Entertaining Mallorca

04 September 2012 Travel time: with 09 august 2012 on 23 august 2012
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Once again, I salute lovers of tourism, as well as those who are just about to become so.

This time I will tell you how my wife and I rested from 9.08. 12 to 23.08. 12 on one of the Balearic Islands, namely: Mallorca.


I immediately warn you that there will be a lot of jargon in the report (however, there will be no Russian obscenities, so its connoisseurs will have to excuse me), so lovers of exclusively book and newspaper language should close this page. The report also turned out to be by no means short, but it is divided into paragraphs, each of which is titled in order to read only what is interesting and skip what is not interesting, since this narrative is primarily intended for those who who are looking for information on Mallorca, and not for lovers of fiction (the last to help are Levka the Bearded, Fedka Ludoman, Antokha Doctor, Shurik Curly, etc. ).

And I’ll say something else right away: not everyone likes my style of presentation, so I remind you: reading this report, especially from cover to cover, is your right, but not an obligation, and you have the right to stop reading it at any time. However, I am sure that the vast majority of readers are adults, and they are well aware of this, but there are also those who complain in the comments, they say, they read everything in full, but it would be better not to read it. I immediately give an answer to such a remark: no one pointed a knife at you and did not force you to read the story. So they are to blame.

If, dear reader, this style does not bother you, then let's finally finish this introductory part and go directly to the story.


If we had valid Schengen visas, we would no doubt choose the former.

But since there were no visas, and the price difference between self-booking and buying a ready-made tour was not so big, we decided to resort to the services of a trusted travel agency, which has never let us down (pah-pah! ). As a result, we chose a tourist product from the tour operator Sunmar.


Now, they say, everything in the visa centers has become much more cultured than in the embassies themselves 7-8 years ago. Although there are queues, they are electronically ordered, and you don’t even notice them, because by the time you fill out the questionnaire, the queue will already have time to come up. However, I was confused by the fact that the Spanish visa center (I don’t know about the others) works only on weekdays, so I would have to take time off from work to get there, and at our place such things are not welcome.

Another plus of the Spanish embassy, ​ ​ which, perhaps, not everyone knows about: visas are issued there, as a rule, for several and for six months, so if you have the desire and opportunity, you can visit some other Schengen countries in autumn and / or winter.


We started planning the trip only in April, and this month it was desirable to make a reservation, because in this case the trip would have been much cheaper. However, since there was not so much information on Mallorca on the Internet, it took more time to collect it than expected, and we booked the tour a little later. Since it is much more pleasant to travel around Mallorca than to sit in a rooming house, we did not have many requirements for the latter:

1) that it should not be located on a rock (and there are quite a few such shelters there);

2) that it be quiet there, especially at night (and in the rooming houses located in the party places it is unlikely to be quiet, because

soundproofing in Spanish hotels is usually poor);

3) to the beach was not very far away;

4) a modest rooming house - a modest price.

As a result, we chose the Sol Lunamar 3 * rooming house, which is located in the Palmanova area near the border with the city of Magaluf (this is Son Matias beach). Magaluf itself is also a popular resort, but we decided not to go there, because it is a party city, chosen by British youngsters, who, according to the guide who accompanied us in the transfer from the airport, “raises the degree” by 12 at night, in as a result of which at night in this city “you feel like on another planet - the planet of Banderlog”. The city of S’Arenal, most likely, turns into the same planet, where mostly Germans rest, who also love to “raise the degree”, and there is also enough youth (and, consequently, noise) there (more on this city will be discussed later). Looking ahead, I will say that in the end we were satisfied with the choice.

So, day 1.9. 08.12, Thursday

They flew with Ural Airlines, whose head office is located in the glorious city of Kater. The plane is an A321, the seats in which are stuffed quite tightly, which does not add comfort. The flight attendants there also cannot be called particularly friendly: frankly, they don’t seem to be rude, but the manner of communication resembles that in the registry of an ordinary Soviet polyclinic. And also, when I wanted to buy something in the store on board using the magazine that lay in the grid in front of the seat, I was first told that they did not have a store on board at all. However, then a flight attendant walked through the cabin with all sorts of tequilon whiskeys, offering them to everyone. So with competence, as you can see, there is also no fountain. I again asked what I liked about the magazine, but the stewardess told me that this magazine had nothing to do with them, but it was there because it was “standard”. Well, not insanity?

