Hotel MARINA Sunny Day Bulgaria Menezher boor and ignoramus

Written: 26 june 2017
Travel time: 20 — 30 may 2017
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from 10
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We are resting in the MARINA on Sunny Day at the moment. I want to note the absolutely boorish and ignorant attitude of the hotel manager towards the guests. The fact is that there was a conflict during which I, as a client, felt offended. The manager (young major) noted that this is his hotel and he does what he wants. At the end, he got nasty and mockingly wished "a good day. "But my request was harmless. In addition, I want to note that with tourists from Europe (Germans, their own Bulgarians, British), this "employee of the Bulgarian tourism industry" is treated very respectfully and with special love. At the expense of the kitchen --- the food is poor, does not at all correspond to the money paid. Sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach --- paid (nonsense never encountered this). There is only one happiness - the weather is good.
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