 — 14 september 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 9.0
To be honest, I thought I would come - and immediately write a HUGE review. To tell as much as possible and share with all those who are interested. And then work began to spin it has become uncomfortable that everyone is writing - and I am silent. And there were emotions - the SEA! And all are good! And so I hasten to fulfill my intention.

So. We were in Turkey for the first time. We were traveling with a large company (6 people, including two children), including an elderly father, so the choice of a hotel was approached very carefully and scrupulously. After the advice of the girls from the travel agency, they decided to stop their attention at the GRAND YAZICI CLUB TURBAN hotel, Marmaris.
And as it turned out later - they never regretted it!

However, in order.


Dalaman airport welcomed us with excellent sunny weather, while there was absolutely no heat (this thought accompanied us all 7-odd days that we were there). They said this was due to the lack of strong humidity (which is surprising, because the sea is very close, but it's a fact! )
We got off the plane through the "sleeve" - ​ ​ went to the airport, passed the passport control booth - and now we are in Turkey!
At the exit from the airport, a smiling guide Alexei was waiting for us (we went through the Tez tour). We plunged into the bus - and went to Marmaris. On the way, Alexei gave a lot of interesting and necessary information + answered the questions asked.
One stop on the way - at a picturesque bus stop (rather not even a stop - but a Turkish-style mini-bazaar), where those who wish could buy souvenir drinks or just go to the WC - and again on the road. The road to Marmaris took a little less than 2 hours, it was a pleasure to ride in a large comfortable bus. The only bad thing is that after a night flight (departure from Kyiv at 5 am, we arrived at the airport at 2:50 am), the eyes closed by themselves, and it was difficult to survey the beauties ...

But now - from the serpentine, a beautiful view from above of the bay, in which Marmaris sheltered ...
VERY BEAUTIFUL - everyone who was there for the first time seemed to have this thought, it was evident from the eyes looking down through the windows of the bus ...

Driving through the narrow streets of the city (driver Mustafa skillfully turned the wheel, dodging a large bus where it was sometimes difficult to drive a small car), unloading vacationers at various hotels - all this took 30-40 minutes. With each one, Alexey left, escorting to the reception ...And now - the penultimate stop - our CLUB TURBAN.
I have already managed to carefully study it from photographs taken by vacationers and posted on different sites, but anyway - to say that I liked it means to say nothing! It was great! Beautiful hotel and stunning nature on site. However, everyone writes about it - and I am no exception : )

We were met by the hotel guide Lena Shevchenko (they work on the Tez tour together with the Turkish girl Binaz. By the way, I could not remember this name right away).

Seeing that a large company had arrived (and we ordered 2 "standard" rooms), she offered us to take a 3-room marine suite for all. Who does not know yet - this is one of the best rooms in this hotel, the first line (right next to the beach).
Of course we agreed and were very grateful to her.
True, the room was being cleaned when we arrived (and it was being cleaned for quite some time), but we left our things - took our bathing suits - and went to the beach! Fortunately, he was 5 meters from our room.

I would like to say a few words about the room in which we were lucky to have a rest. These are rooms overlooking the sea (and a terrace). Their numbers are 1905-1914. We rested in 1908. Whoever has the opportunity - do not miss to be in these rooms ...for those who do not like to sleep in the morning - there was an opportunity to admire the incomparable dawn - sitting in an armchair on the terrace to watch the sun rise over the mountains - islands protecting the bay...

Room cleaning.
The whole week that we rested (except for the last day), we were cleaned by a very pleasant, smiling Turkish woman Sevge (her name sounds something like this). Naturally, every day they left a tip (1-2 dollars), as they say, "it's not a pity for a good person. " Cleaning was top notch, nothing to complain about. Maybe we're lucky here...

Beach and sea.
The beach - as I said - was literally a few steps away from us. The beach is really small, but there was enough space for everyone.
True, I was a little surprised by the approach of our (and not only) people, who, even before 7 in the morning, were in a hurry to take several sunbeds, covering them with hotel bathing towels. Seeing this picture on the second day after arrival, I confess, I succumbed to this myself ...fortunately, it was very close for me to go ...and also, getting up early, "secured" 3-4 sunbeds for us (fortunately, there were 6 of us).
The eldest son swam in the pool more often than in the sea, there was a company of children of his age ...

In the sea, I was a little upset by the presence of tiny fish that bit quite noticeably on the legs. They say that these fish are specially used for peeling - removing dead skin from the legs. They bit unpleasantly - but for 2-3 days they got used to them, and did not pay much attention. Moreover, they only bit those who stood in the water, as if hinting - "Don't stand, swim! ". The swimmers were not touched.
I will say right away - this is the ONLY moment that caused ...a slight unpleasant sensation during the entire holiday. By and large - a trifle, but since I am writing about everything, I mentioned this as well.

A lot has been written about it here. I do not want to repeat myself, I will only say that the food was quite varied, and could satisfy almost any taste.
A lot of fruits - watermelons, melons, pears (I was very surprised, I have not seen such pears in Ukraine), plums, peaches, grapes of different varieties.
Variety of sweets.
I never tried all the varieties in the 7 days that we were - I did not have time.
Meat and fish. Everything except pork was. As already mentioned here, in the evenings - grill, for lunch - just cutlets, shish kebab, I don’t remember everything ...
The drinks. We drank only beer (by the way, their beer - Efes - turned out to be pretty decent) and wine, we simply didn’t take others.
From wine I advise you to take white. Slightly worse - pink. Red...frankly rather weak, but you can also drink : )
In general, the food was wonderful.