I asked her about the cost of a bottle of whiskey for 200 ml - it turned out to be 20 Jews (hereinafter, prices will be indicated in this particular currency, unless otherwise specified). No, in FIG we are so lucky. In general, for inter-collective-farm flights, if such were carried out, the crew would be quite suitable, for domestic long-distance flights, in the event of a nuclear war, it would also, perhaps, come down, but somehow it doesn’t fit with international flights. In general, UA needs to do something with its staff.

However, they did not confuse Mallorca with their native Cater and delivered us to the right place, and without delays not provided for by the schedule. Yes, another plus: on board, among other drinks, red and white wine are offered. So maybe it's not all that bad.

The flight time from Moscow to Mallorca is 4.5 - 5 hours, including delays stipulated by the schedule, while the net flight time is about 3 hours and 50 minutes.


At the airport, we were met by Terramar employees - Spanish representatives of Sunmar, as well as some other travel agencies. One of them asked us which hotel we were going to. I told him that in Sol Lunamar. However, he did not immediately realize what kind of hotel this was. I repeated 2 more times - the result is the same. It wasn't until I showed him the voucher that it finally dawned on him, like that giraffe who had been neighing all night at the jokes the parrot had told earlier in the day, which had greatly annoyed the monkey. However, this was the only hitch, and then we were taken from the airport to the bunkhouse without any problems and delays in some 20 minutes, and this despite the fact that our bunkhouse was not the first, but, in my opinion, the third in a row. The guide on the way, as usual, talked about the excursions offered by their company, about the features of local transport, about the already mentioned “Banderlog planet” and other useful and not very things.

However, he immediately warned that since there were a lot of people, he would not help anyone when checking into a rooming house, they say, explain yourself as you like. But when we came to rest in Calella in 2009, then the guide girl on the bus, before leaving us, asked if we knew languages ​ ​ ​ ​ and if we needed help with checking into the hotel. True, and she was very glad to receive a positive answer, realizing that she would not have to do the extra work of an interpreter.


When was the last time I spoke Spanish? In my opinion, during the above-mentioned trip to Calella. Oh, no, a year and a half ago, a work colleague asked me to call the Spanish rooming house where he was going to go to find out if there was either a chest, or a parking lot, or some other crap. And he didn't say much more. So, except that I read anecdotes in Spanish, which come to me by subscription.

Not bad, by the way, "therapy" for maintaining the language in memory. However, when I began to communicate with the hotel employee, Spanish seemed to me just native compared to Greek (see my reports about Crete from 2010 and 2011), although my main language is not Spanish at all, but Italian. By the way, the hotel employee who was on duty that day, as it turned out later, spoke both Italian and, more expectedly, English. But, alas, there is no Russian-speaking staff in this rooming house, so for some it may turn out to be a minus. In general, in Mallorca, almost everyone speaks English (in restaurants, shops, etc. ), and in places of entertainment and excursions, as a rule, they also speak German and French, and somewhere, for sure, Italian. And in a couple of places there were also Russian employees.

Along with Spanish, the Catalan language is also used there, however, as it seemed to me, much less often than in the Barcelona area.

But the inscriptions on it are duplicated, if not everywhere, then almost everywhere.

And now from the topic of languages ​ ​ I want to move on to the topic of the national composition of vacationers.


In different resort towns of Mallorca, the national composition of tourists can vary greatly (somewhere predominantly British, somewhere German), but if we take the island as a whole, the alignment seemed to me approximately as follows (judging by the languages ​ ​ heard in different parts of the island): where half are the bulls themselves (from different parts of Spain), 10 percent each are British, Nemchura, frogs and shoemakers, about 7% are Russians and about 3% are representatives of other nationalities. If we take “our” city, then there were mostly bulls with the British, less often - shoemakers, paddling pools, Germans and Russians.

In our rooming house, I met only one Russian peasant, who, however, most likely rested there with his wife (or maybe his mistress, but that's their business : D ), and so mostly British with bulls. Yes, I saw a couple of shoemakers there and even talked a little with them in their native Italian.

Check-in to the rooming house is made after 14.00, and the room is checked out until 12.00. However, we arrived after 14.00, so they settled us without any problems. The chest there is paid-key, they gave 35 per week + 15 as a pledge. The remote control from the air conditioner is issued as a freebie, but you will also have to leave a spot as a deposit for it. Wheelchairs were also offered for rent, with or without electric drive, electric scooters for the elderly, baby carriages, as well as various household appliances: hair dryers, irons, microwaves, fans, CD players, etc.

