Reviews and stories about hotels in Morocco

Tourist stories about Morocco add a story
Morocco. Red beautiful country
In our "great and mighty", the word "red" (as well as many other words, by the way) does not have a single definite meaning. Therefore, speaking about this state, I want to say the country is red-beautiful, like a red flag or a fire engine, and beautiful-red, like a red girl or Red Square.
 •  5 years ago
Country of contrasts - inshallah
Miracle: the country of Morocco (October 2018).                                                                                        N Having two higher historical and philological educations, I knew the translation "inshallah" (for all the will of the Lord), of course, for a long time.
 •  6 years ago
Nice combination: two in one
The choice fell on Les Almohades Beach Resort 4 * did not regret it. On the date of our arrival at the hotel, we were the only Russians, which made us very happy. Despite the language barrier, we were perfectly understood at the reception, as well as all the other hotel staff (nobody canceled the ...
 •  6 years ago
Morocco in winter or a great idea to touch the exotic in December. Part 5
Casablanca was the final city on our December trip, the emotions from the 4 visited cities were left behind and we were ready to accept the picture of the business capital of Morocco.
 •  7 years ago
Morocco in winter or a great idea to touch the exotic in December. Part 4
By visiting Rabat, we open the fourth part of the cycle "Morocco in winter", there are two more cities ahead. If you are interested to know how our route to Rabat was, here is link to the beginning of Moroccan adventure.
 •  7 years ago
Morocco in winter or a great idea to touch the exotic in December. Part 3. Chefchaouen
I continue my story about the December trip to Morocco, this time the third part is Chefchaouen, that famous blue city (we are talking about the color of the city, no subtexts).
 •  7 years ago
Morocco in winter or a great idea to touch the exotic in December. Part 2
It was planned to get to Fez by plane from Marrakesh. You can read about how our trip to Marrakesh started here. The cost of pleasure is 308 dirhams ($30), the flight was operated by Air Arabia.
 •  7 years ago
Morocco in winter or a great idea to touch the exotic in December. Part 1
The idea to go to Morocco was born spontaneously in April 17, and the process of studying two questions immediately began: how is it more profitable to fly and what is there in general with visas?
 •  7 years ago
Moroccan disappointment
We rested in Agadir from August 4 to 18, the impressions were the most negative. First things first. Hotel. We stayed at Blue Sea Tivoli 4*. The hotel itself is not bad, large rooms, but everything is very old, the plumbing is rusty, the sink is constantly clogged and the smell of dampness does not...
 •  8 years ago
Massa Reserve, Legzira Beach and Tiznit Silversmith Town
On one of the vacation days in Agadir, my friends and I rented an off-road vehicle and set off on our own route: Agadir - Massa Nature Reserve - Legzira - Tinzit - Agadir.
 •  9 years ago
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