a lot depends on the number.

Written: 19 august 2009
Travel time: 1 — 14 august 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 9.0
Get ready to read for a long time!! ! Vouchers were bought in coral. Host Odeon Tours. We met perfectly (I write in advance, go outside from the airport and only there girls or guys from Odeon stand under the awnings. ) We drove from Antalya with air conditioning. Went with my sister and nephew (4 years old). We received a good reception at the hotel. In Moscow, we printed out a picture of the room, which we would like, since this hotel has rooms where the floor is tiled, and where there is carpet. and since we were flying with a child, we asked for carpeting. surprisingly, we were given just such a number - for which we "gave" 10 dollars. They thought they could take it away. Who knows. Regarding the rooms and the hotel as a whole - A VERY LARGE AMOUNT OF TOURISTS IS HORRIBLE FROM THE ROOM THEY HAVE RECEIVED. On my own behalf, I want to warn you, people at the reception are also people and just want to get a lot like others. If you were given a bad number, namely CANDEY BARBLY POWING, SMELL OF MOLD, FAUCET FLOWING, MOSQUITOES FLYING (I heard all this from our tourists there) DON'T SCORE!! ! come and have a good conversation. Ask to change the number and say that you are ready to thank, well, or just let it be clear that you are very bad there. (They speak Russian normally). One girl flew in with a 7-month-old baby. she was given a terrible number. she SCREAMED all over the main building. (the hotel consists of buildings, there are many of them and they are all different in style. it’s bad if the room is on the pool, in the evening you can hear the music from the bar) The result is that the room was not changed, the child was bitten by mosquitoes in the morning (I personally saw the knives). In extreme cases, go to the Guide (Guide at the hotel is excellent. Orkhan) Our tourists got him stupid questions as soon as possible, but he never raised his voice to anyone. There were also those who called him at 2 in the morning, at 3, like the socket did not work or something else. HE HELPED EVERYONE. True, then I took a day off for 3 days, my nerves passed from Russian, Ukrainian, etc. stupidity... I remembered all my tourists instantly.
NUTRITION. On the territory of the hotel there is a restaurant where the main meals are, a small bar at the reception is not very good, but for 4 stars it's normal. Although the hotel barely pulls 4 (although we liked the rest, not really lovers of chic) ​ ​ There is a pool bar. I haven't been there so I won't write. did not swim in the pool at all (better SEA). The food is monotonous, but like everywhere else. I read here in the reviews that they gave fish once)))) This is not true, I am allergic to fish and I can see it from a kilometer away. for 2 weeks of rest, the fish was at least 7 times. I didn’t count too much. Fruit in abundance. The only problem with the hotel is that they can't cope with the influx of people. It was such that there were no places, no plates, or you come, and the food was snapped up, you had to wait until they brought more. Wine is bad, especially white. The beer is delicious. You can feed a child, starting from just 4 years old (pasta, chicken, scrambled eggs in the morning, buns with butter, jam, muesli... only milk needs to be diluted with warm water from a tea vat, very cold, they took something for an afternoon snack something like sour milk with sugar, take it to your room). He slept from 14 to 16, and then ate like yogurt)) You could take anything with you freely.
Now IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!! ! in the hotel lobby, there is a bar in the bar, there is tea. So - if you see an image of a sports girl on a tea bag, then do not rush to drink - this is TERRIBLY laxative tea. Those who have planned excursions, know that you can not get off the toilet from such tea for two days)) The tour will be spoiled or missed after such a drink)

SEA. from the hotel to the sea - 500m, but it's a pleasure to walk, there are trees and shrubs all around. It’s a problem with sunbeds, they wrote it right here. You need to borrow in advance or come with a minimum of clothes, hang everything on a hook and swim for your pleasure. We did just that. Sunburn was not the main thing for us, as we rested with a little one. Not up to sunbeds) The entrance to the sea in front of our hotel is not very good. there were stones up to the calves and up to the knees. DANGER if the waves. you can hit. went to the pier, to the left of the hotel. You can also go swimming with a mask. In general, the sea ex. Turtles even sailed to the pier, well, there were fish, they fed them with bread.
ANIMATION.......... this is a separate issue. I won't write much. In my opinion, sorry for the words, SHIT complete. For me, it would be better if they made a disco from 21-00 than to show stupid scenes like children on the last calls, although children show better than the Turks))
THE SHOPS. From the hotel you can go to Side. 10 minutes by minibus (they stand on the main road with the inscription SIDE) costs 1.5 lira per person. 1 ruble is 0.05 lira. Rubles can be taken with you. there they are exchanged for dollars, lira, etc. Entrance to the amphitheater only with lyres. for one 10tl. children free. Not far from the entrance to the amphitheater is a HUGE pedestrian area. there is nothing there. Paradise for shopaholics and for my mother)) It's good that she didn't fly with us)). if you don't want to go anywhere, you can just walk both ways along the main highway. There are also good tents.
TOURS. excursions from the Odeon are expensive, but you can choose if you are scared with the locals. I went alone to Demre_MIRA-KEKOVA. Very interesting. Exk costs $70. This cost is mainly due to gasoline. a liter of gasoline in Turkey on the 95th is $ 3....TO FUCK shorter. pomukkale - for 2 days 150 dollars from one. These are all prices for an adult. Children have different prices. By the way, if the child is motion sick, then you should go to the demre with caution. 20 minutes on a serpentine - 120 turns . . some were bad. but nothing. True, then immediately transfer to the ship.
RESULT - if I forgot something, I'm sorry. But she gave an approximate description. It is better not to travel with small children (0-3 years old). If with the company - it's a pleasure . . Manavgat, Side, Antalya - everything is close...
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