I also want to tell you about the bizarre location of the hotel: since it is located, as if crashing into a hill, the main entrance and reception are already on the 3rd floor, and from there 2 elevators go down to the 2nd and 1st floors, and 2 - up , i. e. on the 4th, 5th and 6th floors. An additional entrance is located on the first floor, on which, by the way, we got a room - with a view of the pool, partially covered by bushes, which was not bad at all. And then I could get a view of the road. There were also rooms with a sea view in this rooming house, however, for such a room you will have to pay extra 12 per day. But after all, we didn’t come there to sit on the balcony all day and enjoy the sea view, right? Who cares, but for me swimming in the sea is much more interesting than just looking at it.

The most serious drawback of the rooming house, in our opinion, is the paid Internet access (2 for 15 minutes; however, for those who carry laptops with them, there is also Wi-Fi), although for some it may seem like the lack of Russian-speaking staff .

As for parking spaces at a rooming house, there are no problems with them at all (a separate chapter will be devoted to parking in Mallorca).

The room in the doss house, at least the one we got (and it was number 109), turned out to be quite spacious, 18 squares, not counting the toilet. Both day and night the room was very quiet, despite not the best soundproofing, which, however, is characteristic of most Spanish hotels. A very big plus - there was a refrigerator (Indesit brand) - a rarity for Spanish hotels. True, it did not differ in large sizes (about a meter high), but will anyone specifically stock up on perishable provisions on vacation? That's what I think.

And to buy a supply of food for breakfast for 4-5 days or beer / wine for the same amount, it will be enough (although, given the appetites of some amateurs (and professionals), they will have to run to the store a little more often for Bukhara).

The air conditioner is a relatively new generation, controlled by a remote control, not a regulator on the wall, as long as the balcony is closed. By the way, the balcony door in the room turned out to be a little strange: it was sliding and closed both with a regular lock and with a latch attached in a handicraft way from above. Moreover, when we entered the room for the first time, the door was closed precisely on the upper latch, and for good reason: once I closed the door with a regular lock, not attaching any importance to this, and at night the air conditioner simply passed out. And the remote did not respond at all. I really wanted to complain to the reception that the air conditioner was covered, but then the idea came to me to close the door to the upper latch.

And the conditioner immediately earned! In general, the upper latch was attached for a reason, but so that the door did not deviate far from the air conditioner sensor and the latter worked properly.

There is also a small “humpbacked” TV in the room, however, since we never watch it, it was immediately unplugged for the reason described below (by the way, a deposit would also have to be left for the remote control).

To prepare breakfast, there is a 2-burner electric stove, not a new, but perfectly coping with its task toaster, an obsolete electric kettle (nothing more than a plastic jug with a boiler inside, without any buttons, and, moreover, automatic shutdown - just plug it into a socket and, as soon as it boils, you turn it off; well, it’s good at least not the usual one that needs to be heated on the stove).

Of the shortcomings in the room, the most serious is, perhaps, a small number of sockets - in total, one might say two, since the third socket, located near the sink in the bathroom, worked only when the light was on in the same place. At the same time, a humpbacked TV was also included in one of the sockets. That's why I had to disconnect it from the network, because I constantly had to charge the batteries for the camera, then one of the two mobile phones, then the e-book, then the MP3 player. 3 more minor drawbacks: the chest is built into the closet at the very bottom, so you like it or not, and you will have to do exercises in the form of bends and squats (but you seem to get used to it), there is no locking latch in the bathroom, and since the door opens inward, you can’t hold it by the rope , and the front door is tight, so it takes some brute manpower to open it. Another small minus - when we entered the room, it turned out to be a twin, i. e.

the beds stood apart from one another, with a coffee table between them. However, through a simple rearrangement of beds and a table, the twin was quickly turned into a full-fledged matrimonial double.

When darkness falls on the balcony in the room, the backlight turns on, in which it is pleasant to sit there and drink a beer or wine, but at about 1 a. m. this backlight is centrally extinguished. On the same balcony, ropes for drying laundry are stretched, and they are located slightly below the balcony railing, and thus the laundry does not become an additional decoration of the hotel.

And, finally, I’ll tell you about one more advantage of the rooms located on the ground floor: if you wish, you can go swimming in the pool right through the balcony.

