Good hotel

Written: 18 february 2018
Travel time: 27 january — 3 february 2018
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from 10
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2 adults rested on January 27-February 3.2018. We were in Egypt more than once, but during this period we got for the first time - the cost tempted. Before choosing a hotel, we looked at the reviews, because it was not clear what the weather was, what kind of sea, and, despite the change of scenery for little money, I really wanted to swim in the sea and bask in the sun - nature is such that everything would be at once)
We got to the hotel early - at 8 am. The bracelets were put on right away. In the reviews, everyone was indignant that there was no settlement until 14:00. To be honest, we did not try very persistently to offer money -20 dollars and check in earlier. But the guy at the reception politely refused us. The first seconds were angry, then the consciousness turned on - why should we break the rules and offer to break the order to the hotel employee, sticking a bribe in him? We provoke them ourselves, and then we say that they have become insolent and “do not move” without a dollar. Therefore, leaving the suitcases with the suitcases of all those who arrived near the entrance to the reception, who are “looked after by a security guard” (there are no left-luggage offices), we went to explore the territory.
The territory is very large, beautiful, green and, at the same time, very well-groomed. Gardeners are like ants - constantly working and maintaining the territory in perfect condition.

It is noticeable, of course, that the hotel did not work for some time - a crisis: paving slabs need to be replaced in some places, and so on, but this is not critical. During our vacation, unobtrusively and without causing inconvenience to vacationers, the facades of some buildings were put in order, the entrance to the sea was made stationary on the beach (previously it was a floating pantone), and so on.
For such a territory, there is a sufficient number of pools and they are located in such a way that a certain number of buildings have their own pool. One of them is heated.
At 14:00 we were given the keys to the room. The building was located in an excellent location: close to the beach, to the pool, to the restaurant, to the reception. The view is very pretty: flowering bushes, palm trees, the edge of the sea))) - for "free" we did not even count on this.
The number is normal. Two beds with comfortable mattresses. The bed is clean (not full of holes (someone complained)). The TV set and hair dryer are junk, they checked the TV set, it was working, but they didn’t watch it, and they didn’t use the hair dryer. We asked for a kettle as we needed hot water. Brought + 2 cups, picketed tea, coffee, sugar, cream. Water 1.5 liters was brought every day. The bed was changed on the 6th day, many write that this is a problem, but I don’t know, maybe they also change bed linen at home every day. We didn't have that need. Towels were changed at some intervals, but we also did not control this process. By the way, for fun, the day before departure, they asked to bring bathrobes. Mahmoud rushed after them. Too bad they didn't think of it earlier. The room was cleaned regularly. It was impossible to control the quality, because we didn’t litter much. Mus buckets were cleaned, the washstand was washed, even the mirror was washed))) The furniture is not new, but not decrepit wrecked either. San knot was without mold and breakage. Given the age of the hotel - it's not even bad.
Restaurant La Citadel is closer to the beach and with a very beautiful panoramic view, with the possibility of seating on the terrace. We had breakfast and lunch there. We dined mainly in the restaurant near the reception La Gioconda - it is smaller than La Citadel, so the waiters were more agile and, it seemed to us, the choice of food was better. There is also a Garden Terrace restaurant, but we did not visit.

The cool territory of Colombo Pool Bar is a beautiful sea panorama, a gazebo, a swimming pool, a bar, comfortable tables under a canopy, a swing, palm trees, a large disco area, etc. The bartender said that when the hotel is full, hotel parties are held on this site, children watch cartoons (there is a big screen).
Food. Norm. Truth. Without frills, but at the same time there were seafood: several varieties of fish, and seafood dishes (octopus, squid, shrimp). There was enough meat too. The bird was. Wrote something about meager breakfasts. Well, as for me: like in all hotels in Egypt and Turkey where there is UAl. There are also snack bars between breakfast/lunch/dinner: burgers, fries, salads, vegetables and drinks.
Paid fresh juices, fruits can be bought there.
In the evening, there are several locations for entertainment: in the amphitheater, the program of animators and on the Garden Terrace site there is a disco with a large screen and a host.
As for the animators. Considering that since its inception the hotel has been designed for Italian tourists, it is natural that the animators in this hotel are Italians. They were always visible on the beach - exercises, water aerobics, yoga, stretching, dancing, volleyball, boccho - they tried, entertained and attracted, but unobtrusively. By the way, since the hotel was originally oriented towards Italians, the time by which the hotel lives is Italian (European), throughout the territory there is excellent brewed coffee (they say Italian)).
The beach is located in a "horseshoe" between rocky ledges, which is very important during the windy season. There are enough beds. There were failures with beach towels, but after a while they were brought up. The entrance to the sea is from the shore and from the pantone. Take masks - the reef is cool, masks are expensive here. Special transport brings to the beach, but this is more for those who lived in the adjacent Sentido hotel (it is newer, more expensive, more pompous, but the location is stupid - far from "civilization" and there is no view from the windows of the rooms, I would not overpay).
WiFi is a problem! Takes only at the reception and then with varying degrees of success. Somehow vacationers solved this issue, but we did not have a need.

There were no mosquitoes, so maybe we got there.
Weather. The first few days were windy, even cool in the evenings. Then the weather cleared up comfortably during the day: not cold, but without the sweltering heat, and in the evenings we went to dinner without windbreakers.
During the holiday I had a friend. The hotel sent a postcard and a cake. Fresh flowers were laid out on the beds and twisted from towels (not ours, but extra ones).
Summary. I liked the rest. The hotel is worth the money. Perhaps if you rest with a biased attitude, then there would be shortcomings, but we came with a desire to relax, and not look for something to complain about.
I would recommend this hotel to my friends.
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