Not so bad, but disappointed

Written: 29 june 2010
Travel time: 16 — 26 june 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Just arrived from vacation. You know, in general, I am an extremely unpretentious person and I try to be happy with what I have and find pluses in everything. But on the seventh day of rest, I urgently wanted to go home. However, I will try to be objective.
The hotel, of course, does not pull on 5 *.
They settled us in the 1st building, since 50 c. u. We didn't have a receptionist or a guide. What does the reception assures that they have to pay for a good room, and the guide - that only he.

What I liked very much - right under the windows of the building there is a new swimming pool (they opened it with us). Multi-level depth, with bridges, decorative islands in the middle and a bar where you can order drinks without getting out of the water, round chairs are placed right in the pool for this purpose. The room, of course, is beautiful, looks more luxurious than, for example, in those 4 * where we rested in Taba. Valois style curtains and bedspreads, bidet in the bathroom. Hot water available 24/7, never had a problem with it. The air conditioner worked fine, we set it to a minimum (16) and we had enough even in the heat. Good soundproofing - we didn't hear the neighbors or the muijin who was yelling in the mosque near the hotel.
Now the bad - firstly, we had a faulty safe that periodically refused to open. Two days in a row I called the reception to send someone to open and for two days they asked to "wait a minute", which lasted for hours. On the third day, I called and warned that our passports, which by law are the property of Ukraine, are in the safe, that we cannot go on an excursion without them, and that if they don’t open the safe for me in half an hour, I will be forced to contact the Ukrainian embassy and Complain that my passport was taken away. Half an hour later the safe was opened. Worked fine for a day, then broke again. But we were cunning and did not store anything of value there.
The most unpleasant thing is that we did not clean every day, but every other day. In addition, the Arab cleaner stupidly ignored the "Do Not Disturb" sign, knocked on the room during the siesta (from 13.00 to 15.00 we were warned by the guide, you can’t sit outside, even in the shade), when we slept, moreover, if for 10 seconds I did not open it to him, he opened it with his own card and entered himself. You can imagine how much joy we had, especially considering that we were resting together with our future husband...
So, he asked us to leave and said that he would clean up. We, it turns out, should have been sitting on the street at this time. Complained to the guide, who promised to solve all our problems - zero emotions. It was very unpleasant to pay a lot of money for a ticket and sit in a dirty room. On the last day, we just asked for a manager, a very nice administrator came up to us, a Russian girl named Vika, asked for forgiveness very strongly, promised that she would take action and offered us another voucher to the club restaurant as moral compensation.
By the way, the voucher implies a two-time visit to the club restaurant - the same buffet, the assortment is the same, but there are few people, and no one is crowding.

Now about the sea... There is a famous lagoon - ideal for children. As for me, it is dirty and the water in it is somehow colder, but the children really liked it. Children. . . My boyfriend and I don't like to swim in paddling pools, he likes to snorkel, so we went to the open sea. From our room, by the way, about 15 minutes. The entry into the sea is weak there, there are sun loungers and umbrellas, but no infrastructure - all toilets and bars with inclusive near the lagoon. This angered me - quite a lot of people swam in this part of the beach, is it really so difficult to put 1 bar with juice and a toilet there ! . The sea is very pleasant, of course, packages, cups, crusts and gobies are floating, but, excuse me, this is exclusively our Soviet piggy.
They fed well. Tasty, varied, at first glance. Every day fish, meat, chicken. Lots of vegetable salads, but half of them are sprinkled with too specific spices. On the 8th day, the food became terribly boring. There was also a moment - both the guy and I in turn developed indigestion there (I'm not offended by the Arabs - I had to eat less), these days I wanted to eat something dietary... and found that nothing but rice and no.
Lots of fruits, constantly fruit salad with five kinds of yogurt, dates, melons, and watermelons, citrus fruits. There are no juices - only yupi or fresh juices for $ 2. A huge plus compared to Taba is good milk, not diluted bourda.
There is a separate song about the guide of the company "Koral" - he was almost never at the workplace. Miraculously, we were able to buy one excursion from him - they caught it, and we couldn’t do it again, because Milad was always somewhere.
We went to the monasteries of Saints Anthony and Paul. I liked the trip very much, the guides turned out to be Copts and the whole day passed in the warm company of Christians.
Just before the plane, we were taken to an oriental sweets shop. For reference, there is a supermarket across the street from the hotel, and so, there I bought for $ 2 what costs $ 9 in this store.
These are the impressions left from the rest. I do not impose my point of view on anyone, I just will never go to this hotel again.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original