we had a blast!!!

Written: 7 september 2011
Travel time: 22 august — 2 september 2011
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 8.0
people, I immediately warn you, although I promise to be brief, most likely I will not succeed and I will get carried away by the plot, presenting you an ode to the Rojan's hotel. But then I will answer all the main points.
let's start with the check-in guys, who have read a lot of comments that they say it is customary to tip at the entrance, and then you will be allocated the "best building", that round sucker. yes, I saw that some kind of blonde put $ 50 into her passport and with a facial expression like "I'm the coolest here" said something about the 2nd building. in the end, after three days of staying in rodzhana, I saw her near the pool, came up, for the sake of interest, asked how her “best body” was, whether there was gilded furniture and whether there was a platinum toilet. so she said that they gave her the 7th building, already at the saaaam end, to see the dude at the reception finally spitting in the sea from a parachute was her wish. or maybe the whole thing was in her tone and bitchy look, because personally I typically blinked my eyes and simply smiled, and they gave us the 3rd building, and he, believe me, is the BEST of all, although I was in both the 7.2 and the 5th building. everywhere dumb same-bae! furniture cannot be called furniture - some kind of rubbish - although, I didn’t come there to criticize the cabinet and not to take pictures in the shower room, but to hang out.
edaaaa... well, of course, we are Russians and only a Russian can be recognized by folding regular fruits into a bag, I don’t understand, take a pear or an apple . . but damn it, some people seem to be making supplies for a rainy day. there was a funny picture when a guy, although what kind of a guy? - a man, tried to smuggle a dozen crabs in a salafan bag . . well, it happens. although I won’t lie, I also sometimes forced my people to bring me some kind of fruit - since my burnt for . . in general, I could not raise my lower back, it was painfully exhausted during the day. Let's return to the food itself. Let's just say that in the first 2-3 days, don't be surprised at your excessive appetite, this happens because of the abundance of all kinds of goodies, but if you are also for the first time abroad, then... just look more carefully with this - sometimes I have this my stomach was already cramping - I had to use the phone hanging in the toilet in order to brighten up my "event" by talking with friends from other rooms.

soup-hmm . . well, here’s how to see, if you consider soup-puree with water, then you will like the “broth” that they offer you. I personally sat on one rice, I quickly got bored with everything and I just dreamed about buckwheat with sausage.
animation is finally super mega wow!! ! I won’t write much, I’ll say this, everything is super, and what is especially striking is that the jokes are not as vulgar as in other hotels where I have been, there are primitive jokes in the style of “oops oops I have a big... " or there "tagiiiiil" are generally considered the height of the skill of animators, right there everything is different - the guys were at their best, they did not allow themselves anything superfluous and vulgar.
there are two beaches there - I didn’t relax at all - because I think that there is mortal boredom - you can’t hear the music at all . . people sleep, salivating, on the fries brought in a plate from the bar - people are having fun, not for me, I’m for outdoor activities and I think young people and positive and active people will understand me.
Well, that's all like . . and more fish! well, don’t know, well, fish are like fish, I’m used to seeing them in a slightly different role, or rather, fried and on a plate... so I was not impressed if Grisha is an authoritative figure of the underwater world, so to speak. warning - feed, and making my mistakes saying "it won't get worse from a piece of bread" is not worth it - the fish are over the top greyhounds - they gave me hickeys, even when the delicacy was over - one stubborn little thing pounded on my mask for a long time.
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