Kromer Garden Hotel 3*– Reviews

Rating 4.610
based on
11 reviews
№242 in the hotel rating Kemer
4.4 Rooms
4.6 Service
3.7 Cleanliness
5.9 Food
4.7 Amenities
The hotel consists of two main buildings. 3 floors. The hotel is perfect for both youth and families.More →
аватар annetsvet
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 7.0
We chose a last-minute tour for 2, Cromer Garden turned out to be the most suitable price for 10 days. We went at the end of the season, towards the end of October. We all liked it very much. The amount paid was totally worth it. We only had breakfasts (BB) included, but insofar as we were alone in the hotel for 3 days (then another small group of people drove in), we were fed free (! ) Lunches and dinners until the end of the holiday. … More ▾ We chose a last-minute tour for 2, Cromer Garden turned out to be the most suitable price for 10 days. We went at the end of the season, towards the end of October. We all liked it very much. The amount paid was totally worth it. We only had breakfasts (BB) included, but insofar as we were alone in the hotel for 3 days (then another small group of people drove in), we were fed free (! ) Lunches and dinners until the end of the holiday.
Liked the food too. Light, tasty, portions are normal. Hungry did not go and did not overeat. The staff is friendly, kind and simple.
The only thing that was not cleaned in the rooms, but it did not matter to us. After all, we came for the sake of the sea, and not to sit in the room. Very cozy, sincere. There are few people and calmly, because the end of the season. In general, I liked everything.
Fans of luxury villas, mansions, Hiltons and Rixos will certainly not like it, because everything is modest and simple. No expensive bells and whistles, but for the price it’s immediately clear what’s what. 3 stars anyway. There is no hair dryer and shampoo in the room, only a small round soap, so take all the products with you.
The pool is clean and tidy.
аватар Irina167280
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 2.0
The hotel is of course terrible. Dirt everywhere, insanely dirty hotel, stained bedding. Unfortunately, we chose the hotel in a hurry. It couldn't be worse. Toilet bowl, washbasin black as pitch, no shower. There is a hole between the toilet and sink. The food is more or less acceptable, although we are not picky. … More ▾ The hotel is of course terrible. Dirt everywhere, insanely dirty hotel, stained bedding. Unfortunately, we chose the hotel in a hurry. It couldn't be worse. Toilet bowl, washbasin black as pitch, no shower. There is a hole between the toilet and sink. The food is more or less acceptable, although we are not picky. I don't recommend this hotel to anyone.
аватар anima.8888
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 2.0
So here we are. It's a dark night outside. But in a different hotel. Because we don't have room. Although the reservation from this date! We woke up, we were taken to our hotel... But only to have breakfast. They said that they will settle at 12. We tear and sword. Went to the beach, shopped, walked. We arrived at the hotel at 12 to check in. … More ▾ So here we are. It's a dark night outside. But in a different hotel. Because we don't have room. Although the reservation from this date!
We woke up, we were taken to our hotel... But only to have breakfast. They said that they will settle at 12. We tear and sword. Went to the beach, shopped, walked. We arrived at the hotel at 12 to check in.
But, again, everything is through F... They will settle at 13. That's it! Kirdyk. We yell, we film the whole process on camera. They yell at us, almost rush with their fists. We yell that we are calling the police. This is us - calm, balanced, cultured St. Petersburg women!!!
A lady came running - some kind of manager, said to WAIT....I was hysterical, tears flowed... Well... I found the room IMMEDIATELY, fantastic!!!

