Excellent boarding house

Written: 23 april 2013
Travel time: 10 — 16 september 2012
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Rested in September 2012 in Evpatoria, in the boarding house "Planet". He attracted me, first of all, by the opportunity to provide a more or less decent level of service (close to international standards), a swimming pool and a beautiful territory. The cost of the boarding house is not cheap - 4400 rubles. for a double room per day. But everything was included there: food and accommodation and treatment, they didn’t pay extra for anything (only for medicinal additives in baths)
I tried to find reviews about this boarding house before the trip and there were surprisingly few of them. Then I understood why. The boarding house is departmental. It is from the Russian Space Plant. Khrunichev. Basically, there are people from the plant - they give vouchers to employees for free, but they sell places and freely. We ordered online (through the official website).

In order not to bother the readers, I can say right away: the boarding house is excellent, there are no complaints at all. If anyone is interested, I'll tell you more.
Evpatoria can be conditionally divided into 3 parts: the old city, the sanatorium part and sleeping areas. The boarding house is located just in the sanatorium part. Not by the sea is, by the way, its only drawback, but offset by regular buses to the beautiful beach. I'll post the bus schedule next. But, in order. The boarding house has two buildings - the main one, where everything is located: rooms (one and two-room, by the way, half with a beautiful view of the sea, and the second also with a beautiful view of Lake Moinaki), a dining room (or a restaurant, whichever is more pleasant for you), a medical part. That is, you catch: everything is in one building: you don’t have to go anywhere. Very convenient (just last year we rested in a sanatorium, where we had to rush around 5 buildings scattered over a kilometer, no less). And there is also a second VIP building (there is a jacuzzi and other lordly stray, well, you can see it on the site).
The territory of the boarding house is simply huge and sooooo beautiful, well-groomed. As I said, there is a wonderful pool, a pool bar nearby (I write in Russian, don’t blame me), in the same room by the pool there is a dressing room, a sauna and in the winter season you can swim into the pool (heated) directly from this room. Cool, right? On the territory, in addition to beautiful trees and flowers, there is a whole zoo (deer, peacocks, pheasants, squirrels, turtles, crocodile). Squirrels are especially cool (even adults cannot be dragged away from cages (2 * 2 square meters), let alone children. Oh, yes! There is also a pond with swans and ducks. And a river flowing through the territory. In general, a miracle, how beautiful To feel the contrast, you can look from the balconies to the territory of the nearby children's sanatorium "Radiant", everything is just scorched by the Crimean sun and no one tries especially for children (by the way, Chernobyl victims, as I understand it).
It's sad, of course. On the territory of the boarding house there is a playground, with slides and swings, a dance floor, where animation takes place every evening - performances by creative groups. And, indeed, professionals, theater artists, etc. The artists sing and dance admirably. In bad weather, this event takes place in the hall inside the building (they tried to listen to the piano for general development, but the fellow artist wheezed and sniffed so much during the game that there was no way not to burst out laughing, I had to leave, so listen to the classics to the fullest failed ))). After the animation, time is allocated for the disco and the people want to dance, but the DJ somehow does not support this people's initiative. As soon as the aunts dance, he turns on the slow-motion and everyone, of course, disperses. Apparently this kid is not particularly willing to work.

