"Saki". People come here for health.

Written: 21 october 2011
Travel time: 6 — 21 september 2011
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 4.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 5.0
Amenities: 6.0
Accommodation. Sanatorium "Saki" is located within the city and is located on the territory of a picturesque park. The abundance of trees creates a pleasant coolness, it is easy to breathe and the eye rejoices. The sanatorium consists of three buildings: the main five-story building, "Log" and "Left Wing". One building is currently closed for renovation. The main building has standard rooms and suites. The standard rooms are rather miserable, of the Soviet type, I have not been in the suite, but according to the words, the furniture, although expensive, is old, the atmosphere is dark. "Log cabin" and "Left wing" are approximately on the same level, normal 3-4 stars. Everything is there: TV, air conditioning, hair dryer, kettle, towels are provided: bath, medium, small. Furnishings are new, renovator is fresh. The "Left Wing" did not like the slight chemical smell (but this is for the especially sensitive), but there is a balcony, which, of course, is a big plus. We settled in the Sruba, which we did not regret. The first two nights we spent the night on the first floor, then we moved to the third. There is a serious drawback on the first and second floors: a common balcony, from which everyone enters their rooms. That is, a door and a window in one bottle. Accordingly, so that the neighbors passing into their rooms do not see you, you have to sit with a curtained window in artificial light. For me, it's very uncomfortable. Also, the room is not heated by sunlight at all. On the third floor there is an ordinary entrance and a window. After we moved there, everything was perfect for us with the accommodation. The housekeeping was very good and other buildings complained. But here you can’t guess where it’s better, since it all depends on the particular maid. But we had to ask for paper and soap : )
As for other buildings: medical, canteen, everything is located in different places. The canteen is closer, and five minutes to the treatment with an active step. People with musculoskeletal problems need to take this into account. I must say right away that wheelchair users are not allowed to go to this sanatorium. Apart from the ramp to the main building, nothing has been done. It will be impossible to move. The situation is different in Pirogov and, of course, in Burdenko. All buildings, except residential ones, are in a deplorable state, tune in right away so as not to be disappointed. This outrage is justified only by the extremely low price of tours. And there is also a Temple in the medical building, which cannot but please the Orthodox. You can pray at any time, put candles, order a prayer service. Services are held on Saturdays and Sundays.
Canteen: there are a variety of opinions on her account, but I will personally say my own. Of course, you won’t die of hunger, but I remember with a shudder. Everything was tasteless and not appetizing to me. Hot meals were often served cold. Meat in its pure form was two times in 15 days. I am an adherent of a “healthy” diet, in this regard, it was often really difficult to choose, since often the food was swimming in fat. Fruit - once a day, at lunch. If it is important to you how they will feed, then think twice.

It was not very important for us, since we missed half of the meals due to trips or just went to a cafe. But there is also a nice thing. For dinner they give kefir. : ) Cute, right?
Service Staff in 90% of cases is really very good, as they say everywhere, well, there are always exceptions, you should not pay attention to this. I especially liked all the women in the bathroom department, they are really very good and do their job “with soul”. And Valentina Ivanovna, in general, is a golden person. The presence of such people is healing in itself.
Now about the main thing, about treatment. The sanatorium has two main areas: the musculoskeletal system and gynecology-urology. I had a doctor Mazur Valentina Aleksandrovna. I don't have any definite opinion about it. But, in general, more positive than negative. The doctor is definitely not an amateur, he knows his business. Doesn't steal money from patients. Offers, of course, to buy candles to improve health and raise the Ukrainian economy. But the thing is not very expensive. And, in general, if you don't want it, don't take it. I was appointed without any problems all the procedures except mud. She said that there are contraindications. I didn't believe it until she opened a thick book on mud and showed me my contraindication on a list. Then I had to calm down. The main procedure for me was brine iodine-bromine baths. I don’t know if this is the power of self-hypnosis or if they really are so strong, but I felt the effect from the first procedure. Not that I recovered, of course, but the feeling of an increase in health was the first time. Even my friends were making fun of me: you only need to talk with you after a bath - you become so happy and peaceful : )
And more about dirt. She really has a lot of contraindications: heart problems, the postoperative period, any endocrine problems, a tendency to neoplasms and much more. My main advice: if you are going for a mud treatment, be sure to ask the sales department for the phone number of the attending physician (according to specialization) and be sure to consult with the doctor personally. Since the sales department tells everyone to go and is silent about contraindications (after all, it is beneficial for them that people go), and the doctors at home simply do not know the power of this dirt, and they tell everyone in a row that they can take it. And judging by the fact that people go there more than once and are sooo happy, it is really miraculous and truly powerful. Accordingly, it is not suitable for everyone!

As for other doctors, the situation is much worse than with Mazur. They do not want to appoint procedures without a bribe. But for 100 gr. will lick you from head to toe. Naturally, I didn’t personally check this, but the sanatorium is a village, everything is in full view, everyone knows everything and everyone is talking about endemic bribery. I decided on principle that I would not give a penny. It's not that I'm greedy, but I just don't want to tempt people once again. The people who came on social insurance vouchers from Ukraine were generally assigned a ridiculous number of procedures. Once a day or bath or massage or mud, well, some other garbage. At least I had a massage and a bath every day. So demand your legally paid. In the sales department, a piece of paper with the number of procedures that should be assigned to you hangs on the stand. So you can check.
A list of all available procedures is available on the sanatorium website.
Immediately tune in that upon arrival, registration and visiting doctors will take a lot of time. You will have to sit in queues and the first day, or maybe two, will be practically lost. It is better to tune in right away, otherwise I wasted a lot of nerves. Then there will be no more lines. It's only the first day or two.
Service in the sanatorium In the sanatorium Saki there is a great idea. Hammocks are hung in the park, where you can take a nap or lie with a book. What a thrill. Especially when there are trees around.
There is also a tennis table. Take rackets and a net from a fizruk. He can also keep you company for the game if you come alone. Cutie : ) And he also plays in a brass band in Pushkin Square.
On Fridays, master classes of unusual creativity are held. Every other day there is karaoke and a disco. True, there are not many who want to dance, because. everyone is dancing in Pirogov.
There is also a library.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all a pleasant holiday
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