Do not worry or you go to the bath! China-2017 Part 19. In a hurry.

31 December 2017 Travel time: with 29 May 2017 on 16 June 2017
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Nithan - Longsheng - Guilin 2017-0 6 - 1.13 day

The day turned out to be bright, long, but a little lazy.

On the bus to Longsheng, I struggle with sleep. The eyelids lower themselves, I hold them with both hands, greedily staring at the "fjords" across the river. The mountains are always beautiful, but the mountains in the fog are especially beautiful.

If I had written this report in Ukrainian, I would have said that the mountains "flaunted their beauty. " Gracefully dropping their green skirts into the river, they sighed languidly at the clubs of steam clinging to their tops, trembling, soaring in small portions, and settling again on rocks and trees.

China flows smoothly out the window. At noon. We are in no hurry. Travel for the sake of travel. The most pleasant moments.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-201

It was raining hard in Longsheng.

We jumped down the stairs straight into the puddle and quickly ran to hide in the station. All fifteen people in the waiting room at that time turned their heads to us. We were exotic for these places. But these places, in turn, are undeniably exotic for us. The Chinese like to carry different buses. Bags, knots and clutches. Cells in which chickens or piglets are waiting for their fate. Boards. Window frames. Buckets. Just a lot of packages. The bus station absorbs all this, and the noise and laughter and snoring of those who waited, and the smells of everything in the world, and cigarette smoke, because smoking is also right here, not paying attention to the signs smoking in the room is prohibited. A separate attraction - all these bus stations in the countryside.

At the box office we take tickets for 35 yuan for the nearest bus, it leaves in 15 minutes. Nadia decided to buy some snacks on the way, and I start the syndrome "the bus will go without us".

All the time while Nadia was choosing what to buy from these colorful packages with incomprehensible pictures, I sighed loudly, pulled the suitcase and was late for the bus.

The shop is tiny, narrow passages. The window is set far ahead. A little girl pulls candy on a stick, throwing the whole pyramid. The candies are falling apart. I'm freezing, now the child will be punished. But no. The seller silently collects candy. Mother without emotions takes the girl. Mentality.

-Are you going to do something? - Nadia asks.

I went into the shop, left my suitcases at the entrance and grabbed the first cheap package of "nuts" that came along.

Needless to say, it turned out to be dried chestnuts) They traveled with me the rest of the trip and are now stored on the shelf with spices. Anyone who is careless enough to visit me, I make you taste chestnuts. Their taste has not changed)

When the chestnuts and water on the way are bought, we find our bus, so as not to be late, it stands in a huge puddle. Almost in the lake) You can still go to the door, but not to the luggage compartment.

"Ganshenme? " - I sadly ask the conductor ( And what should we do now with chestnuts ? )

The conductor silently shows that the suitcases can be taken to the salon. Theoretically so. And almost even my tiny suitcase gets stuck in the aisle when you try to drag it around the cabin to the last row. Once again, I'm glad I bought this baby. What would I do if the suitcase was medium in size?

The bus is great. It is soft, new and inexpensive. The backs are reclined and there are very few people. We have places nearby, but we sit down separately. I get a miracle mask, earplugs and fit in two chairs, according to the old scheme. My body wants to sleep, will you refuse it? ) The trip promises to be enjoyable.

How could it not be!

I managed to fall asleep, but the monotonous unpleasant sounds come even through the earplugs.

The driver sneezes, burps, spits, moans and moans. He suffers as if he has intestinal obstruction or renal colic. I want to ask what he ate today and where he has bushuf ( does not pass or circles )

"She's giving birth, " I say to Nadia.

- Oh no. Just gets rid of negative energy.

- Yeah. I took over the energy yesterday. Negative.

Will you sleep here? Don't sleep. You have to stare out the window and admire the beauty.

And beauty! You need to kiss the driver giving birth who woke up in time! We are in the mountains, the scenery is beautiful! More often they are hidden from us by trees, but I would still look and look. I do not undertake to photograph such. I have had this many times, I know that I will be exhausted, and not a single frame will come out. So I sit slenderly, happily staring at the views that open and close, and gnaw chestnuts.