Our room is 102. Directly at the reception.
+ Small, but still: one large bed, and one two-story. The mattresses are comfortable. The air conditioner is working properly. There are sockets. Sometimes Wi-Fi gets through to us.
- They are not fatal, but there are many of them: the linen is unclean, the taps are leaking, the drains are not working, hot water sometimes appears. Plumbing and furniture as from the garbage. The sounds of the street and the smell of cigarettes constantly make themselves felt. The closet is very dark, without hangers, without shelves.
Food: you can eat it.
But it's a quest. Plates and cutlery lie on the table with hot dishes under a canopy by the pool. Salad table in the building, there are no plates)) If you want juice, go to the bar. In total, to collect cutlery, soup, second course, salad and drink - if you please, three circles around the pool. If you didn't bring the knives, you can do whatever you want. Mix pasta with rice - you won't die of hunger. Fruits are tasty, greens are fresh. WATER in the cooler is a dummy - it is from the tap (we saw it ourselves), but again, we didn’t die.
Service - minimal, below the plinth.
It takes 10 minutes to stomp to the beach, if you are not lame, drunk, with heavy bags, with resting children or strollers.
For 6 days they did not clean up, did not take out the garbage, towels and linen were not changed even once.
There is a safe at the reception. Free.
We were not settled! Double booking, and at the same time the staff behaved in a boorish way.
With a scandal, after a long wait.
Then the guide arrived, and with the boss of the hotel they found out whose joint it was.
They demanded compensation from the boss, received a bottle of wine and an offer to live longer.
Well nafig. It hasn't been like this for a long time.
And so, everything is fine, the sea, the beach, the weather.
And we went to a nearby hotel in a hammam, I really liked how the men processed us.
Have a nice rest.
вид на ресепшн и наш номер
аватар evgen269
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 1.0
Hotels are different: excellent, good, nothing, bad, a shelter for the homeless in Khatsapetovka, disgusting, Alexei Panin's apartment, and right behind it the banner of the crown of the tourist bottom "Kromer Garden" proudly flies. My daughter and I arrived at this rooming house on August 30 closer to the night. … More ▾ Hotels are different: excellent, good, nothing, bad, a shelter for the homeless in Khatsapetovka, disgusting, Alexei Panin's apartment, and right behind it the banner of the crown of the tourist bottom "Kromer Garden" proudly flies. My daughter and I arrived at this rooming house on August 30 closer to the night. I have never been to a columbarium, but for some reason it seems that "Kromer Garden" is made exactly in his image and likeness. A dull gloomy building in the light of a few half-dimmed lanterns would certainly have inspired Alfred Hitchcock to write another blood-curdling thriller.

At the reception, we were met by an average unfriendly type, let's call him "Dryshch" conditionally, with whom we turned out to be very similar in terms of the fact that he speaks Russian about the same as I speak Turkish. Of course, there was no talk of any dinner for late arrivals.
Drysch's courtesy was completely undone when I refused to move into a room on the third floor, which had competed with a matchbox in size and won it. The room was really tiny. Immediately from the entrance began a double bed with a terribly narrow passage along the wall to the shower and toilet. on the other side of the bed there was about the same amount of free space up to the window. I did not even go into this room, with gestures suggesting that he himself spend his whole life in this nook.

Mentally dismembering me into eighteen parts with a scimitar, the withered descendant of the formidable Janissaries with the grandeur of a royal bedchamber gave me the key to another room, already on the floor below. Looking into it, I saw an almost complete copy of the previous one, the only difference was that the aisles are truly gorgeous, half a meter each.
Again a dispute ensued, the victory in which was won by a descendant of spherical-carriers, on the side of which were the Turkish night, our fatigue and his oath with his potency to relocate us to a normal room the next morning.

The next morning, we were really moved to another, fairly good room, on the ground floor, in which, in addition to two beds, there was a TV, air conditioning, a dressing table with a mirror, two bedside tables on both sides of a double bed, a wardrobe, a hairdryer and even a refrigerator. Bingo!

Arriving at 7.00 for breakfast, I was surprised to find that not only was there no breakfast, but there was also no staff that should bring this breakfast. Even the coffee machine didn't work. By the way, the coffee in this machine sucks, but this is the problem of all Turkish hotels. And there is no "hot chocolate", in Russian, cocoa. There is a button, but there is no cocoa, sadness for my daughter with a sweet tooth.
By half past seven, incorporeal spirits with swollen faces, melancholy in the eyes and tremors in the limbs began to pull themselves up, none other than those who had risen from hell with the spells of Dryshch from the reception. It turns out that yesterday was the Turkish Victory Day and the friendly drunken team of our under-hotel celebrated it just as amicably. During the ten days of our stay, breakfast was served on time three or four times. Also, the waiters have a strange habit, immediately after they have arranged the dishes, to put food on themselves and then, having taken a table among the rest, eat calmly. Well, bon appetit to them.

I won’t lie about the quality of food, for ten days spent in Kromer Garden, there was a slightly sour salad a couple of times, and nothing, not at my grandmother’s house, but you won’t get poisoned and you won’t leave hungry.
It was a little annoying that the pasta that had not been eaten at dinner could well end up in the evening salad, but no one forces him to eat it, there are others without pasta, although it’s a matter of taste, with me some ladies put this salad on themselves. The choice of dishes is mediocre, but the residents of neighboring hotels cried when I told how many options for dishes we serve for breakfast-lunch-dinner, they generally got into the "Who had time, he ate" contest.