In reviews of Spanish flophouses, there are often complaints about ants. So, ants crawled near our balcony, but somehow they did not penetrate inside the rooming house.

True, once we saw a lizard quickly crawl along the wall of the balcony and disappear into the night.


Plumbing is quite modern, Roca brands, single-lever mixers in the bathtub and in the sink (in the kitchen, however, with 2 faucets, but that's okay), everything flows exclusively from where it is needed. The role of the curtain in the bathroom is performed by a cloudy plexiglass partition covering approximately 2/3 of the bath. If necessary, this partition can be rotated in a horizontal plane.


To get from the rooming house to the beach in the shortest way, you need to go through the first floor. Passing by the pool, you run into a white metal gate, closed with an electronic lock, which opens with a simple push of a button. The gate is not equipped with closers, and announcements in several languages ​ ​ (without Russian, however) are urged to close it behind you for your own safety.

Well, so that any thieves from among the dismissed emigrants do not penetrate. To get back, you need to stick a room key card into a special hole, which is also informed by the corresponding announcement. However, there is another announcement there, which says that this gate is open only from 8.00 to 0.00. And indeed, even before 12 at night, this gate is locked with a cable lock, so in this case you will have to enter through the main entrance. Do you remember the movie of Soviet times called "39 steps"? So, to get to the main entrance, they will have to overcome almost 2 times more. Exactly 70 steps, in short. The beach is located about a hundred meters from this gate, and on the way there are various shops and restaurants. It is unlikely that anyone will lie on the beach until 12 at night, but it’s easy to sit in a restaurant.


The pool is made in the form of a kind of ribbon that goes around the bar and forms an incomplete circle: the place where the circle is interrupted serves as a path to the bar. The width of this "ribbon" is 4 meters, and the depth of the pool is about 150 cm. There is also a children's pool - a small section of the "ribbon" located to the left of the path to the bar, if you stand facing it. There is a shower next to the pool, and on the first floor of the rooming house there is a toilet that can also be used as a changing cabin. However, for this it is better to climb through the balcony to your room, if you have it on the ground floor. A good pool, in general, but in the mornings there may be problems with sunbeds: despite the announcement asking not to take sunbeds, they are still occupied. As you can see, British and bullish stupid soviet habits are also not alien.


The beaches, with the exception of wild, "improvised", are sandy everywhere, but often quite gentle (which, however, is good for families with small children). Vodicka, as a rule, is quite clean, transparent, of various shades, which in most cases are pleasing to the eye. We, however, were not very lucky with the beach: quite often all sorts of garbage floated there, possibly dumped from various yachts standing nearby. Still, it happened, lumps of algae were nailed to the shore, which did not add charm. But on the other hand, perhaps the best compromise in terms of gentleness could be found there: both small children at the entrance to the sea will feel comfortable, and adults will not have to go far to stop feeling land under their feet. There is also a floating plastic pontoon with a springboard from where you can dive. Tired of just stupidly swimming and sunbathing?

But in Crete they are. Why is there Crete - even in some smelly Sovka of the 80s, they were on many MOSCOW beaches (and Moscow is by no means a resort town)! The nearest toilet from the place where we swam was located 500 meters away, and even that was paid (0.5). I wonder how many will bother to make such a way to the toilet to relieve a small need, instead of doing it right in the sea? The question is rhetorical. Souls (from the word soul, not soul) on "our" beach were located 150 meters from each other. And finally, a bar next to the beach is also a rarity. No, next to our beach there was a barbecue (by the way, a very good institution, which I will discuss below), where drinks were also sold to take away, but their assortment was very poor there (by the way, I think you can also go to the toilet if you wish. who is their regular customer).

However, you can walk some 10 - 15 meters across the road and take water, beer, wine and some snacks in the store. True, there is a dress code in the store: a man must be at least in swimming trunks and, preferably, at least in some kind of shoes (for his own safety, otherwise you can slip on the floor), but in addition to this, it is advisable for a woman to wear also the top of a bathing suit. By the way, sunbathing topless there is a common thing. However, dear gentlemen, do not rush to rejoice: ladies who are far from half a century, or even over 60 are sunbathing in this way. So instead of the expected reflex, you may have another, far from so pleasant.

However, all the above shortcomings are a trifle. Even if your beach was not very good, and you rented a car, then you will surely come across many much more beautiful beaches.