And so the people would dance with pleasure, especially since the conditions for this are excellent: the site is good and the musical and lighting equipment is normal. In general, it would be good to replace him in this post. Therefore, people who are not lazy trudge along the dark back streets to the sanatorium MRIYA, where they dance. I didn't manage to get my husband there. I had to hang out without dancing)) There is also a tennis court and rental of all kinds of sports equipment: rackets, rollerblades, bicycles, etc. By the way, one of the most striking impressions of this holiday for me is that I learned to ride a bike. I'm a little over 30, but I still didn't know how to do it. And now, finally, my childhood dream has come true. Do not laugh, but somehow it didn’t work out in childhood - no one taught, and then it was somehow embarrassing to learn. So now, having discarded the complexes, I did it and I advise everyone who still does not know how. I was so happy!
The territory of the boarding house is ideal for learning to ride a bike: there are small descents and ascents, just a few degrees. Now I'm looking forward to when the snow finally melts to consolidate my new skill. How wonderful it was when, after five days of torment (by the way, very painful falls and bruises all over my leg, light banter from the neighbors in the boarding house, who from their balconies watched my pirouettes in the evenings)))) I finally went freely !! ! ! and my husband and I moved to the city on bicycles. We reached the theater, then to the embankment, then through the park. O!! ! Cool! Roads in Evpatoria, as well as in Russia, are not very conducive to cycling, but nothing, the embankment and the park are just great! What a convenient and fast way to travel! Please forgive me for such a long digression, but it was bursting to share.
If anyone is going to learn, be sure to read on the Internet the technique of how to learn to ride in 3 days without bruises (although I didn’t succeed without bruises, as you already understood, but the technique is really excellent).


Meals 3 times a day, ordered. That is, today you will determine what you will eat in a day. Everything is cooked with high quality and tasty, the menu indicates the number of calories. Good selection of meat dishes. Vegetables are served as a set. You need to choose two dishes for each meal. Everyone is eating. They also give delicious kefir. For 12 days, the food did not have time to get bored. The quality is not canteen, higher level. And it's all nicely done too. Dispersed by waitresses. If you go on an excursion, you must warn in advance - they give a dry ration. If you just don’t have time to return for dinner, they will bring food to your room. Everything is civil.


Although the Planet is a boarding house, a full range of sanatorium treatment is provided.

There are highly qualified specialists of all profiles (both doctors and nurses - to them in general, special thanks to them, they are really excellent specialists). There is even a dentist. By the way, they are very commendable. My husband cured caries there, much cheaper than ours. While everything is fine with the tooth. All procedures are prescribed as expected, there is no need to additionally “bash”. All procedures are prescribed in the first half of the day, everything is chosen rationally so that there is no extra running around. Nothing to complain about. In the bathroom, they will give you a clean towel and pour some tea. Nicely! The main thing is not to be late, otherwise they will get angry. Who will go with the kids, I can say that there will be no problems, everything is comfortable.
Those who go for mud should take into account that the mud is not currently scooped up from Lake Moinaki (it has already been completely “scooped out”), the mud is delivered from Saki, so you don’t get any brine baths or take out mud there, just like in any other place in Evpatoria, get it, but mud applications, tampons, electro-mud, are prescribed to everyone according to their indications. In short, small portions, please, but they cannot provide a mud bath. With brine, the same thing - all kinds of irrigation, but no bath. Maybe it's not worse. There are different opinions on this subject. Saki mud is so active that few people see it in whole baths.


Own, very, very clean. There are wooden awnings and free sunbeds. Plastic sun loungers for a fee, I don’t remember how much, we somehow managed without them. Perfectly clean toilet, I didn’t even know that bio-toilets could be like that. There are lifeguards, a first-aid post, equipment rental. Faucets with water. Cafes nearby.
The bus schedule is as follows: To the beach 9.00, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30 From the beach 11.30, 12.00, 12.30, 13.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30. Normally fits into the schedule of the day, adjusted to nutrition and procedures.

Rooms and cleaning

for a solid four. Everything seems to be not new, but not worn out, decent, clean and tidy.

The people are friendly, the staff is well trained. There are very few year-round boarding houses in Evpatoria, and Planet is just like that, so they don’t take anyone there, people hold on to work. The city is a resort, basically the work of all is seasonal. The locals said that in winter the city dies out after 9 pm, so judge for yourself how they should relate to permanent and well-paid work. When we had some personal issues, all problems were resolved, we were not offended. Thank them for this!

Well, that's it, everything about the boarding house, if you have any questions, write, I will definitely answer.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original