Otdykh vozle Pruta 2*– Reviews

Rating 8.010
based on
2 reviews
8.5 Rooms
8.5 Service
9.0 Cleanliness
9.5 Food
8.5 Amenities
Private cottage located at the beginning of the village. Mykulychyn, near the highway H-90. The cottage is a two-story wooden house for 18 people.More →
аватар vasa1223
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 8.0
In January he spent a wonderful winter vacation in the private estate "Rest near the Prut". The estate has beautiful rooms and excellent cuisine. The estate is clean, warm, there is always hot water. The hosts are friendly, attentive to vacationers. An entertaining New Year's program and a sauna and souvenirs can be arranged with the hosts. … More ▾ In January he spent a wonderful winter vacation in the private estate "Rest near the Prut". The estate has beautiful rooms and excellent cuisine. The estate is clean, warm, there is always hot water. The hosts are friendly, attentive to vacationers. An entertaining New Year's program and a sauna and souvenirs can be arranged with the hosts. So I advise everyone to visit this estate! ! ! ! ! And I look forward to coming back again !!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
аватар vova2222
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 8.0
Ideal for both winter and summer holidays. The hosts are very welcoming and friendly. The estate provides services not only accommodation but also food (the hostess prepares various Hutsul dishes) the owner in the summer to conduct various interesting excursions (Hoverla, Hamster, Dovbush rocks, Hook waterfall). … More ▾ Ideal for both winter and summer holidays. The hosts are very welcoming and friendly. The estate provides services not only accommodation but also food (the hostess prepares various Hutsul dishes) the owner in the summer to conduct various interesting excursions (Hoverla, Hamster, Dovbush rocks, Hook waterfall). Reasonable prices
Водоспад Гук кімната двомісна Відпочинок в Карпатах Відпочинок в Карпатах Гуцульська кімната дорога на г.Хом`як

How much will food cost? Is it possible to come with a dog? How to get from Kyiv? Is the house far from the road? How far is the forest? Facilities in the room?
14 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers

Частный коттедж, расположенный в начале с. Микуличин, около автотрассы Н-90. Коттедж представляет собой двухэтажный деревянный дом на 18 мест.

In a hotel

Экскурсии, походы в горы, катание на конях, зимой — в санях, собирание грибов и ягод.
Поездки в горы на квадроциклах.

Description of rooms

На первом этаже — столовая (столы с лавками, кухонный очаг, холодильник, TV-SAT), оборудованная кухня (газовая плита, микроволновка, электрочайник), 2-местная (двуспальная кровать, шкаф для одежды, комод), 3-местная и 4-местная спальни (односпальные кровати, шкаф для одежды). Санузел на этаже — душевая кабинка, туалет, умывальник, стиральная машинка.
На втором этаже — просторная гостиная (стол со стульями, TV-SAT), две 3-местные спальни (односпальные кровати, шкаф для одежды), санузел (ванна, биде, туалет, умывальник).
Отопление: автономное (водяное).
Водоснабжение: холодная и горячая вода (бойлер).

The address Ивано-Франковская область
Яремчанский горсовет
с. Микуличин, ул. Грушевского, 30
Phones: +38 (097) 843-27-78
+38 (098) 793-44-44