Northern Kingdoms Part 2

07 September 2010 Travel time: with 07 august 2010 on 20 august 2010
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Minimum salary 1500 euros, average 3500 euros, pension 60-70% of salary, i. e. 2000-2500 euros. Medicine is practically free (95% state medicine), including ambulance, elective surgeries, dentistry (up to 19 years of age free of charge, and then exceeding somewhere around 500 euros, and then free of charge), medicines for the needy. Unemployment benefit - 90% of the salary for an unlimited period if you are actively looking for a job. Families with an income below a certain minimum receive a housing allowance, and low-income families also receive social assistance. For housing subsidies, the local guide, our former compatriot, interestingly told. Special commissions analyze the costs of families, including clothes, gasoline, furniture, etc. If they find that your costs are inadequate (and then I realized why they don't drive jeeps, but generally prefer a bicycle : ) - you will be advised to limit purchases, otherwise you will not receive a housing allowance. And the receipt rates are interesting: for each family member there should be one bedroom + a common room for everyone, i. e. if you have 2 children + husband, wife - you should have a 5-room apartment according to the norm. Therefore, in Scandinavia, different generations of the same family do not live together and the housing problem does not spoil them : )

Municipal authorities subsidize kindergartens, fully pay for primary and secondary school education (the state provides soft loans for higher education), and maintain nursing homes. Old people are a separate song. All grandmothers with hairstyles, in crosses, trousers, with a backpack behind their backs, or even on a bike, are travelers. They live up to 80-90 years, why not travel around the world... Scandinavians usually rest for 2 weeks at home, 2 weeks go abroad. Dachas are very interesting - almost in dugouts high in the mountains, they meditate in isolation from civilization without amenities - see photo.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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