Written: 23 december 2007
Travel time: 28 october — 4 november 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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We rested on October 6-17.2007, we live in Moscow.

The territory is well-groomed, 2 swimming pools, 2 pool bars...In general, persistent 4 stars!


80% of the CIS (what it is, you probably guessed), now only where they are not. In the morning they are already standing for alcohol by the pool, some simply were not poured anymore and they went like cattle to sip alcohol to another bar, where they were poured until they paid attention that they were already ready.

The outfits are a complete CHERKIZ BAZAR, Muscovites will understand what I mean! Almost all women with hairstyles of housing office workers who settled in Moscow on a limit, young guys all with beer bellies, girls with the imprint of a SOVKA, yell at each other on the beach, purely physical jokes between them, Soviet pensioners with figures of working horses and a manner of talking, like at a meeting on a collective farm.
I made a remark to one such, horrified by the sight of her rushing through corrals, - ** Woman, you can’t walk on corals! **, to which she answered me ** And I'm in slippers! **. Sucks full! Scoops mostly go on excursions or lie near the bars by the pools, there are few of them on the sea itself, as one said - **It is very salty, it is better by the pool**.

One night, when EVERYONE was sitting at the bar by the upper pool, listening to music and relaxing, one drunken SCOOP, a healthy bull, jumped into the pool, started clapping on the water and yelling something. Guards appeared from somewhere, they begged him to leave the pool, they brought a wheelchair, they put him there, photographed several times, and all this was filmed. There was a doctor with them, he did something to him, and then they drove him away in a wheelchair, and in my opinion I never saw him again. All this was done quietly and beautifully, only a few people noticed it.
Upon arrival, the guides who meet you offer many excursions, many take several at once and later regret it, since it takes a lot of time for this, they get tired. Our advice: do not take everything at once upon arrival, get comfortable and decide for yourself what YOU need, or do as we did - we took one excursion to the RAS-MOHAMED coral reserve by bus, the bus through the desert is impressive, swimming in the coral reserve among the fish ( but in my opinion there are also a lot of them on the beach of the hotel), do not buy video cassettes of this excursion, as you may not see yourself there (but we did), the quality is disgusting, although this is our impression. On the excursion, when everyone was swimming in the reserve for the last time, we retired behind the rock and made ourselves a photo session full of eroticism. This is class! All views with sea, rock, desert!

Once every 2 weeks they organize a show in a fish restaurant, it costs $ 25, a seafood buffet with waiters on the lawn, overlooking the sea, class! At 22-00 few scoops roam the territory - do they sleep or drink in the rooms? Foreigners walk around the territory until 1 am, smoke a hookah on the veranda, live music plays at the bar from the restaurant.

For all the time, we have not found a normal couple to make friends with, or a guy with whom you can spend time as a threesome! Foreigners - mostly Italians, having seen enough of our SCOOP, simply do not make close contact, they try to sunbathe in the morning on the beach separately from the scoop, some foreign women wear such cool swimsuits - turquoise with gold, and it was tempting to make a compliment! In the evening they walk in evening dresses, and the scoop in what they went to the beach, so they come to the restaurant!

Probably, he caught up with fear on YOU with this scoop?
Everything is so in the vast majority, a little more about the features of the SOVKA (probably tired YOU with this scoop). They are very indignant among themselves when they see some kind of shortcoming. They poke a finger, show each other, twirl their fingers at their heads, I alone had to say: MADAM, YOU SHOULD BE BETTER CUT YOUR TOE NAILS AND YOUR TEETH AT LEAST FOR DECENCY INSERT ALL! In the restaurant, she was indignant that they did not put a toothpick on her, and this attracted everyone's attention. Basically, we didn’t communicate with the scoop, they found each other among themselves and brought bottles of vodka with them and drank in bars, the staff made a remark to them, but they didn’t care about it. They didn’t understand that take strong alcohol at the bar, it’s free here, and drink, but the Soviet mentality worked ahead of logic.

Now about the staff, who saw it all, but kept to the level.

