Travel agency review Сакумс (Kyiv)

Spoiled mood before the trip

Date of purchase: 04 october 2013
Written: 06 november 2013
Travel agency: Сакумс (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Tour operator "Sakums" is an extremely unscrupulous company. Firstly, they arbitrarily changed the tour and informed about it two days before departure, when it was already impossible to refuse the trip. Secondly, they took money for traveling in a compartment in both directions, but in fact, they flew back in a reserved seat, not only at the full cost of the ticket, but also at the price of a ticket in the compartment (no one even twitched to return the difference). Thirdly, the tour was held under the slogan "See Europe from the bus window", since the transfers took up much more space than the rest of life. About the settlement of children at one in the morning in a hotel is a separate story, since for three hours they were looking for payment for accommodation on the site. Dasha (I don’t know the last name for soot) the manager or accompanying person from the company is just a person who is not very competent in his business. Our friends also sent the child on a similar tour for the autumn holidays from the same company - so not even all the promised excursions were held there. In general, the conclusion - if you want to spoil your mood even before the trip - contact the tour operators "Sakums" and their destination managers and the accompanying person are guaranteed to do it perfectly.

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