My Venice in three days

25 July 2013 Travel time: with 05 June 2013 on 08 June 2013
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When I first came to Venice, it immediately became clear that I would return here again and again. This is a city where romance does not fade. Beautiful buildings, saturated with ancient creations and chic architecture, a bright bridge and paintings... All this is united by one word - Venice - the city of dreams. First impressions began in St. Mark's Square, . I loved the atmosphere, which consisted of the sounds of street musicians and the aroma of cappuccino. By the way, it is on Piazza San Marco that the most delicious coffee is!! ! Even if it cost three times more than in all other cafes, it was worth it. As a lover of everything beautiful, I advise everyone to go inside the palace, very beautiful old mosaics will not leave you indifferent. I also liked the bell tower with a clock. Go up!

As a lover of fine art, I could not tear myself away from the view of the Doge's Palace. I have seen him so many times in the paintings of various masters and artists, and here he is, real and real. I want to make a reservation right away, if you don’t like pigeons, be careful, because there are simply darkness in the square....This has its own charm. I managed to take some beautiful photos. The rest of the day I wandered through the narrow streets and enjoyed the atmosphere of everything Italian. There are many souvenir shops in Venice, especially many Murano glass jewelry stores. In general, Murano glass and Venice are inseparable. It's like France and champagne. Venetian glass and gifts from it is a separate topic for conversation, and I will return to it later. The only thing I can say right away is that do not rush to buy Murano on the very first day, because later visiting the island itself, you will find a lot more choice and brands there.

The next day I had a gondola ride through the canals. I was with a friend, and we did not plan a trip to the smallest detail. Of course, a gondola ride is not cheap, but believe me, it's worth it. A gondola ride for two cost 150 euros each, it took about two hours to ride. We started from the Grand Canal and then moved along the narrow streets. I was pleasantly surprised that the gondolier spoke English well, and apparently noticing our genuine curiosity, he told us a little about the places where we sailed. Of course, the gondola is narrow and you can board from it, but you can’t exchange that feeling of romance when you sail along the Rialto. Definitely take the gondola! We returned to the same San Marco, where I could not resist buying Murano glass. As a lover of the beautiful, everything draws me to it... I bought two plates and a small vase with gilding as a gift to my mother. Of course, it is better to go to such stores with money, because when you see the beauty of glasses or various iridescent figures, your eyes run wide, you want to buy everything. Of course, Marrine Gioielli bought Venetian beads in the style of murrina and a Venetian ring, I really liked their design.

Separately, I want to note the cozy cafes and delicious ice cream, which can be found throughout Venice. After a delicious lunch, and the fish there is very tasty, we went to the Rialto Bridge or, as some call it, the Kiss Bridge or the Bridge of Desires. The view from there is amazing…. The warmest feelings and mood. Be sure to visit this bridge! Of course, we were very lucky with the weather, we went in June, when it was still not so hot. The Italians themselves are quite friendly, although they practically do not speak foreign languages, but they are always ready to help and explain themselves on the fingers. We wandered through the Venetian streets on the map given to us at the hotel. I liked that going along Non-tourist routes you can see much more and more interesting.

In the evening, by 6 o'clock, we made our way through the Academy gallery. We recommend to all lovers and connoisseurs of high art!! ! Everything is directly saturated with the spirit of history. The paintings of Titian, Carpaccio, Bellini, Guardi shook me to the core. Unfortunately the museum is only open at 19:00 and we had to move quite quickly. Luckily, we were not kicked out of there, as a result, we left 20 minutes later. There are many paintings and works unique in their historical significance. I liked it very much, All the same, the Venetians have something to be proud of ! ! Tired reached the hotel. The next day we had a trip to the island of Murano, where I actually dreamed of going.

You can get to the island of Murano by boat, they pick up tourists and take them to Venetian workshops. We joined one group, which was mostly Japanese, they all liked to take pictures....Having reached the island, everything immediately becomes clear: wherever your eyes look, you can see that a lot is designed for tourists. The large number of Murano glass installations is very striking, then how each showcase of Murano jewelry is decorated is a separate topic for conversation. It is especially surprising how incredible masterpieces can be created from such the thinnest glass. For 50 euros we were allowed into the workshop to see how Murano glass is made, a very ancient factory. In this workshop, as in all of Italy, continuity is very important. That is, those who worked there were descendants of the founders. Grandfather, father, son, grandchildren, so to speak, a family business that passes on secrets and skills to its followers. I was surprised by the speed of execution and blowing of vases, another master made awesome figurines. I don’t remember the name of the workshop, but chic chandeliers hung there, it’s a pity they can’t be taken out of there... I really liked the decorations made of Venetian glass using the Murrina technique (like a lot of small flowers). So on this island, the largest selection of Murano jewelry, vases, figurines and prices there are naturally lower. Almost every workshop has its own shop where you can buy gifts and souvenirs for your family and friends. I assure you that you will not leave without a purchase. We bought various small figurines of Avvetturino, and jewelry, bracelets made of the finest Venetian Murano glass in the style of Marrine Gioielli, these jewelry are loved by the Italians themselves. It was nice to find their shop on the Internet upon my return, now I can buy something for which there was no longer enough money in Venice. Throughout Italy, no matter how much I traveled, you can always see Murano glass on Italians, that is, they themselves love it very much.

After shopping in Murano, which took about three hours, we went to a local fish restaurant. Here it should be noted that after lunch, many shops, banks, in fact, are closed, so if you need to change money, then do it in the morning! And then on a boat we recovered to the neighboring island of Burano. A very beautiful island with unusual architecture, such colorful houses, as in a fairy-tale land. The island is famous for other folk art - lace. There is a functioning school there, where young people are still learning this craft according to ancient methods. Very beautiful Church of San Martino and next to the Galupia monument there is a lace museum! Be sure to watch! By the way, I was surprised that all the houses on the island are in excellent, or even perfect condition. Apparently this is somehow supported by the state. You plan to walk around the island for about two hours, at least that was enough for us, well, plus an hour of the museum.

I did not want to return from the fairy tale to the hotel, but what can you do. This is where our journey ended. In the morning a plane to Prague was waiting for us, but that's another story. I am pleased that we managed to visit all the places that we planned, I am glad that there were no overlaps. I really liked and fell in love with Venice with its narrow streets, canals, islands, houses. Now I have Murano souvenirs as a keepsake.

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