Real Summer in October

Written: 1 november 2008
Travel time: 7 — 14 october 2007
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 9.0
The first trip to a country where everyone seems to have been except me.
It’s not very scary to fly, because for a short time and free alcohol slightly dissolves the feeling of fear...
Sharm Al Sheikh Airport.
Upon arrival, you will immediately notice the unusual dry and hot air. For me personally, it was hard to breathe at first.
The organization of the delivery of citizens to the hotel - "transfer", did not cause any problems.
A large comfortable bus with individual air conditioning for each passenger carried
along a perfectly flat asphalt road passing through the desert to the beautiful Soly Mar Belvedere 5 * hotel.
At the "reception" - in the hotel lobby, we were greeted with a very cold drink "yupi" - a type of natural juice...
As a result, we were literally hand in hand, as the children in the nursery were taken from the airport to the hotel room, where in a clean room with air conditioning on a coffee table

A light "dinner" was waiting on the table. With sausage of an incomprehensible taste, because there was no meat in it and cheese, visually and taste similar to cheese.
They immediately opened cognac in order to pour this event, the unfinished bottle remained in the room. The reason is simple
system "all inclusive" means relaxation without tension. . . Local alcoholic drinks were also included in the price. Drink - I do not want!
Large territory. Green. Beautiful. Purely. The room is good. Our brother is settled on the outskirts - but you get a walk that saves you from excess weight...
I have never tasted such delicious food anywhere! Buns, pastries, cakes. There are so many of them that it was not possible to retry during the stay on vacation. The local wine is red and white, which you can try in unlimited quantities at lunch and dinner. The beer is light and pleasant. Went instead of water. And it went well... As a result, by the end of the holiday I missed only hot Ukrainian borscht. All the rest was "a wagon and a small cart. "
Salty. Unusual and unpleasant when it gets on the tongue.
In order to get to a depth of 1.5-2m, you will have to go 50-70 meters along the pantone.
To see the fish, he threw small pieces of a bun, neatly taken out of the "canteen". The bottom is sandy. You won't need corals. We swam more often in the pool. The view was more interesting and it was more convenient to cool off.
Superovy. We went to the local nature reserve, sailed on a boat and saw a lot of beautiful and unusual fish and fish!
Was. Lot. But we didn't learn Italian at school. So it was fun mainly for the Italians, in front of whom the hotel staff clearly caved in...
What can not be said about our brother. We tried to remedy this situation by starting to learn Arabic. "Salam molekum" - hello, "Chohran gardens" - thank you friend! As soon as they heard such a phrase from us, the expression on their faces abruptly changed into a generous friendly smile.
Other words were also learned: "Ohti" - sister, "ohuya" - brother, "afuan" - please, "bakshish" - tip (the most favorite word of the Egyptians,

baksheesh is welcome at any time of the day).
We rode quad bikes in the desert. Cool. I recommend.
Every day we took a taxi to the city. Bargain! By the way, taxi drivers here are reckless, they love to listen to music, they dance and sing right there in the car. Texts are local folklore.
And if they meet another taxi driver, climb out the window, twist all sorts of "flashlight balls" with their hands and start hanging out together, forgetting about the passengers...
We visited McDonald's, because we got a free Internet and could sit for an hour or two for free. There is a 220V socket near each table. WiFi. Service.
There are many cafes with hookahs in the city where you can relax in puffs of sweet smoke... Buy souvenirs for your relatives and friends. Go to a disco. . . But hold the girls by the hand, especially if it's a pretty girl. Everyone will try to hold on if possible, to touch the cute creatures.
The reason is simple. Their women work at home, around the house. Raising children. The men are working. And for work among tourists they hold on very tightly, such work is highly paid. After a month of work, men have a short vacation - a week, and then work again... Arabs do not like to drink. They are smoking.
The rest turned out to be quite passive and calm, our children liked it. They especially liked the free ice cream in the bar and swimming in the pool.
Pretty good for a first time. The second time I would not go to Egypt, except for a freebie and after visiting other countries...
P. S. Respect to the Egyptians who were able to create super resorts in a real desert.
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