Premium Podole 3*– Reviews

Rating 8.810
based on
3 reviews
8.7 Rooms
9.3 Service
9.5 Cleanliness
8.4 Food
9.3 Amenities
Hotel "Premium Podolia" is located in a forest area, most of which is occupied by coniferous trees. The hotel was built in 2008. The hotel is perfect for anyone who wants to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city and at the same time improve their health.More →
аватар valentina_f
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 10.0
I was at the end of September of this year, I liked everything, I was treated by an experienced neurologist Tatiana Maksimovna Lisova, she competently prescribed the treatment. I lived in the 3rd building on the 4th floor, it is comfortable there, there is wi-fi in the room, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning. … More ▾ I was at the end of September of this year, I liked everything, I was treated by an experienced neurologist Tatiana Maksimovna Lisova, she competently prescribed the treatment. I lived in the 3rd building on the 4th floor, it is comfortable there, there is wi-fi in the room, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning. Katya met me late at night and put me in a nice room. In general, the staff is friendly, towels are changed every day, no problem. The sanatorium has a well-groomed territory, everything is nearby. In the dining room 3 meals a day, everyone was friendly during the procedures, I went with pleasure. Satisfied with the treatment, I recommend!
With uv. Valentina F.
аватар budcom
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 5.0
"Podolia premium" occupies the 4th floor of the third building of the sanatorium "Podolia". The room is clean. Bed linen is not washed, they are changed once a week. Towels are changed every day. BUT, the main BUT is the shower. It is located on the same territory as the toilet and the sink, separated from the toilet only by a curtain. … More ▾ "Podolia premium" occupies the 4th floor of the third building of the sanatorium "Podolia". The room is clean. Bed linen is not washed, they are changed once a week. Towels are changed every day.
BUT, the main BUT is the shower. It is located on the same territory as the toilet and the sink, separated from the toilet only by a curtain. There is a hole on the floor for water drainage. they began to take a shower and water cheerfully and quickly filled the ALL room, we were in shock. That's where the rags were needed. In short, if one washes in the shower, the second one will not be able to go to the toilet. After a shower, we cheerfully take a rag in our hands and wash the floor. No one even bothered to answer my request to the owners of "Podillia Premium" in the book "Complaints and Suggestions" about changing this situation. Is it really so expensive to make a side or put a pallet?? ?
Туалет-душ-умывальник. Мытье пола после душа.
аватар Divbud
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 5.0
Good treatment, helpful staff, nice area. But on May 20.2017, after dinner in the dining room of the sanatorium, about 150 people received acute poisoning. Including me and my wife. This is a fact - draw your own conclusions. … More ▾ Good treatment, helpful staff, nice area. But on May 20.2017, after dinner in the dining room of the sanatorium, about 150 people received acute poisoning. Including me and my wife. This is a fact - draw your own conclusions.

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Гостиница «Премиум Подолье» расположена в лесном массиве, большую часть которого занимают хвойные породы деревьев. Гостиница была построена в 2008 г. Отель прекрасно подойдет всем, кто хочет отдохнуть от шума и суеты большого города и при этом поправить свое здоровье.

Location Расстояние от отеля до железнодорожного вокзала Хмельника составляет 8,2 км, а до аэропорта Винницы – 74,8 км.
In a hotel

Предоставляются услуги по глаженью и мелкому ремонту одежды. В отеле помогут заказать билеты и столик в ресторане. Есть возможность заказать услугу «звонок-будильник». По запросу предоставляются гладильные принадлежности. Лечебный корпус санатория Подолье рассчитан на 1000 посещений в день, бальнеолечебница – на 47 ванн, торфолечебница – на 22 места и спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс с залом ЛФК и плавательными бассейнами расположены недалеко от спальных корпусов. На территории санатория есть дельфинарий, где каждый желающий может поплавать с дельфинами.

  • cafe/bar
  • indoor pool
  • parking
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • facilities for people with disabilities
  • non-smoking rooms
  • transfer to/from the airport
  • ATM
Entertainment and sports
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • gym
  • organization of excursions
The address ул. Курортная 10-В (3 корпус, 4 этаж), г. Хмельник,
Phones: +38 050 461 41 41
Website: Premium Podole
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.