The equipment there, however, will be about the same (maybe a little better, maybe a little worse), but the nature is much more beautiful.

As for sun loungers and umbrellas, they are paid on the beaches. A sunbed costs 4 - 4.5, an umbrella is the same. And since all this is rented out in sets of two sunbeds and one umbrella, you will have to lay out from 12 to 13.5 per day. And after all the whole day to lie on the beach will wear out, right? Or rather, you can still lie around for one or two days, but then longing will begin, which will become greener and greener every day. So it's better to take mats (1.2 each) and an umbrella (8.5) in the store. Then this case can be sold at a discount. In the end, we ourselves tried to sell mats at a 5-10% discount, but for some reason no one was interested, so we decided to just put them in a plastic box with the same package inside (I’m kidding, of course, about trying to sell, if anyone didn’t understand). We took an umbrella with us.

Perhaps the "bees" offered something similar, but somehow I did not pay attention. By the way, that seller also had other cards, but he told me that calls with such cards are even less profitable.

After swimming and lying on the beach, we went to the nearest Orion bar, where we ordered sangria, paella and ...fish, which in Spanish is called lenguado on the menu, and sole in English. Lenguado is translated from Spanish as flounder, and sole from English, in addition to flounder, also as a sole (there is such a fish from the flounder-like order). So, most likely this is still a sole, because it is more oblong in shape than the flounder, which is sold in Moscow, and it tastes better from it (although, perhaps, simply because it does not frozen). From the first sips, sangria seemed to me just a divine drink, although in this bar it is really prepared very well.

The paella turned out to be undercooked rice, but I personally like it this way. Inexpensive, by the way, institution: paella there is a chirp for one (you can order for one), the same liter of sangria, and the fish cost 0.5 more. In the same place, we later ordered excellent chicken breast and liver, and quite inexpensively (dinner with Bukhara cost us about 30, if not cheaper).

This establishment, already mentioned earlier, is located near the edge of Son Matias beach, where the Santa Lucia bunkhouse is located (it was on this beach that we swam all the time, if we didn’t go somewhere). Please do not confuse this barbeque place with the Son Matias restaurant located 200 meters to the left (more on that below). In BBQ, you can have a fairly inexpensive dinner (for two, it turns out somewhere around 30 - 45, along with Bukhara, and sometimes it turned out to be less than 30).

The menu is available in Spanish, English and German, but they are going to add a menu in Russian (the waiters asked me to write the names of some dishes in Russian). On the grill, they cook veal or pork steaks, pork fillet, lamb or pork ribs, veal entrecote, shish kebab, in my opinion, also from veal (by the way, in English it is called Kebab, and in Spanish - Brocheta), chicken breast and so on. The portions there are quite large, so if you order, say, a steak or entrecote, then even a light dessert is unlikely to fit into you.

A liter of sangria is also worth a chirp, however, it is not as tasty as in the ORION bar. There is also inexpensive (9.5 per bottle or 2.5 per glass) homemade wine, red and white, very tasty. Cocktails like "Sex on the Beach", "Blue Lagoon" or "Tequila under the Rising Sun" are also there. Well, whiskey and cola are easily weakened. In general, it was in this institution that we went in the evenings almost every day.

If you have a bad idea of ​ ​ ​ ​ a particular dish, the waiters will always show you in the window what it is prepared from. There are also fish dishes there, but, in my opinion, it is better to order them elsewhere.

In general, the first day passed approximately in such an introductory manner (although, as far as the beaches are concerned, I, of course, ran ahead).

Day 2.10. 08.12, Friday


After spending a few hours on the beach and having lunch at one of the pizzerias, we went to the bunkhouse to meet our guide Elena, who, as the guide on the bus told us, was supposed to arrive there by 16 o'clock. However, we didn’t need almost anything from her, because we weren’t going to take excursions from her: it’s usually unprofitable to take excursions from guides (with rare exceptions, which I’ll talk about later). However, since we wanted to rent some kind of bentlik or lexicon, we decided to ask her what offices she could offer us.

She provided us with 2 price lists, and the prices there really turned out to be more profitable than in other rental offices that we managed to get around. So they decided to take the Rolls-Royce from her, but a little later. We also asked her how many days in advance you need to book a car, she answered us that it all depends on what kind of car you need, and asked if it was important for me that it was a machine. I replied that, in fact, I was going to take the mechanics. She said that it would be much easier to take the mechanics and asked:

- You are probably not from Moscow?