Of course, the topic of alcoholic beverages, or rather, their absence, deserves a separate topic. Before that, I have not seen hotels in Turkey where there is no beer. Let low alcohol, but it is everywhere. There are hotels where, out of stinginess, beer is poured into 150-milliliter glasses, but not at all ...But there is shmurdyak of unknown origin, from unknown components, bottled, which the hostess proudly, looking straight into her eyes, according to the principle "God's dew", calls excellent wine.
I'm not a great wine specialist, in fact, I'm not a wine specialist, but it seems to me that you will not find such "exclusive" wines as in this hmm ...hotel anywhere else. If we hold a competition for non-alcohol content between this drink and our "Pinocchio", it's not a fact that a wooden long-nosed friend from childhood will win.

Regarding the cleanliness of the rooms. The hotel has a rounded bodysuit in pink shorts, responding to the word Aizat, flashing brightly after the end of the working day, but which can not be found if you need to clean the room, change towels, linen or wash the floor. She is a Kyrgyz, she scratches in Russian no worse than those who are reading this now, but she has the audacity to answer the guests’ requests to answer “No Russian”, “Ay Dont Andastend” or say that her working day is already over, because it is up to four , up to three, up to two, according to the scheme: you asked for something at 14.20, which means up to fourteen.
Sometimes I really wanted to shoot her a penalty in a place that rhymes well with her name.

In addition to Russians and Ukrainians, Turks also live in the hotel, and it was not particularly pleasant to see their women, in black robes from head to toe, splashing in the pool. A couple of times it happened that the waiters who got drunk right in their clothes jumped into the pool and splashed in it, right after dinner, and why be shy, the kind hostess will not fire you. There was a case with me that at a time when guests, including children, were swimming in the pool, Dryshch threw bleach into it. And so the pool is nothing, the pool is good.

Good hotel reviews. In my presence, the hostess asked the guests to put fives on some site, handed out Wi-Fi from her phone for this, and made sure that everyone left positive reviews.
It was the eighth or ninth of September, if you come across a few positive reviews on some site for these numbers, know where the ears grow from and why the hotel with disgusting staff, service and cleanliness has such a high rating.

The presence of many cats on the territory of the hotel was a bit annoying, I personally had the dubious pleasure of watching how the cat, right during the arrangement of food, calmly climbed onto the table, on which there were breakfast dishes and appetizingly ate sausage directly from the common plate with cuts. None of the waiters even thought to drive her away. Although, maybe I’m nitpicking, and the cat eating sausage on the table in front of everyone is also a publicity stunt of the hostess, so, they say, the cat doesn’t die from our sausage, which means that shit won’t happen to you either.
When you get to Turkey and get on the hotel bus, the guides first of all warn you that you cannot drink tap water in Turkey. Checkmate! With me, the hotel staff collected water in bottles for the cooler and coffee machine from the tap. Attaching photo. The hostess, when I presented this photo, began to assure me that the water in this tap was clean and fit for drinking. It is strange that she did not add that the water comes from the holy spring named after Martha the Glutton of Kromerogardenovskoy.

It’s not so far to go to the beach, but 10-15 minutes under the scorching sun is a so-so pleasure, for an amateur. The beach is municipal, densely polluted by tourists. You can find a sunbed, but it's hard. Most often, the loungers are broken, from the time of the conquest of the Crimea and Azov. On some you can find reviews of Russian tourists with "yats".
Near the shore, large stones that make entering the sea look like walking through a minefield, you won’t be blown up, but you can bring a fracture or dislocation as a bonus from the trip.

There are cleared passages, with small pebbles, but it is even more difficult to get through them than through stones. A dozen pensioners from the Broken Widow club stand up to their chests in the water, blocking the entrance to the azure font with their muscular, toned and tanned bodies, discussing the past breakfast-lunch-dinner and strenuously carbonating the water, or into the water. If you break through their barrier, you can enjoy what everyone comes here for - a warm and clear sea.

