an unfortunate incident at the Majestic Hotel

Written: 24 april 2012
Travel time: 18 — 23 april 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 6.0
Today I returned from the Majestic Hotel and decided not to delay with a review. The first impression was very pleasant, despite the ongoing construction, the lack of hot water and the junior suite, which gives the impression of a standard. The construction didn’t really interfere (it spoiled the view a little, and I don’t take a little noise into account), there was no hot water due to city problems and the hotel had nothing to do with it. I treated these little things with understanding, since I am not a picky tourist, although I often go abroad and know what 5 * hotels are. I was very pleased with the beautiful view from the room, the cleanliness of the hotel, nice interior, nice waiters. In general, I liked the food very much, although there were flaws in breakfast - everything was delicious, many dishes, but not balanced: after heavy meat and cheese cuts, milk porridge was served, then again spicy dishes (hunting sausages), then cottage cheese, then pastries. And although there was a choice, it was very difficult to choose a combined menu. However, I took some of the dishes to the room and did not see any particular problem in nutrition. I liked the wine and the romantic dinner that was included in the price. In general, I was very happy with the rest, especially since I bought a ticket at a discount via the Internet (Super dual).
But a very unpleasant circumstance happened on 04/21/12. Returning to the hotel in the evening, my friend with whom I rested went to the sauna, and I decided to skip it, as we had 40 minutes left for it (we were late by the appointed time). I decided to take a shower in the room, but after taking a shower I could not open the shower stall (one door opened, and the second one stuck). I noticed this before, but did not attach any importance, since I did not use the booth due to the lack of hot water. Having made a little effort to open the door, suddenly, to my horror, I heard a terrible noise of breaking glass, and after a few moments, sharp fragments covered everything: the floor in the booth and in the entire bathroom. I stood dumbfounded by the newcomer, injured by glass, blood was pouring. To horror, I didn’t know how to get out at all bypassing the fragments, but slowly raking them carefully, I did it. Fortunately, my injuries were not serious (a cut on my arm and legs). I immediately called the porter Olga Pechernaya. A pretty girl came, having previously sent the maid Yulia to clean the glass, they called a worker to clean especially dangerous areas. They helped me by bringing peroxide, a bandage, cotton wool. I expressed regret about what had happened and recovered from the shock. The worker, seeing a pile of glass, said that this is glass that you just touch - it will immediately break.
The next day, I approached Zinaida Vladimirovna (the mother of one of the founders), who works at the hotel, as I understand it, in a managerial position and asked if she knew about what had happened. She answered - do not worry, pay and there are no problems. When I asked what my fault was, she replied - you were in the shower together. I replied that I was alone, I was sober and there are three witnesses to this. But she brushed me off like an annoying fly, insisting on her own and said, we will postpone the matter until tomorrow, because there is no director. After that, I got the impression that this woman simply stopped noticing me, passed by as if nothing had happened. I didn't know what to prepare myself for. Uncertainty in itself is unpleasant, and especially in this case. The next day we rented a room and the receptionist billed 700 UAH. The meeting with the director did not help, the staff insisted that if I did not pay, I would have to pay them. Who determined this amount, I was not told. I was unable to prove my innocence. Everyone shrugged and did not want to hear about the malfunction of the shower. As I later learned from vacationers, on the day of the incident and the next day, the owner himself was present at the hotel (about whom I had heard good reviews). Why did I learn about what I have to pay and the amount of payment only after his departure? I regret that, not knowing about the presence of the owner in the hotel, I did not approach him. Perhaps things took a different turn. It was very unpleasant to feel my complete defenselessness and 100% indifference of the staff (especially the witness Olga Pechernaya, who, knowing about my innocence, told you that you were just unlucky). Everyone demanded only money and claimed that I was to blame. What if I got more serious injuries? What would have happened then? O. Pechernaya claimed that she checked every hole in the room before our check-in, but only the minibar was carefully checked with us!! ! And does the glass from the Chinese (as it turned out) booths cost 700 UAH?

I want to warn all vacationers with my story against such cases and wish only pleasant impressions and no disappointments.
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