Do not send the children yourself, and everyone liked it so much.

Written: 7 june 2010
Travel time: 21 march — 21 april 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 9.0
We rested with my son from March 24 to April 21. My son was given a ticket to the camp. Mom pays 150 UAH per day (with three meals a day, a separate room for two, with their own amenities. They have cheaper amenities on the floor).
During my life I was in different sanatoriums, but this one struck me with the BENEFICIENCY of the staff. Everyone is very caring. Only the maid in our room is angry and pretentious. While she was sick, she was replaced by a very pleasant woman.
The boiler did not work for us, the water of the mountains was until 20.15 (I was proved by the management that it was until 21 : ). When it was cool on the first night, they gave oil without any problems. heater. They offered to turn on the condo for heating, but I don’t like it.

The food is good. But very few vegetables like for us. They (they said) do not have state funding and get out as best they can. Children do not eat vegetables and they do not give them much. Once a day. Little by little. They don’t give kefirs at night either - there was a case of poisoning with the products of a local factory and they stopped giving out of sin. We bought it ourselves in supermarkets (my son used to eat kefir and cottage cheese before going to bed). We were late for the dining room - no one shouted. It breezes through the dining room when the front door is opened (those tables where mothers and children sit).
There is a school. After lunch. We did not go - we are afraid of viruses and coughing children (there were a lot of them, but not many). We worked on our own in the room.
I made sure that it is NOT possible to send children themselves (especially those who are really often sick). In March (sun, but Pts hall wind) they are in warm (winter) jackets, which their parents brought to the cat, warm hats that run into the sun, are completely wet: the child runs in a hat on the top of his head (only the crown, ears, forehead are covered on the street) , wet hair, red from the heat, unbuttoned jacket (behind the wind, like Batman's wings). He runs up to the teacher: I'm hot, I'm all wet. - Well, what did you want - to run like that. No comments.
I can’t imagine how those who really suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia (the profile of the sanatorium) can SURVIVE after such walks!
The weather throughout the whole time was colder (perceptibly) than in Kyiv. Two of our grandmothers came and both did not want to take things warm, but they were convinced that I was right.
The sun is warm, but the winds are cold.
We didn't go to procedures. In the so-called salt cave, just ordinary walls and spray salt (how to breathe dry salt from the air? ). The flow of children is huge. I can imagine how many viruses there are. We are in Teterev in a cool salt room (the walls are made of Solotvyno salt - bricks, everything is in salt, some other special ionizer) - we caught the virus, because they bring coughing and snotty people there. We ate foam, agreed for gratitude that they come to the room to massage (as she explained, EVERYTHING is enough for the child, and their flow for massage from 7 (poor sleepy children) to 13 is crazy).

The medical base was not impressive (compared to the same Teterev). Traditional inhalation, heat treatments... The pool did not work. They explained that the children get sick after it. And once (under the Soviet Union or something) they poured sea water every day and heated it.
Communicated with the head physician. Very positive impression. And the staff says that he knocks out everything for the dignity as best he can.
I am satisfied with the trip. Because there is an opportunity to be with a child. If I had, I can't imagine. If I could get there at the end of April…. . Thanks to our manager for the ticket! For a month, the child breathed the sea and fresh, unpolluted air.
We hope for a long-term positive result (without two pneumonias per season).
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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