In front of Guilin, the road is being repaired, traffic jams and the bus are collapsing. I really want to come and shut up the driver.

We enter the city. What it is? )

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

Did we inadvertently visit Singapore?

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-201

I wonder if these trees glow in the dark. After all, they probably glow)

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

Guilin begins with flower beds, palm trees, hills.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-20

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

The city has at once.

Cleanliness and well-being. This has somehow been lacking lately.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-201

Taxi drivers in Guilin do not believe in God, Buddha or the afterlife. At once for 5 km demand 50 yuan. 50! For 50 yuan, you can eat 5 servings of dumplings, you know, or 5 times a taxi Ulinyuan from edge to edge.

- In Beijing, the capital of your homeland, we drove 50 cities. - I share my observations with my aunt-taxi driver.

- How long do you want to go?

- For 20 and not a yuan more!

Aunt twists around her temple turns away, losing interest in us.

We will move our suitcases to the main road, discussing greedy taxi drivers and the opportunity to ride with luggage on a city bus. We wave a passing taxi and ask again for the price of our hotel.

- Forty

- Very expensive - and I show him the counter.

- Broken - the taxi driver laments - as the lava sees, breaks at once.

- Thirty

- Yes, let's go.

The taxi driver wants to talk, asks where we are from, how long we are in Guilin, and tells occasionally how far to go and what is impossible, but you have to go around. Probably repairing the road somewhere, because my Mapsmee was sweating until he realized what a hell we were driving.

The hotel door was not approached (and who would have doubted), there is a pedestrian zone. We stomp along the long house with the number we need, praise the one who came up with the idea to screw the wheels to the suitcases, inhale the aroma of the south and dream of having lunch soon. It's half past three.

Our hotel has a tiny reception with two young Chinese women who are embarrassed and giggle at any question they ask in English or Chinese. The printout of the booking is considered with interest, but it does not add clarity. They do not see our armor.

At once we explain that we didn't pay money yet, let's forget everything that was between us give a piece of paper and we will begin all over again. Fortunately, a woman appears from the inconspicuous door, a little gloomy, but smart, finds the armor, we won, we are given the key.

"Help us with the suitcases, please. " - I turn to the guy who also appeared out of nowhere at the reception. We are being housed on the fourth floor, and I know there is no elevator.

The girls giggle even more happily, whether my Chinese makes them so happy or encourages the guy.

He grimaces, asks if I'm talking to him, but I smile sweetly and stand my ground. The girls are having fun, the aunt frowns, the boy gives up and briskly jumps up the stairs with our two suitcases.

This hotel is not very respected at booking, but we needed it here - cheap and close to the park. Probably, we were ready for the shortcomings, so they did not turn out.

Not that at all) - the hallway is smoky and the carpet looks tired - but these problems are insignificant.

And the room was surprisingly nice! This was clearly not the room we booked, the window was supposed to be in the ceiling, and here is a great full-fledged window.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

True, another huge window in the bathroom, but we already had many such windows and we got used to it. However, the water from the shower does not flow to the toilet. The shower is separated by a curtain.

We like the city. Two steps, diagonally across the road, a large store. We find a food court in it, I want soup immediately. It is prepared for each client separately, an open kitchen, I see how, having accepted the order, they start cleaning fish. Nadia prefers to look back, the food court is huge, suddenly it will be even steeper.

Nadia, as always, is right, a few meters away we find an interesting kiosk, where I see the Vietnamese pancake Banh Heo.

 Don't worry or go to the bath! China-201

In Vietnam, this is a healthy food - egg pancakes with lots of greens included. Here the pancake is flour, and there is no greens, and mayonnaise on top, but I still want it. Especially since here Nadia finds her food - steak with egg. Cuisine of the peoples of the world) What is the advantage of the city - it is easier to find food and you can choose to your liking.

We are given a coupon, we have to wait.

Yushka still worries me, I go to order it.

"Big or small? "

- Little one.

We take our dishes from the kiosk. With them in the kit something like algae in water.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

I ask the woman sitting next to me:

- Do you wash your hands?

