Cities-pearls in the architectural necklace of Italy

05 November 2010 Travel time: with 10 October 2010 on 16 October 2010
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Fourth day of our tour. This morning we leave for Pisa. We do not expect anything special from visiting this city, because we have already been there. On the way, the guide tells us about this city, about all Pisanos (Giovanni, Bonanno, Tommaso, Nicola) and much more. And now we are already in Pisa on the Square of Miracles, the first thing we are interested in is - when is the collection? Having received the necessary information, we quickly go to the box office to buy tickets for the tower. There are not very many tourists here, well, thank God, I think, this time we will climb it. We ask for tickets, no problem, at 12:30, how? And we have a group meeting at 12:20! And it's not even 10:00 in the morning. Again bad luck! Seeing my displeased, disappointed face, the cashier just shrugs his shoulders. What the hell, what a mess! For me personally, there is nothing very attractive in this town: we already looked at everything on our first visit here: the white marble Cathedral, we bought tickets, went inside,

walked through the malls with souvenirs, everything is the same, but the sellers are so annoying: umbrellas for 3.00 euros, some scarves, scarves for 5.00 euros... Well, what kind of umbrella is this for 3.00 euros, how much worth it, and will serve as much. We decided to go for a walk along the old streets: 40 minutes ahead, the same amount back and just in time for the general meeting of the group. Around cafes, ice cream, pizzerias, souvenir shops. It should be noted that the weather that day in the morning was amazing: warm, sunny, and if we managed to climb the tower, it would be generally wonderful.

We said goodbye to Pisa and headed to the unique city-museum, the capital of Tuscany - Florence. On the way, the guide talks about winemaking in Italy: for which varieties of wine the vine must be at least 3 years old, for which not older than 3 years, about the proper storage of barrels, corks, bottles and all sorts of other interesting things. During our entire trip to Italy, the TV in the bus did not work,

when we were announced about this at the beginning of our journey, I could not believe my ears: what a charm, am I really so lucky? Well, I don’t like TVs in buses: the eternal noise. Oddly enough, no one was indignant, did not show dissatisfaction: why and how, although our group was from 13 to about 70 years old. But it was great, instead of a TV, a guide worked all the way, however, we must give him his due, he loves his job, it was visible even with the naked eye. We arrive in Florence, here we are also for the second time, but 2 days were not enough for us. We arrive at Piazzale Michelangelo, from where a magnificent panorama of the city opens. The weather changes a little, it becomes cloudy, the sky is covered with clouds, but there will still be no rain. Oh, a camera would be better, such pictures would turn out! We learned a lot of new things, for example, here on the corner is the Iris Garden, where more than 2500 species of iris, the symbol of Florence, are collected, but due to lack of time,

the garden was not visited, which is a pity, I love such places. We move on and a long walking tour begins. Signoria Square, Signoria Palace, Neptune Fountain, Hercules and Cacus sculpture group and many other statues. The guide tells the history of Florence, about the statues and the artists who created them: Cellini, Michelangelo, Donatello and about a dozen other names. We were in the Palace of the Signoria and the Uffizi Gallery for the first time, and with this tour. the bureau did not even plan to visit them for lack of time, but oh well, we were already there. Further, the Cathedral (the fourth largest in the world), Giotto's Bell Tower and the Baptistery. Both the first time and the second one, it was not possible to get inside, which is a pity, there is something to see there, but they admired it purely outwardly. We walked along the narrow streets, there is some kind of story connected with almost every one: a tiny, inconspicuous square, it turns out that the Dante Museum is located here. Next is free time.

The guide gives valuable advice on where and what you can see for yourself, we have already seen the Medici tombs with masterpieces by Michelangelo, but you need to go to the Old Bridge. But first of all, a little rest, that’s all, no strength, we land in the first restaurant we come across: we want to eat, we want to drink, we want to relax. At first we decided to order something from the national cuisine, well, not counting the world-famous pizza, pasta, ravioli, etc. I forgot the name of this dish, they told us about it, there is meat, and fish, and vegetables, and at the same time is neither the second nor the first. When I saw this dish in a restaurant, I somehow got sick of trying it, and ordered already familiar and familiar fried wings, legs, salads, and of course, espresso, latte, latte macchiato and cappuccino. The saleswoman took the order so surprised, she probably didn’t understand how it is possible to mix 4 different types of coffee? Was everything delicious or were we very hungry? No, it was still very tasty.

Then we went to the Old Bridge, which is thrown over the Arno River. An amazing bridge, this has not been seen anywhere else: on the bridge there are small jewelers' shops and on both sides of the tiny houses. We crossed the bridge to the Pitti Palace, which is considered one of the most grandiose palaces in Florence. We walked around, walked in the garden and back. Behind the Pitti Palace are the Boboli Gardens, I would have been there with great pleasure, but as it will become clear later, we would not have had time to do this. We walked along the embankment to the bus stop. It is difficult to call this place and the embankment, in the usual sense of the word. There, somewhere below, the river flows, a stone wall, a small sidewalk and a roadway nearby. On the banks of the river there is nothing but garbage, old branches, somehow not well maintained. The second acquaintance with the capital of Tuscany is over, we barely made it to the bus, we were tired, oddly enough, there was no bus in place yet, and here we are, and not only we,

you have been occupied by the sellers of watches, scarves, paintings... you will not have time to fight off one, as new three surround you, and if God forbid you show the slightest interest, then they will hang all the goods on your hand, throw a scarf around your neck. . . about! finally the bus came, these 10 minutes of waiting seemed like an eternity. Now just to the hotel and relax. And our tireless guide begins the story again, now about the settlements of Italy: there are, as it were, cities, towns, individual estates, but there are no villages as such. A lot of things and very interesting, the information is presented easily and with humor about the Italians....and here we are at the hotel. And tomorrow we are waiting for Venice and departure home!

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Баптистерий Святого Иоанна Крестителя
Пиза, Баптистерий
Пиза, Кафедральный собор
Пизанская башня
Все достопримечательности Пизы на площади Чудес
Панорама Флоренции с площади Микеланджело
И это тоже Флоренция
церковь Святого Креста
Флоренция, Колокольня Джотто
вот такая есть во Флоренции библиотека
один из мостов через реку Арно
улицы и магазинчики Флоренции
одна из частей Баптистерия  Св. Иоанна Крестителя
  статуи перед  дворцом Синьории
Флоренция,  Дворец Синьории
Флоренция, часть фасада Кафедрального собора
река Арно во Флоренции