The guards are always clean, in beautiful uniforms, young, they smile, greet them if you wave from afar, they can offer to give you a ride on their electric cars around the territory, they will be happy to take pictures with you, if YOUR girlfriend is very attractive, then they will definitely tell YOU this, when they see us always smiled and greeted with hands. We came from the city of NAAMA BAY and at night and before morning by taxi (which is cheap there) the guard who always sits at the metal detector at the entrance met us SMILE, came out to meet us at night and at dawn and escorted us through the entire hall. During the day he always greeted me - it was an older man, in a beautiful uniform, WITH A GUNS ON THE BELT, a copy of Saddam Hussein.
You can see the bottom, the sea doesn’t smell of anything, the color is emerald, in truth, it’s not worth going in October, it’s cool in the evening, autumn winds in the afternoon, although you can get burned, we decided that after September there was nothing to do there.

In the evening we visited the bar at the restaurant, they just make cocktails by eye, horror, take something in its purest form. By 12 midnight we left for the city of NAAMA BAY, where we walked in the nightclubs BUDDHA, PASHA, HOUSE. This is class! There is practically no scoop, only foreigners and young Arabs, the music is super, Italians come off to the fullest, THERE ARE AMONG THEM ugly, BUT SO GOOD! AND THE SMELL OF *SOSO CHANEL* WHICH YOU CAN'T CONFUSE WITH ANYTHING!

Do not make contact with the Arabs, they will immediately become impudent, believing that they already owe them something!
Foreigners are Germans, Italians, in my opinion, 30% of them are clearly blue, and all this is beautiful, the attendants are young Arabs, carrying alcohol through the dancing crowd, they must, as it were, accidentally pass girls on the asses, but it’s just fun for everyone, everyone hugs, almost they don't fuck, all you hear in English is a quiet YES? NO? If YES, then immediately into the dance and then all the caresses to each other, if NO - immediately dump strictly, the guards in the hall are young, the muscles do not climb into the shirt, everyone is in uniform, with walkie-talkies, they stand like statues after 10 meters, one eye turns .

Twice a week, animators take those who wish for $ 25 to nightclubs in the city of NAAMU BAY, few people go a second time, very rarely anyone goes from young people in general. Do they sip vodka in the rooms or sleep?

Well done animators, they plow, although once we were forgotten in a nightclub, they left without us, there was a case, a bus was waiting for us, which the hotel ordered for a trip to a nightclub, there and back at the end of the disco, we leave at 4 in the morning, the driver is drunk or stoned sleeping on the bus, the animator woke him up, but he did not figure out where to go, he gave him water, the driver vomited while walking around the bus, but got behind the wheel, fastened his seat belt, the animator asked WILL YOU GET THERE? He turned on Arabic music and we rushed - to the class! There are no rules, you need 60 go 140!

Advice for YOU: do as we do - relax in the clubs as if you were not a couple, but came alone, YOU and YOUR girlfriend will get a lot of sexual emotions, mutual caresses with new acquaintances, all this EROTIC makes unforgettable EGYPTIAN nights for her and for you, these erotic dances with new acquaintances bring to ecstasy!
Upon arrival at the hotel until the morning, there was one sex between us, all this naked, in silk national EGYPTIAN clothes! Dawn was always met on the balcony in upholstered furniture and with a bottle of HENESI, the sun rose directly from the sea, from behind the island of TIRAN into our windows - it's impressive!

Sometimes we went to 1 night in the casino SINAI GRAND. Oh, that's impressive! Everything is under gold, as in the tomb of the PHARAOH, the very air in the casino smells of dollars, there are simply no Russians! Only Germans, Italians, sheikhs in their outfits, there is so much money there! By morning, aloof faces appear, wandering around the hall like zombies, we called them VIOLETICS - these are big losers, you don’t even have to play here, just sit, drink in the bar or watch how they play, from 2 o’clock the show program with dancing begins and Egyptian music, sit and watch.
Our Russian passports were always taken for scanning at the entrance, foreigners were not even stopped, although they, like us, simply showed that they had a passport. Outside the hotel, do not try to squeeze something out of yourself in Arabic, it makes them laugh! Speak any language if possible, or keep them in line right away, they know Russian well, this is all advice for behavior outside the hotel.

There is a tourist police in NAAMA BAY as well as EVERYWHERE, they are all in uniform - white and black, they have already begun to speak Russian, if anything, contact them with any question, they will explain everything and save you from everything, but where WE climbed in the city, then I immediately said that the tourist police will not save us here - they simply will not find us and no one will look here, so YOUR safety depends 90% on YOU.
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