From the memorable - in the morning the guy fried omelettes with cheese, herbs and tomatoes. A line immediately formed for him - in-1, it was very tasty, and in-2, it was just interesting to watch how he, literally juggling two frying pans at the same time, turned these omelettes over. A feast for the eyes and only ...sorry, on the last day he was no longer there, obviously, his shift was over. But those who were in the period September 7-13, I'm sure they will remember him.

Recreation, entertainment.
I must say right away - those who want an active holiday in a hotel are not here for you : ) In this regard, the hotel is rather weak ...But it also positions itself as a hotel for couples.

In the evenings, various entertainment shows were held in the amphitheater, some were just great, some...let's just say, a little vulgar (I won't go into much detail, but obviously the Turks have slightly different ideas about our holiday culture). In general - there was something to see - but no more.

I will not be mistaken if I say that 90% of the guests of this hotel are families with children. There were many children of all ages in the hotel (my two were added to them - 12 years old and 4 years old). Naturally, noisy and noisy ...By the way, I almost never saw really young couples there (although there were such ones too).
For children in the evenings, the animators arranged a traditional disco in the mini-club. My youngest, seeing once what it is, literally ran there every evening, only hearing the first sounds of music ...
All the parents gathered around, the spectacle of dancing and having fun children is something! And when at the end the children made a "living train" - and the parents got up two by two to form a tunnel through which this "train" went was just great! We met a couple from Kyiv - they rested with a daughter of the same age as mine - they came to this hotel for the second time in a row ...
During the day for children - a great playground (there are many photos of it). There are children's shallow pools, in general - it is clear that families with children were waiting here.

The shops.
They organized a shopping tour for us, but in fact we only visited a leather factory. A huge two-story building stuffed with leather goods. Smiling seller Oktay, who speaks excellent Russian...You have to bargain "to the limit". As a result, I increased my wardrobe for a good long "leather jacket", which I planned to take for the fall.
Subsequently, walking along the main street, we came across a very interesting store "Majectic" (the owner is a certain Sener Yildirim, the name is copied from his business card). Great (really great) selection of jackets. When my wife liked one thing, but the size didn’t fit, he put us in his Audi and took us to another store (large), where they reviewed and tried a lot of jackets’s a pity that I didn’t choose anything (in my deep conviction, there there was plenty to choose from! ).

We talked, when asked how he knew Russian so well (which was a rarity for Marmaris in general), the owner said that he had a bride from Kyiv.
By the way, he said that hotel guides take vacationers to specific stores (with which there are agreements on a percentage of purchases). At the same time, tourists from Russia are taken to some places (“they have more money than Ukrainians”), from Ukraine to others ...

Almost everywhere, settlements were carried out in four currencies at once: Turkish lira, British pounds, euros and US dollars. At the same time, prices were set immediately in 4 currencies, and you choose what to pay in.
It was very unprofitable to change currency at the hotel - for example, there the dollar to Turkish lira exchange rate was 1.60, and in Marmaris itself - 1.75-1.76. At the same time, in the "exchangers" it is necessary to clarify whether there is a commission for the exchange. True, many have already put up signs "No commission" (No commision) themselves.

The language of communication.
I will say right away - for those who do not know English at all, it will be difficult in Marmaris. The hotel staff and sellers in the city speak Turkish, some generally ONLY Turkish, many know English (who is better, who is worse). Only a few people spoke Russian (and if they did, it was already very good), so it would be difficult to communicate without English.

Hotel staff.
Very responsive, smiling boys and girls.
The only bad thing is that many people spoke only Turkish (the receptionist and some waiters - in English), sometimes it was impossible to explain what you want : ) But ...these are trifles.

Almost everyone goes on excursions. I will say what many have said before me - you should not take excursions from a hotel guide. It is better to leave the hotel, walk literally 200-300 meters - in the city you can buy the same excursions 2-2.5 times cheaper! This is real!

For example, a trip "through the Aegean Islands", which we were offered for $50 per person, could be bought at a booth at the exit of the hotel on the embankment (in front of the beach) from a guy named Charlie for $20! And in the city they saw an advertisement for the same excursion - for $ 22 + all inclusive! This is essential, because drinks on the ship are quite expensive : ) if you pay separately.

The bus to the airport was supposed to leave at 5:25. The items were prepackaged.
A call to the reception - with a request to send a porter (they drive around the territory in electric vehicles). They said it was enough to say one word "Baggage". A porter arrived, loaded the suitcases, loaded themselves (those who fit in, the rest walked on foot).
Exactly at 5:25 a bus pulled up, accompanied by Alexei, whom we already knew. We loaded things - and went to collect vacationers throughout Marmaris.
At 7:50 we arrived at the airport. I was surprised that the Turks forced me to go through a metal detector twice (in Ukraine - and then once! ), I had to take off everything - a belt, a mobile phone, a watch, etc.
We held the queue for check-in for a little long, as a result, we started accepting luggage - issuing coupons about 1.5 hours before departure. Nearby, they lazily arranged a flight to Munich - there were 3-4 Germans on 3 racks. And at the "Rose of the Winds", for 2 racks, - all 180 people : ) But this, by and large, was trifles. I just wanted to go home...
The plane took off 40 minutes later than planned, and at 12:50 we were already at the Boryspil airport.
A wonderful journey has come to an end...

Although I wrote a lot, I may have missed something. I will be happy to answer any questions about the hotel.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original