Travel agency review Круїз 2000 (Ivano-Frankivsk)

Do not trust your vacation to just anyone

Date of purchase: 06 june 2011
Written: 25 july 2011
Travel agency: Круїз 2000 (Ivano-Frankivsk)
Service type: пакетный тур, отель, авиаперелёт

I have never written anything negative on the forums, but in this case - it's a cry!!!

Periodically, quite often, I bought tickets on a cruise. The guys (husband and wife), like, competent, everything was fine. Recently, they have defiantly begun not to pay attention, like, due to being busy: either they forget to warn about the time of ticket redemption (I come, but the price has increased, that reservation has burned down), then I wait 20 minutes in the office until other customers are served - and what, I don’t I pay the same amount of money! I accidentally wandered into the ticket office near the Sphere (on Golovnaya where there were air and railway ticket offices in my youth), now I buy tickets there.

We rested earlier in Italy (friends booked a villa), they flew to Sanya from Beijing, and so - Bulgaria on their own. This year we decided as white people to fly to Turkey for all inclusive. When choosing a travel agency, I decided that Cruise has been operating for more than 10 years, which means a lot of experience.

I called the director back, warned that I would come - they assured me that everything would be OK. Rigid and unambiguous requirements for recreation and the hotel were formulated by the whole family long before the visit. The girl assured that this hotel (I won’t name which one, because the hotel itself might not be bad for its contingent) is much better than the ones I came with (according to the advice and the Internet, we chose Comfort Flora Beach, Marty Mira and Antedon - all in Kemer), and also meets my requirements as accurately as possible. She assured me that she was there and saw everything. I trusted, professional, I think.

As a result, the vacation is not something that failed, but simply SPILLED. The hotel is absolutely the complete opposite of the requirements - EVERYTHING is the other way around. Horror - so burst.

After that, I decided not to trust anyone with my vacation and to carefully select everything myself. I was not too lazy, I stopped by a travel agency - but the girl, the pro, no longer works.

When I returned, I read reviews about the hotel - everything is 100% true and everything is the opposite with what I wanted (and I didn’t think to dig into Google before the vacation). But I found a lot of negativity about Cruise. So trust many years of experience.

Dear tourists, plan your vacation on your own (there are sites,, there are forums), look for the prices yourself on the websites of operators, and contact agents with a purely technical purpose - to book. Choose agents carefully too, not like KRUIZ-2000

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