Турфирма Гал-Круиз

Lviv вул. Братів Рогатинців, 12/10
(032) 2590259, (067) 3130605, (093) 6587067
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Travel agency rating:


Bus tours in minibuses

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

You have planned a vacation, paid money and come to the place of departure in a good mood. However, at the place of departure you will find a minibus ..... instead of a comfortable bus that you have written in the tickets. You need to travel thousands of kilometers ..... You have a lot like other tourists. Of course, things do not fit in the luggage compartment, legs swell.

Heartfelt thanks to the Gal Cruise Tour Operator

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Lviv Regional Association of Persons with Disabilities of the All-Ukrainian Organization of Persons with Disabilities "Union of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine" sincerely thanks Gal Cruise Tour Operator (Lviv) and personally its General Director Iryna Teodeivna Maskal for charitable participation as a general sponsor in the organization and holding of June 2016 trips for 100 people with disabilities from all over Lviv region in Medjugorje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) to participate in the fifth International Meeting of People with Disabilities "IN THE MARIA SCHOOL".

Rest in the Israeli prison for $ 750

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I have long wanted to see the shrine of Jerusalem, planned a trip with this company in March 2016, paying for the tour "All Israel in 6 days" for $ 750. Managers assured that everything will be fine, that their customers are always satisfied, there will be no problems. . . . . Upon arrival in Tel Aviv, our group of about 55 tourists began to pass passport control, so it turned out that I was one of the last, I and a few other tourists for some reason sent for an additional interview, manager Andrew not waiting for our passage gave me a piece of paper hotel and saying how to pass the dial, leaving me and 6 tourists passed passport control and left the airport.

Gal Cruise managers do not keep their promises.

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I planned a trip with this company for the weekend to Budapest on February 6-07, 2016. Due to the flu epidemic the day before, he could not go. because he got sick. This was reported by the phone manager Marian 02.02.2016. It was agreed with him that only 15E will be returned, because payment for the hotel has already been made. When I wanted to get my money after the illness on February 12, the manager replied that I would not receive any money, because he made all the other payments and the money is not returned after the tour.

Poor organization of recreation, irresponsible submission of documents for a visa

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We bought the tour "Slovakia - the gate to the oasis". We wanted to have a good rest in the mountains. They promised a 3 star hotel in the mountains. Got a 1 star hostel in Poprad. It was very cold and damp in the "hotel", there was never anyone at the reception. Our group leader turned off the phone, i.e. it was impossible to get through to anyone.


traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Gal Cruise is an incompetent and irresponsible tour operator!!! The package of documents for opening a visa was updated even on the day of departure, about the fact that we were not going we found out already near the bus (by the way, we drove 500 km to the point of departure). We were traveling in a group, 11 people from the group recognized that the visa was refused, they did not even warn.

reviews about GAL-CRUISE

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

the company I work for, decided to make a trip to Prague, chose Gal Cruise, IT'S HORROR !!! People are never driven by these scammers !!!! our company received our visa documents on January 21, 2014, our departure was to take place on February 12, 2014. these incompetent fraudsters had more than 3 weeks to open a visa, at the last moment, ie 3 days before the tour required a certificate from the bank.

dissatisfied with the tour

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Recently bought the tour "Venetian New Year's Eve" is insanely dissatisfied! The program is completely untrue, buying a tour promised one thing, resulting in another. The organization is weak to say the least ... the program of the tour was changed 2 days before departure without warning ...

Good memories

traveled  10 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

In October 2014, he and his wife traveled from Gal Cruise to the Budapest-Venice bus tour. The general impression is positive. The "roughness" of the tour was soon forgotten, primarily thanks to the guide Alexander Zhavnenko. Special thanks to him for his openness and efficiency in solving certain household problems. Sincerely, grateful tourists

Well done

traveled  10 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Recently returned with his wife from the tour "Prague + Vienna". The foggy glass of the bus and the obsessive smell of the canteen at the hotel could not spoil the generally good fortune-telling from the trip. at the same time everything was clear and disciplined. We will especially allocate the head of group - Andrey Gavrishkevich. In the course of travel in due time received all necessary information.

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