The truth about holidays in Nena

Written: 9 june 2010
Travel time: 26 may — 5 june 2010
Rest time: 26.05. 2010-5.06. 2010

Sandy beach, well-groomed territory.

Meals, rocky and abrupt entrance to the sea, attendants.

To begin with, we took the tour at Coral Travel, which is near the Tushinskaya metro station a week before departure. Manager Olga stated that club Nena, the exclusive hotel Coral. There is exclusive animation, very chic food and in general we will not regret our choice. It was not the first time we went to Turkey.
After paying for the tour, for a very long time I could not get tickets in my hands. Received them after the scandal a few hours before departure.

They flew to Antalya without delay, they drove to the hotel without incident after more than two hours. Posted pretty quickly. The room is standard no frills. Then it turned out that the air conditioner was leaking. Left a request, fixed the second time. Cleaned the room average. Cleaning schedule is weird. Each time at a different time. Sometimes the corridors smelled of sewage.
The beach is sandy, but the entrance to the sea is pebbly and very sharp. Difficult to enter even for adults.
There are 2 swimming pools on the territory of the hotel: 1. Relax pool - is located far from the sea, there are few people, but in the heat there is no shade and it is very hot. Adjacent to this pool is a knee-high children's pool. 2. Large pool - there are slides, all the animation is there. Very noisy and very crowded. There were accidents when animators jumped on children, doing another somersault.
Strange as it may seem, but I have never seen pools cleaned (although in other hotels this has always been the case). But there was a lot of chlorine in the pool. It smelled strongly. If a child accidentally swallowed water in the pool, then his stomach hurt. There was also a children's pool with a small slide next to the big one. My child was up to his knees.
The slides are so-so. Yellow and orange are fine, but it's impossible to drive on green. I had to push all the time in order to somehow go down, otherwise you would get stuck. Doesn't go at all.
There were problems with sunbeds by the pool and sunbeds on the sea. Must be done at 7:00.
Beach towels are changed free of charge by cards. You receive from 8-30 to 12-00, and you hand over from 16-00 to 18-00. There was an unpleasant incident with the change of towels. They refused to change towels for free on the second day, demanding $ 3 for each towel. Contacting the front desk resolved this issue.
The territory of the hotel is declared as 100.000 sq. meters, but this is not felt. Since in fact there is only one path on which you can walk, and there is nowhere else to go. So there are pandemoniums on the track.

But the biggest minus of the hotel is the FOOD. During the rest they were fed semi-finished products. These are nuggets, spicy cutlets, spicy fish, powdered mashed potatoes, powdered pancakes. Often, what was not eaten for lunch was served warm for dinner. And every day one of them too. If there was something tasty, then for this it was necessary to defend for 15 minutes.
And even then, this was not enough for everyone. Exclusive of this hotel are - QUEUES. They are behind everything and at any time, whenever you come to the restaurant. Lines for french fries, chicken, pancakes and even fruit. I had to stand for 10 minutes for a watermelon. There is no declared children's table as such. Of the fruits there were: watermelons (always), melons (breakfast, dinner), apples (for some reason, only for dinner), oranges (only for dinner), green plums (dinner), strawberries were given once (and this is in season !! ) , 2 times apricots. There were very few strawberries and apricots and this was enough for 10 minutes. They didn't deliver anymore.
Before my eyes, there was a case when a Russian boy picking up a chicken got his hands on the hands of a Turkish woman for allegedly putting a lot of chicken on his plate. And this is a 5* hotel?? ! !
Grilling outside for dinner. Mostly either fish or chicken breasts. The chef stood at the distribution, who applied exactly 2 pieces. When asked to report more, he refused.
Once standing in line with a child at the grill, the chef put 2 pieces of chicken breast on my plate and refused to put the same chicken on the child's plate. After the indignation, he still imposed this chicken.
For some reason there were not enough plates, forks, knives and cups. Don't rush to deliver. There were no waiters in sight. When there was an influx of people, they disappeared somewhere. To drink tea, one had to wait a long time for a mug. But when they were denounced, you had to dig around to select a clean mug.
And so it was every day.
As for animation, there are no complaints about it. True, we also did not see an exclusive. Everything is like everywhere else. But for fans of discos, it's tight here. They are held once a week and then not very much.

We went once on a fishing trip to a trout farm. Compared to previous years, the tour was very expensive. For two adults plus a 7-year-old child, the tour cost $175. And that's half a day.
(Compared to last year, 2 excursions (yacht and rafting) cost $ 120. Both excursions were for the whole day. ) And again Coral tried. He drove about 200 people to heels measuring 20 by 20 meters. People do not push through. The guide at the hotel said that there would be a place where to swim, even showed pictures. There was nothing like it. And we asked twice! ! The river is mountainous, cold and fast. And there is no dam where you can swim and which the guide showed us in the photo. As a result, almost with a sunstroke, we were already at the hotel at 3 pm.
With the departure, too, was not all smooth. There was no information on the return flight for a long time, and only at 9 pm we found out that the flight had been postponed 5 hours earlier and we had to leave the hotel at 3 am. We were not the only ones in this situation. On the day of our departure, our friends in our hotel also moved the flight 5 hours earlier.
To our indignation, the same guide Alsou replied that all the formalities had been met, and there should be no complaints against them. Yes, I don’t know what the guides in this hotel do, but it was easier to meet our guide Alsu on the water slides than anywhere else. And the place to sleep well and go to the airport in the morning, we first packed our things, and then drove half the night to hotels, collecting tourists.
By the way, the driver who drove us to the airport did not stop at a red traffic light. He stopped only once, and then only because their local traffic cop was standing at the crossroads.
I know what I'm talking about, as I myself am a driver with 10 years of experience. Thank God we got to the airport without incident. In the end, I want to say that before you go on a trip, take a closer look at the choice of a tour operator and a hotel. And so I wish you all a good rest, good weather and a wonderful mood!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original