Travel agency review Феерия Туроператор (Kyiv)

This really is paradise!

Date of purchase: 15 march 2012
Written: 06 may 2012
Travel agency: Феерия Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

With Fairy for the second time. Mostly abroad on business trips (personal excursions) and summer holidays. We got hooked on bus tours from the "European Fireworks" (guide), then on the wave of excellent impressions we chose "Switzerland is Paradise". The name is loud, but until you try, you will not understand. We tried with a guide Olga Lupinos and at the end of the trip we knew for sure that this is heaven on earth. As in that joke - "Just don't confuse tourism with emigration." As for Olya, if I were asked “What would you like to improve or change in the guide or trip?”, I would answer “Nothing!” ... and so everything is great, moderately concentrated and very rich story about any meta. I understood a simple thing for myself and I want to share it with others, especially since some people demand it. You can't please everyone! In every trip there are dislocated people who demand, demand and demand .... and no matter how many times they are helped, it is always not enough. And they don't like beer in Belgium.... . and two hours in the park is not enough for them, there are still so many bushes without pictures .... And the hotel is bad for one night…. And time flew by so fast.... And why is the waiter looking at me askance, because I paid for this mountain of sandwiches in my bag ... and why you don’t know about this dilapidated house, it must be very valuable for history .... Etc., etc. I recommend this tour to everyone! Next time we are going to Loch Ness and definitely with Fairy. It's a pity Olya doesn't lead this tour.

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