Greece has it all - Thessaloniki

10 February 2013 Travel time: with 03 January 2013 on 12 January 2013
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Greece has it all - Vergina and Thessaloniki

We stopped in Vergina on the way to Thessaloniki on the third day of the tour. The tour was optional, so in Vergina we were met by the Greek guide Petras. Most of the group went on an excursion, and those who did not want to, had the opportunity to walk around the town, visit local taverns and a supermarket. Once Vergina was the first capital of the Macedonian kingdom.

The most important tourist attraction in Vergina is the archaeological museum with the tombs of the Macedonian kings. They are located inside a large mound. These tombs were discovered in 1977 during excavations of the mound by Greek archaeologists.

Archaeologists believe that this tomb is the burial place of King Phillip 11 of Macedonia, the father of Alexander the Great. Inside the mound, twilight reigns and only showcases with priceless archaeological finds are lit. All of them have been perfectly preserved to this day and fully give an idea of ​ ​ the life of the royal dynasty. The golden sarcophagus and the golden wreath deserve special attention. But other exhibits are also very valuable. The museum is interesting for its authenticity. All exhibits were found here in the tombs.

Photography is prohibited in the museum. But I managed, without turning on the flash, to take a few pictures in the tomb.

After visiting the museum, we go to have lunch in one of the taverns. The first lunch in Greece was very pleasant. Their real Greek salad was especially tasty. After lunch transfer to Thessaloniki.

Thessaloniki is the capital of Greek Macedonia. First there was a bus tour of the city, starting from the symbol of the city of the White Tower, then a stop near the Arc de Triomphe and the Rotunda, then we drove up to the Acropolis, and there we had enough free time to explore the old city and take a photo session. After that, transfer to the Basilica of Saint Demetrius, the patron saint of Thessaloniki.

We arrived at the temple already at dusk, and Petras led us inside the temple. The history of the basilica begins in 313-323, and the first church was built on the site of the martyrdom of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. The basilica was damaged by fire in the early centuries, then was plundered during the multiple conquests of Thessaloniki. In 1917, the basilica was again almost completely burned out by fire. And only in 1926 it began to be restored. After the restoration, the temple again became active, and the entrance to it is free, as well as free entry to the crypt under the temple.

Gradually we are approaching the embankment, and already along it we are moving to the bus, which is waiting for us near the White Tower. The white tower is also all in the backlight, from afar attracts our views. And here is our bus and from Thessaloniki we have a transfer for the night to Kastoria. Thus ended the first day in Thessaloniki.

On this tour to Thessaloniki, we have two check-ins according to the program. And here again, on the eighth day of the tour, from Athens, we again arrived in Thessaloniki for the night. The hotel is located in the city center. Directly under the windows of the room, some modern temple shines with lights. But since we have half a day of free time tomorrow in Thessaloniki, I am not going anywhere in the evening.

In the morning, check out from the hotel, again transfer by bus to the parking lot to the White Tower, and free time until 12-30. I had a desire to visit the Basilica of St. Demetrius again in order to inspect it in more detail during the daytime. But my fellow travelers decided to go shopping, and I gave in to their request to join them. Although later I was very sorry that I went with them. Precious time was lost.

While they were in stores, I looked around the surrounding areas. But I have not seen any antiquities. It was a simple acquaintance with the city and its streets.

It's time to get back to the bus. Near the White Tower in the park on the embankment there is a monument to Alexander the Great, but it is now under restoration, and this part of the park is surrounded by a high fence. Therefore, I was left without a photo of the famous Macedonian.

There is a public toilet near the tower. In fact, it was free, but we still wanted to pay the man who cleaned there. To which he proudly replied in Russian that he does not charge from "his" people : ).

We say goodbye to the beautiful white city of Thessaloniki. The city really liked its bright southern appearance, clean and spacious embankment, and its ancient history. A walk through the evening and daytime city brought real pleasure.

Today we are moving to Serbia for the night in the city of Nis. And of course, crossing the border of the Schengen zone. There is a very good duty free shop on this border. While our passports were being checked, we were able to visit this place and buy souvenirs from Greece. Interests in all were almost the same: olive oil, Greek spirits, Greek canned fish. The plan for the purchase of souvenirs was successfully completed. The most expensive souvenir I had was Metaxa cognac. Here is a bottle of 0.7 l. a seven-star cognac costs 15 euros, and a five-star cognac costs 12 euros. This price was about two times lower than in city stores.

After a successful visit to the store, we get our stamped passports and drive further to Nis.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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