Турфирма Гал-Круиз

Lviv вул. Братів Рогатинців, 12/10
(032) 2590259, (067) 3130605, (093) 6587067
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Travel agency rating:


Excellent tour organization!

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I took a sightseeing tour of Prague-Vienna for the weekend from 08/22/13 through the tour operator Gal-Cruise. Very satisfied with the trip. Quite often I travel around Ukraine and abroad, there is something to compare with. I liked the organization of the tour, everything was clear, on time, everything was explained and explained, all questions were answered, there was no ignoring (I had such a bitter experience).

Unforgettable Spain!

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Good afternoon everyone! I'll start with the fact that for a long time I was engaged in the selection of a successful tour that combines an excursion program + sea holidays + lack of night crossings + an adequate pricing policy. In "Gal-Cruise" applied for the first time. And of course, after reading all sorts of, often not the most flattering reviews, they doubted whether it was worth taking a tour from them.

travel to Sintrivanis

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I returned last week from a tour of Greece, namely from Sintrivanis. (The choice was Mare Blue or Sintrivanis, the latter was chosen for its picturesque nature and the opportunity to walk around the town) I have never ridden a bus before and thought it would be very difficult. Absolutely not difficult. Buses are very comfortable. We had seats with a table, no one was sitting opposite and we slept well.

The first trip to Europe

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Recently went on a bus tour with friends. The first trip to Europe was a success. I was lucky both with the drivers who clearly knew the route and tried to arrive on time, and with the attendant. Andrew found an approach to virtually every tourist, joked and explained all the noteworthy nuances. Some were unlucky with the weather, as it rained almost the entire trip, but overall satisfied with the trip.


traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I turned last week from a tour to Greece, and myself from Sintrivanisu. (on the vibir buv Mare Blue or Sntrіvanіs, they took the rest for the picnic nature and the opportunity to walk around the town) Similarly, like Anastasia, deputy 27-29, we went on 39. Ale: the waters of Vilar tour were twisted, they tried to cheer us up and calm us down. I had never traveled by bus before and thought it would be more important.

Our first trip to Europe

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

A few days ago we returned from the bus tour "Paris + Switzerland" from the tour operator "Gal-Cruise" Lviv. Our group was relatively small, only 29 people. All people with different characters, different ages and different outlooks on life, but we were very lucky to have an escort on this tour. This is an amazing person named Andrei Kokish, who was able to find an approach to each of us and turned our trip into a fairy tale.

Weekend in Prague

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I used the services of this travel agency for the first time and you know very much. Without waiting for such a mega-class vacation !! I will note that the tour was well organized, which was immediately noticeable during the trip: a cool comfortable bus, fun and positive, and most importantly professional waters and, of course, professionals - the group's companion Andriy Havryshkevych.

Vacation in Italy

traveled  12 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

We went to Europe not for the first time, but for the first time with this company, we were very satisfied with the trip, we liked everything. The bus is really comfortable, the drivers are great, the hotels, the beach, the cafe are absolutely normal. The leader of the group Alexander is above all praise, he was always there, always solved all the questions, took into account all the wishes, plus he turned out to be a good guide himself.

Tour 'Vivat Paris' 28/12/2012

traveled  11 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I decided to celebrate numerous changes in my life))) And of course, new emotions were needed. Because I have never been outside of Ukraine - I decided to take off)) The choice fell on the Tour "Vivat Paris". I never regretted my choice of both the tour and the tour operator "Gal-Cruise" ... The route turned out to be very busy: Krakow, Dresden, Luxembourg, Paris, Prague.

Speculator Managers

traveled  12 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I would like to share my feelings about the trip and guard other tourists. I am satisfied with the lands of Poland, Nimechinnoy and Amsterdam, seeing the new months of the city, and hoarsely, ALE yakbi firm Gal-Cruise followed the behavior of its practitioners, it would be better. SHORT TOURISTS I WANT YOU TO GUARD YOU, because you see additional sightseeing objects such as museums and water parks, you can always wonder how much money you can get a ticket and how much money you get for a penny.

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