In a separate paragraph, I would like to thank the RedWings airline, whose stinginess can compete with the stinginess of Plyushkin and Gobsek. For a three and a half hour flight from Moscow to Antalya, we were offered only water from the imperishable "Auchan".
I don’t know why our rulers have such a hard time finding a common language, we communicated well with the residents of Kamenetz-Podolsky, Kyiv, Kharkov, and such wonderful people can turn a stay in the worst hotel into an unforgettable vacation!
Официант наливает вод из-под крана для кулера
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 5.0
Food is very poor, not very good. The rooms are dirty, you have to come several times to ask to be cleaned, few people speak Russian and Ukrainian, you have to explain in English. The hotel pulls only 2 *. The sea is far away, you need to walk 15-20 minutes on the open road. Young people, I would recommend this hotel to those who want a cheap holiday. … More ▾ Food is very poor, not very good. The rooms are dirty, you have to come several times to ask to be cleaned, few people speak Russian and Ukrainian, you have to explain in English. The hotel pulls only 2 *. The sea is far away, you need to walk 15-20 minutes on the open road. Young people, I would recommend this hotel to those who want a cheap holiday. I didn't even read the reviews before the trip, I went so random. I was in Acacia a few years ago, but the conditions there were better.
аватар uverevka525
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 2.0
We rested in this "miracle hotel" with two families in the month of July, bought a tour for little money, knowing that it was 3 *, they did not think that everything was so sad. Instead of a standard room, they settled in a room of 10 m2, this is together with a bathroom. There was no place to put things, it was very crowded. … More ▾ We rested in this "miracle hotel" with two families in the month of July, bought a tour for little money, knowing that it was 3 *, they did not think that everything was so sad. Instead of a standard room, they settled in a room of 10 m2, this is together with a bathroom. There was no place to put things, it was very crowded.
Food - we were not hungry, there was no meat, only vegetables, rice, noodles from soy sausage, the first time I meet this, from sweets - watermelon.
There was no alcohol when we arrived, although there had been before. Justified by the increase in gasoline prices. The manager was not seen in the eyes, all the attendants pretend that they do not understand Russian. The sea is excellent, warm - it takes 25 minutes to go to the sea, an hour to the wild beach! I do not recommend this hotel for a holiday!
аватар Kirill585196
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 7.0
Everything was fine in the hotel when we were there. Everything in the hotel was tolerable, just for 3 stars. The food at the hotel is good. 600 meters from the beach, they have their own indoor pool, it did not bother us. The food and the room itself were also quite decent. Everyone has their own impressions, someone does not like that it is far from the sea, someone else, something else. … More ▾ Everything was fine in the hotel when we were there. Everything in the hotel was tolerable, just for 3 stars. The food at the hotel is good. 600 meters from the beach, they have their own indoor pool, it did not bother us. The food and the room itself were also quite decent. Everyone has their own impressions, someone does not like that it is far from the sea, someone else, something else. I read from reviews that now this hotel has already become worse, alcohol seems to have become paid, they wrote this.
аватар eva9246
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 5.0
Rested with my husband from 27 June. Arriving at the hotel, I was surprised by the small number of vacationers - we were 15 people, no more. We were seated immediately and were given a room on the 1st floor. Of course, I was a little surprised by the lack of a refrigerator and a hair dryer, but a positive attitude won). … More ▾ Rested with my husband from 27 June. Arriving at the hotel, I was surprised by the small number of vacationers - we were 15 people, no more. We were seated immediately and were given a room on the 1st floor. Of course, I was a little surprised by the lack of a refrigerator and a hair dryer, but a positive attitude won). The next day, the hotel administration offered to move to a room on the 2nd floor, as ours had problems with the drain. The room has a double and one and a half beds with bedside tables, a dressing table, a large wardrobe, a TV (only Turkish channels), a balcony without furniture. Plumbing and air conditioning worked, there were no problems with hot water.
Meals: at the time of our arrival, everything was enough, meat (chicken, beef, lamb) was daily, there was never fish. The choice of dishes did not shine with abundance, but everything was fresh and tasty. Fruits - mostly watermelon and melon, sometimes there were oranges. There were never lines for food until the hotel started to fill up with vacationers. Communicating with tourists from other 3 *, we realized that everything is not so bad with us - in any case, there was no portioned distribution of food, we took as much as we wanted.
Vacationers - mostly Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, then many locals appeared, mostly men, but they behaved modestly: they only ate and spent the night at the hotel. Nobody arranged noisy parties, at 22.30 the music was turned off. The bar was open from 10.00 to 22.00: delicious local juices - peach, apple and cherry, there was a lot of beer - bought regularly, brandy and local wine (not impressed), as well as cola, fanta and simple soda. I really liked the garden - it was nice to eat in it, the hotel tenant personally approached the vacationers and asked if everything was fine and if there were any problems, it was very pleasant. Of the staff, 2 people speak Russian - the bartender and his assistant, so they were often asked to translate from Turkish. Cleaning in the rooms is lame... the girl who does this should have been looked for. For 11 days, bedding and towels were changed 1 time, but cleaning the room, taking out the garbage, these were our problems. The hotel is far from the beach, walk 15 minutes (about 1 km). The beach is dirty, absolutely not cleaned, the sunbeds are all old and broken, in order to "catch" a normal sunbed with a mattress, you have to come at 7 in the morning.
As you can see, every hotel has its pros and cons. The advantage of this hotel was its price, we went beyond the sea and the sun, so we did not count on the service of a 5 * hotel. In general, the hotel is normal for its money.
аватар yana_onuf
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 6.0
We took a last-minute tour, 400 € For two, with a departure from the Dnieper. We arrived at the hotel at 14.30, settled immediately, the food is modest, but tasty, the hotel area is very green and has a stunning view of the mountains. The beach is 10-15 minutes slowly (700m), the municipal beach is free, if you come at 8 you can take good sunbeds. … More ▾ We took a last-minute tour, 400 € For two, with a departure from the Dnieper. We arrived at the hotel at 14.30, settled immediately, the food is modest, but tasty, the hotel area is very green and has a stunning view of the mountains. The beach is 10-15 minutes slowly (700m), the municipal beach is free, if you come at 8 you can take good sunbeds. Price quality fully match! We were completely satisfied with our trip!
Ужин Басейн Дорога рядом с отелем Вид на горы
аватар Kirill585196
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 7.0
During the period when we rested, everything was fine. Then, I read the reviews of tourists who rested in this hotel after us and concluded that it had deteriorated, people wrote that alcohol had risen in price there. Reviews about the hotel are different, some do not like that the hotel is far from the sea, someone that is far from the highway : ) My opinion is: the food is good, 600 meters for the beach, on the territory there is a large swimming pool, as for such a small one hotel (for 50 seats) the presence of a swimming pool is a plus, it did not interfere with us, everything else is tolerable, the rooms are tolerable, the service is also, in general, everything is like a 3 *, no more. … More ▾ During the period when we rested, everything was fine. Then, I read the reviews of tourists who rested in this hotel after us and concluded that it had deteriorated, people wrote that alcohol had risen in price there. Reviews about the hotel are different, some do not like that the hotel is far from the sea, someone that is far from the highway : ) My opinion is: the food is good, 600 meters for the beach, on the territory there is a large swimming pool, as for such a small one hotel (for 50 seats) the presence of a swimming pool is a plus, it did not interfere with us, everything else is tolerable, the rooms are tolerable, the service is also, in general, everything is like a 3 *, no more.
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Отель состоит из двух основных зданий. 3 этажа. Отель отлично подходит как для молодежного, так и для семейного отдыха.

