Berloga 3*– Reviews

Rating 2.110
based on
2 reviews
10.0 Rooms
10.0 Service
10.0 Cleanliness
9.0 Food
7.0 Amenities
"Berloga" is a cozy hotel and restaurant complex, which is located 20-25 minutes from the center of Kharkov. Kharkov International Airport is located 17 km from the complex.More →
аватар aibol761976
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 1.0
Restaurant review. Dirty waitress, barely moving. Order - hodgepodge, potatoes, kebab. Company of 4 people. Transit. We stopped by by chance (a child of 7 years old wanted to eat). The first courses are cold. They took it out after 50 minutes and only because he started to make a fuss after ordering. Portions are tiny. … More ▾ Restaurant review. Dirty waitress, barely moving. Order - hodgepodge, potatoes, kebab. Company of 4 people. Transit. We stopped by by chance (a child of 7 years old wanted to eat). The first courses are cold. They took it out after 50 minutes and only because he started to make a fuss after ordering. Portions are tiny. Draft price (120 UAH per portion of hodgepodge). For four - three spoons. Glasses for water did not wait, as well as the second course. Excuse - the cook does not have enough cuckoos. We left hungry and in a bad mood after an hour and a half. Paying God knows what more than 500 UAH. I do not recommend!! ! I wish prosperity to the employees of the restaurant in proportion to their desire to work.
аватар elena-shevchenko
Super place, everything is worthy, on the level. I would like to wish development, we tried the bathhouse, the kitchen too, but in terms of entertainment - not enough. And yes, very worthy. … More ▾ Super place, everything is worthy, on the level. I would like to wish development, we tried the bathhouse, the kitchen too, but in terms of entertainment - not enough. And yes, very worthy.

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«Берлога» - это уютный гостинично–ресторанный комплекс, который находится в(20-25 минутах от центра Харькова. Международный аэропорт Харькова расположен в 17 км от комплекса.

Location 11 км от стадиона «Металлист». Международный аэропорт Харькова расположен в 17 км.
In a hotel

Ресторан: Банкетный зал - на 100 и 40 персон, VIP-зона на 20, 10, 5 персон. Кухня: Европейская, украинская, русская кухни и гриль-меню в авторском исполнении повара.

Шезлонги на 26 персон и уютный диван; бассейн длиною в 12 метров; душ и раздевалка; зона отдыха со столиками.

  • restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
Entertainment and sports
  • sauna/bath/hammam
Description of rooms

Всего в отеле 28 номеров.

In the rooms

Шкаф-купе, телефон, кондиционер, бесплатный Wi-Fi, ванная комната, зеркало, журнальный столик, душ, санузел, полотенца.

The address г. Харьков, Кольцевой путь, 5
Phones: +38 (098) 676-78-16
Website: Berloga
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. .