Morocco/Agadir Petrovich+ and Tagil Company

01 august 2011 Travel time: with 12 July 2011 on 26 July 2011
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Morocco is a wonderful country! Thanks to the guide Petrovich!

A flight lasting 6 hours is tiring both there and back, but upon arrival you quickly adapt to the situation. The first impression when leaving the plane was the question "Where is the sun? ". In Agadir, as we found out later in the morning, morning fog and gray skies are quite common. Throughout our vacation, we did not observe morning fog only 5 days out of 14, it clears up in the afternoon and the sun appears as a rule, but not always. For those who want to get a tan, it's okay, it lights up very well through the fog and is not so hot.

The ocean is warm, sometimes strong waves, so it's more fun to swim, the beach is wide, but there are no showers and changing rooms on it! Sunbeds cost 20 dirhams, which is about 2 euros, you can bargain and drop the price even for sunbeds!

20 km from Agadir there is a small town of Tagazourt, you can get there by bus 32 from the center from the Odysey hotel for example. What for? Then, the ocean is much cleaner there compared to Agadir. It takes no more than half an hour to go there, the fare costs about 1 euro or 9 dirhams. You can also catch a taxi (only white Mercedes go out of town) 6 people can fit in a taxi for 10 dirhams each.

We didn’t take excursions from the hotel guide, it was expensive and we didn’t like it... On the very first day on the beach, we found a guide Abdel named Petrovich, we read about him in the reviews of previous tourists! After meeting him, the rest turned into a fairy tale, he told a lot about the country and the people. customs, history. With him we went on a 2-day excursion to Marrakesh-Esaueira, took excursions to the Sahara from him! Our hotel guide told many scary stories about agencies on the beach and that you should not take vouchers from them. We took everything from Petrovich and did not regret a bit. He himself knows Russian very well and speaks to you almost without an accent; he himself has lived in Russia and Ukraine for many years. They also took a trip to the hammam with a massage from him. He also helped us navigate the prices and products and things on the market, showed us where to eat delicious tagines (a local dish), helped us not to find a professional weaving afrokos, agreed on a price for our company with a henna painter. And he did a lot of good and useful things for our company.

I strongly recommend as soon as you arrive in Agadir, immediately to the beach along the promenade to McDonald's, from McDonald's to the right along the promenade, in front of the AL Mogar hotel you will find Petrovich.

I also highly recommend either at the airport or on the promenade, take a local free SIM card, it's easier to communicate with locals and the company. It is better to call to Russia from payphones on the street, it is cheaper.

Taxi drivers do not give a lot of money around the city, the average price of a trip is more than 10-15 dirhams. Many turn on the meter, but it can be twisted or you can be taken bypass. Therefore, upon arrival, the last person leaving the car silently gives money and leaves.

Everyone in the country speaks Moroccan (a dialect of Arabic) and French. English can sometimes be misunderstood.

In the evening, if you go alone, two or three will greet you at every corner and try to talk. If you do not pay attention to them and ignore them, then everything will be ok. If you talk, it's your own fault. Although in general they are not as sticky as it might seem. No one will touch you, unless you yourself allow it.

In general, even returning alone in the evening from the restaurant from the promenade to the hotel is not scary.

The sun is very active, even if you have already tanned before the trip, do not be too lazy to take sunburn oil, for very fair-skinned people, protection is stronger! In our company there were people with different skin types, everyone sunbathe instantly, without protection or cream they burn quickly.

Have a good holiday everyone! Look for Petrovich and create your own good company, have fun together! Do not sit in a hotel, walk around the city, along the promenade, go out of town for barbecues and on excursions only with Petrovich!

It is worth taking as souvenirs local pots in which Tazhin is made, spices, argan oil (you can buy it only in a cooperative on excursions, they dilute it on the market), leather bags, you can buy local ballet flats from very soft leather, be sure to take cacti with you (they sell at street on carts, similar to cones, inside yellow and tasty). Everything except argan oil can be bought at the SukEl Head market. bargain to the last, they love it!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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