Location Аквариум Антальи находится в 21 км от отеля, а стадион «Анталия Арена» — в 24 км. Расстояние от отеля Kromer Garden до аэропорта Антальи составляет 42 км.
Description of the beach Совершенно условно курорт делится на три части: Бельдиби-1, -2 и -3. Пляжи здесь изначально галечные.
  • 3rd and beyond
  • city ​​beach
  • sand and pebble beach
In a hotel

К услугам гостей сезонный открытый бассейн, сад и бар. К услугам гостей ресторан, круглосуточная стойка регистрации, билетная касса и бесплатный Wi-Fi. Для гостей сервируется завтрак «шведский стол».

  • restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • parking  FREE 
  • car rental
  • safe
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • accommodation with animals  FREE 
  • non-smoking rooms
  • transfer to/from the airport
  • late check-out
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
Entertainment and sports В отеле Kromer Garden можно поиграть в бильярд и настольный теннис, а также взять напрокат велосипед или автомобиль.
  • billiards
  • table tennis
Description of rooms

В отеле 51 номер.

In the rooms

Все номера оснащены телевизором со спутниковыми каналами. Номера в отеле Kromer Garden оснащены кондиционером, балконом и шкафом для одежды.

The address Kemer Beldibi mahallesi 4017 sokak no 14, 07985 Анталья, Турция
Phones: (0242) 524 53 50
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 3-й пляжной линии или далее. Рядом с отелем находится городской песчано-галечный пляж.
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в бильярд, настольный теннис.