Travel agency review Сакумс (Kyiv)

Really alluring Amsterdam and truly dreamy Paris

Date of purchase: 27 april 2012
Written: 17 may 2012
Travel agency: Сакумс (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

I want to share with all my impressions about the tourist tour "Dreamy Amsterdam and alluring Paris" organized by Sakums (Kyiv), from 27.04 to 8.05. it was a little scary. All the same, the tour is quite long, and besides, I took the risk of taking my 10-year-old daughter with me: such a homely child, accustomed only to comfort and constant care. Before that, I read a lot of reviews on the Internet about bus tours in general and went not in a positive mood, but ...

From the very first day, I realized that in our bus and in general, in the group, there is just a great atmosphere. And all this thanks primarily to our accompanying Taras Kuziv: a professional, super organizer, and caring person. Taras knows his business to perfection: selection of music for each country, preliminary stories before visiting each country, which later made you feel at ease everywhere, interesting films, well-chosen guides. On the way, we only had good hotels with a buffet, and I'm sure that no one felt hungry, as Taras always talked about good cafes in every city where we had the opportunity to try the local cuisine for lunch.

On the tour, we also visited Warsaw, Potsdam, Dresden and Prague. They certainly left an indelible impression. In addition

we saw nooks and crannies like the Volendam in the Netherlands and the Zaanse Schans. Such small villages simply show life perfectly, and you really don’t want to leave them ... We tried

terribly tasty herring and real Dutch cheese, they bought it there and at home it was just a sensation! We saw how klomps are made, and what is most interesting, we got to the birthday of the Queen of the Netherlands. I imagined it a little differently, but I won’t tell you, it must be seen (April 30!). Paris was a revelation for me, and I am very glad that I went with my daughter. Her dream was not so much Disneyland as the Eiffel Tower, and this explosion of emotions from what she saw is unforgettable. And Disneyland of course, the most important thing is that it is not discussed! This is for everyone and everyone regardless of age. And it's not just about the rides, it's just the atmosphere. And the parade at the end brings tears of joy...

Without a doubt, we will not forget this tour! My daughter is full of emotions and said today that she is ready to go the same route again and experience everything again. For her, the trip was not exhausting, but as I said, it was the first time!

Many thanks to the travel agency Sakums for everything!!! Special thanks to Taras for his care and this whirlwind of positive. Thanks to your tour, I believed in the ideal. And let some doubt, well, that's your right. And you try it yourself and see.

And my daughter and I are already thinking about a new trip and, of course, only with the Sakums travel agency and its professionals.

Good luck, good luck and happy travels!

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