Swimming on a wild beach

Written: 6 may 2007
Travel time: 5 — 12 april 2007
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 9.0
I want to describe in detail the reality and our adventures : )))))))
It all started with the fact that they brought us (2 beautiful girls and one young man) to Jaz Mirabel, although it was planned to go to Sharmeen Inn... it turned out that there were "not enough" places for us in our hotel. Tour operator Turtess!! ! Not a sharashka office. So, they brought it and left it right in the lobby, they say, do whatever you want, until you quarreled with the manager - everyone passed by !!!! ! As a result, the manager said that they also did not have places in the hotel, but there was one nearby in 4 * Mirabel club. Since we were already pretty tired, we wanted to eat, drink and just go to the sea, we agreed, although others from our abandoned group insisted on the Sharma Inn.
In general, we were settled, the 2nd line from the sea, although the territory is large and beautiful. Let's go to eat, the food is decent : )) Or it seemed to us after all the showdowns : )) Let's go to the sea..... this is a separate song !!! ! I have not seen anything like this anywhere....not only does the pontoon go into the sea for a kilometer, but everywhere there are corrals, hedgehogs, and the sea is knee-deep !!!! ! Honestly! You can enter only in slippers, because. you can actually cut yourself. At first we were upset, but on the trail. one day a note arrives that we can be accommodated in Jaz Mirabell.

We agreed, and the hotel is closer to the sea : )) We moved. . . and then the party began. . . we got to know each other. . . we found out that there is a "wild" beach!!!! ! I must say right away that there are NO wild Arabs there (one guard is shabby), mostly Russians reach him, walk for about 10 minutes along the path along the sea : )) When we walked, we sang songs : ))) Imagine the sun, air, sea, palm trees , sand - romance !!!! ! immediately forgot about their troubles in the beginning! The beach is great!! ! Small, cozy, there are coral reefs, fish immeasurably. I personally swam in a mask, fed the fish, then they swam in flocks after me - "give me more" : ))))
Now about the bar in the central building - the Arabs became insolent to such an extent that they pestered not only us (two charming girls), but also our friend. We could come up to him, kiss him a couple of times... we had a shock ! ! it got to the point that the waiter came, and he began to speak various vulgar things about our friend in English, so that I would translate it into Russian for him. I had to call the manager and settle the scandal, since such treatment is not allowed at all... in general, then they served us through their teeth... which we didn’t give a damn about, the main thing was that they didn’t touch it.
The food is varied, but there was not enough fruit, they gave some blackened bananas and sour oranges (or maybe chopped : )))))) Delicious cocktails, I advise the Mirabell brand and Dynamite : ))) Everything is paid at the disco, so I advise you to "sit" first in the bar : )) There is a jacuzzi in 2 baths : ))) I was in two, I liked the Turkish one more, the air is dry there... it’s impossible to breathe in the wet...
We formed an international company - three people from Kiev, a bunch of Muscovites, four Englishmen... it was really fun. Extended life probably for 50 years ahead : )) And all this in 10 days! I advise you to do shopping in the Old Town, the road is 10 USD. in one direction, but saving on souvenirs is 2 times. You can also buy fruits there. When they were already going, no one wanted to leave... everyone wanted to extend their vacation by at least 10 days. In general, I can say that the hotel is at the level of the territory and conditions, the only drawback is the Arabs, the sea and the beach, but if you are not too lazy to walk, then there is a way out - a "wild" beach : )))) I wish everyone a GREAT holiday!! ! !! ! if you have any questions please write. Kseniya
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