Six Beautiful Moments, or a Ruined Journey

21 November 2019 Travel time: with 14 September 2019 on 19 September 2019
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We would like to share our impressions of our trip with the Six Wonderful Moments tour. Although initially they planned to go on the European Walk tour. But two days before the date of departure, we were informed that the tour would not take place, they say, the group had not gathered. We were offered a choice of several other options, from which the above tour was chosen.

Our journey began without problems, even the border was passed relatively quickly. And here we are in Krakow. The sightseeing tour of the city ended, and we went to the elective "Beer Krakow". When we approached the gathering place, it turned out that in addition to our group, there would also be two others. And then it began. . . the guides could not count the number of people for a long time. Finally, we went inside. We were offered to stay in a separate room, in which there was not enough space for everyone. They started counting us again and, with grief, we were all seated in half. The organization itself was at a catastrophically low level, which could not but affect our mood and impression of the tour.

The next day we were in Prague. The sightseeing tour of the city took place at a very fast pace, as we did not have time for the beginning of the next excursion (a boat trip along the Vltava). The guide who conducted this tour was very lamented about the fact that he could not show and tell us everything that he had planned. We didn't even visit the Charles Bridge.

On the third day (Monday) was Dresden. At the entrance to the city, we were told that we would not be able to visit the Dresden Gallery (for which the money had already been donated), because of which this elective was actually chosen, since Monday is a day off in the gallery. My disappointment knew no bounds. I wanted to see the works of old masters, such as Raphael - the Sistine Madonna, Titian - Caesar's Denarius, but our dream was not destined to come true.

At the meeting point for the next elective (The Charm of the Elbe), we were surprised to find that we were going there on another bus. No one warned us that there would be another bus, and therefore all our things (jackets and raincoats) and photographic equipment remained in our bus. When everyone got into the bus, it turned out that all the seats were already taken, and six people from our group were left on the street. After 20-minute trials and recounts of tourists from all groups (and there were four of them), the situation did not change - there were still not enough places. Although, according to the lists (according to the guides), there were exactly as many people as there were seats on the bus - 49. Two tourists from the other group left, and then the rest were packed into the tourists.

Once again the organization was poor. The tour had not yet begun, and the mood was already spoiled. Upon arrival at the place of the excursion, it immediately began to rain, as he knew that we did not have warm clothes and raincoats. The mood dropped completely. We were no longer up to admiring the beauties. There was one thought - to quickly hide from the rain and cold.

The fourth day (Tuesday) in Vienna was again not without unpleasant surprises. Those historical relics that we were going to see in the Habsburg Treasury, namely the Grail and the Spear of Destiny, were again inaccessible to us, since (attention, surprise! ) The museum is closed on Tuesdays. The money collected for this tour, of course, was then distributed, but another disappointment added unpleasant impressions from the tour as a whole.

I would like to ask a question to those people who planned this tour: did they really not know that the Dresden Gallery is closed on Mondays, and the Habsburg Treasury is closed on Tuesdays? Is this the low professionalism of the agency's employees or an outright mockery of people who, perhaps, have been saving money for more than one year to fulfill their dreams? Who compensates for broken hopes and dreams?

We hope that the Accord Tour will draw the appropriate conclusions, compensate for our broken hopes and dreams, and from the next trip we will return with completely different impressions and mood.

P. S. And the most outrageous thing is that the company's management did not draw any conclusions about the disgusting organization of this tour, did not take into account our feedback about the trip. Since five such tours are scheduled for December 2019, three of which will leave on Saturday, as a result of which tourists will have the same situation as us, they will not be able to visit either the Dresden Gallery or the Habsburg Treasury in Vienna.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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