- Actually from Moscow.

- Truth? And I thought no, because Muscovites always ask for a machine gun.

I prudently kept silent about the fact that I consider a car in Moscow to be an absolutely useless thing for myself, and therefore I don’t keep it.


After meeting with the guide, we decided to visit one of the places of entertainment, namely: the upside down house of Kathmandu (the capital of the state is also called, the native inhabitant of which is conceived not (with a finger, and not (with a stick), which we passed on the way from the airport and which our bus guide drew our attention to. The building of this institution is indeed made in the form of an upside down house, torn out along with the foundation. Even a palm tree “torn out with it” “grows” with its crown down.

The entrance to this house costs 15.90 from the nose, if you take only it. In general, there is not only this house, but a whole entertainment center, and if you take tickets to other places at the same time (I’ll talk about them a little later), you can get some discount. Instead of a ticket, they give everyone a token, which must be lowered to pass through the turnstile. Then you take the elevator to the last (i. e. , on the contrary, first) floor, and from there the inspection begins.

By the way, there are windows in the elevator, behind which there are decorations imitating a wall, and moving up, thus giving the impression that the elevator is not moving up, but, on the contrary, down. What is inside the house, it is better to see once than to hear 100 times, so I will tell you only briefly. In this house, most of the exposures are based on optical effects. First you need to go through a mirror corridor in the form of an ice cave with a lot of bends, so you don’t immediately guess the direction. Next, you are greeted by a statue of Bigfoot. Then you need to go along a kind of conveyor, which is 2 boards moving back and forth about 30 cm, and in antiphase (that is, when the left board moves forward, the right one moves back, and vice versa).

There is also such a joke: the already mentioned bald-bellied cigar-loving cupid stands with one foot on a pedestal against the backdrop of bookcases. Suddenly, an obscene sound is heard, Cupid begins to laugh, and instead of bookcases, a Bigfoot appears, sitting on the toilet. After a few seconds, this disgrace disappears, and it is again replaced by bookcases.

There were also pictures that many have probably already seen: for example, on one of them you can see both a young girl and an old hag, on the other it is proposed to count the number of candles, which turns out to be 5 if you count by flames, and 7 if you count on the grounds. There were other paintings as well.

There were also all sorts of mechanisms like robots, grabbing metal balls, “swallowing” them and rolling these balls around their cunningly folded body.


In addition to Kathmandu, as I said, there were other entertainments in this center.

There you sit on a plastic chair, fasten yourself with a belt and hold on to the handles located on the sides - for greater effect. There are 2 films there: "Space Race" and "Dungeon" (something like an underground roller coaster). Each of these films lasts 5-10 minutes. If you take only one film, then it will cost 5.90 from the nose, and if both, then 8.90. It is better to take only the roller coaster, they will be more fun. There, as it were, you rush along the rails located in mountain tunnels, crashing into all sorts of obstacles (the chair shakes at the same time). Or the rails just end, and "your" cart flies into the abyss.


They first show a show of a horse riding a cowboy and singing something like "Have you ever seen a horse ride a cowboy. "

Then the whole crowd enters the hall and sits on horseback on plastic horseradish. Each of these "horses" has its own number, and an optical pistol is attached to each of them. Then a cowboy town appears on the screen, as if you are jumping around it, and at the same time various numbers appear on the screen. The task of each is to shoot at those numbers that correspond to the number of his horse. And the screen is wide, and the numbers on it change quite quickly, so getting in is not so easy. However, in the first race I managed to take 2nd place (there were two races in total). Such crap costs 7.90 from the nose.

Maybe someone remembers a toy with that name, which was sold in Soviet times. It was such a target, divided into 4 squares: 2 red and 2 blue, and in the center of it was a photocell. This very element had to be hit from the light gun that came with the kit.

With a successful shot, the squares located diagonally began to light up in turn: then two red ones, then two blue ones, and so on several times.

Here the principle is about the same, but the shooting gallery itself is much more interesting. To shoot there, you must first lower one or more coins of denomination 1 or 2 (there is also an automatic machine that exchanges bills for coins by 1), then press the "start" button. For each Jew, 20 shots are given, and there are about 40 photocells. In case of a hit, cool things happen. For example, if you hit a photocell located at the front of an old car, the sound of the engine is heard, and this Lexus starts flashing the turn signal. If you shoot at a barrel (also meaning in the corresponding

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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