- No.

- Is it a drink?

- And shows gestures that it is eaten with a spoon.

We are trying dangerously. Water is like water. Algae did not dare to try.

Suddenly a woman is joking.

While we finish our dishes, the peoples of the world bring us a huge plate of soup.

"Is she small? " ?

"Little one! "

We cook so much at home for three. How big then?

I have never eaten such food and I will hardly ever eat it again. The main ingredient in soup is, of course, fish. And all. My dad loved fish heads, so they don't scare me. I am frightened by fish eyes lotus and tofu. Not that they are intimidating, but I can't eat it.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

Bright Chinese spices drive my taste buds into a coma. I catch at least fish, but even if it is full of broth, it does not taste good. I'm sorry, but I don't have to leave the soup.

We buy Coca-Cola to digest unusual food faster and go outside.

Evening. The air is hot and humid as I love. Tropics.

 Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017

We live next to the city park "Two rivers and four lakes", and there we go to see the pagodas of the Sun and the Moon. I thought it was a Seven Star Park, but it's not him, the Seven Stars entrance is 85 yuan, and it's free. I dare not even guess what gold leaf that park should be covered with, if this one is so beautiful!

The two rivers are the Lijiang River and the Peach Blossom River, and the four lakes are Wooden Dragon Lake, Cinnamon Lake, Banyan Lake, and Spruce Lake. We need Yalove, that's where the famous pagodas are. We see a large poster with a picture on the bridge, but how to get there? I ask a young guy. I don't understand his language at all, and he just waves his hand at the poster.

- Yes, yes, this is what we want to see. And how to get there?

He waves at the poster again and explains something.

It is clear that nothing is clear.

Why does he offer to go to the poster?

I think I'm not explaining well and start over using the pantomime to the fullest.

- We need to go to this place in the photo. Tsenmetsou? ( show how to pass, be human )

And the third time the guy points to the poster.

- Go there.

Nadia has not learned Chinese, so she has a more developed intuition. She finds a path next to this poster) And behind him, just the same pagodas are) We immediately wanted to go to them. It's better to look across the river than close, isn't it?

We pass under the bridge. Beautiful.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

I really want to take a boat ride, but I don't know where the berth is. Not ready, sit down, two.

 Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017

I read before the trip that Yangshuo is very cool, and Guilin can be safely missed, and I hardly prepared for Guilin. I wrote to myself that the Cave Flute Cave can be reached from our hotel by bus. But we went to the cave in Zhangjiajie, so Guilin was in no hurry. We only planned to look at the pagodas to walk in the evening park. In fact, Guilin turned out to be a very pleasant city, we even thought to stay another day and no wonder we did not stay. Undeservedly, this city is deprived of attention, I think it should be left for a couple of days, now at least go again and did not ride the boat . . Here at the zoo, they say, a panda! )

We find pagodas. A concert of the sweet-voiced Chinese singer is taking place on the observation deck. Ah, how he sings! ) And then he waved at us)

 Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017

The lighting in the park is very good.

Then, in Guangzhou, we walked through the Flower City - a faint resemblance! Even very weak)

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-201

The park is very large, located on both sides of the bridge and covers many attractions, we do not go deep, we go to the other side of the bridge.

Don't worry or go to the bathhouse! China-20

The fairy forest is reflected in the water. Bridges, passages, gazebos. . Unbelievable.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-201.

The crystal bridge is illuminated in different colors.

Don't worry or go to the bath! China-201

It is a pity that all this splendor is blurred in the photo, the lights require good endurance, the phones do not cope with the light.

Don't worry or go to the bathhouse! China-201

Don't worry or go to the bathhouse! China-201

I envy myself for going there, but then, sleepy, tired, lethargic, I could only reach the bent twin bridges and sat on the bench for a long time. There are many beautiful bridges ahead, to walk here and walk more, we just looked at the edge, and children's time, but Nadia understands that now will begin "Sister, throw" and takes me home. We went to bed early and dreamed of the incredible beauty of the city park.

 Don't worry or go to the bath! China-2017

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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