Wieliczka is not only salt mines…

07 June 2013 Travel time: with 26 May 2013 on 26 May 2013
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Wieliczka greeted us early in the morning with a cup of delicious coffee… The town was our first stop in Poland, Krakow was waiting ahead. In the meantime, we decided to pass a couple of morning hours in a cozy atmosphere.

First of all, Wieliczka is known for its salt mines, at one time one of the largest in Europe. In the Middle Ages, the income from the sale of salt was one-third of the entire state treasury. Salt deposits have been known here since time immemorial; At first, salt was boiled, then rock salt began to be mined. According to legend, Saint Kinga, the daughter of the Hungarian King Bela IV, married the Polish prince Boleslav the Shy, received one of the salt mines in Marmaros as a dowry. She threw her wedding ring into this mine, and when, on the way to Krakow, she ordered to dig a well at a halt, the servants found salt instead of water, and the same ring was found in the very first block of rock salt pulled out.

Since then, Saint Kinga has become the patroness of all salt workers.

Since we do not really like dungeons in all forms (although we recognize their unconditional beauty), we did not descend into the mine. But the town pleased and proved that it is interesting not only by salt 

Firstly, the very territory of the mines has been turned into an interesting tourist site - a beautiful park with fountains, an old steam locomotive, a water wheel and other interesting little things. The historic center is within easy reach - through a pretty square, in which a monument is erected to the famous native of the city - Pope John Paul II. The time is earlier, and the Poles are in a hurry to attend Sunday mass in the church. .

and we, without noticing it ourselves, find ourselves in a small (by European standards) castle Zamek Zupny, where preparations for the festival begin - counters with creations of folk craftsmen open everywhere, a small stage is being built - despite the early hour, life is already seething ...

This is how Velichka remained in our memory - a nice, interesting town, visiting which you will not remain indifferent.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Соляные копи, Величка
Соляные копи, Величка
Соляные копи, Величка
Соляные копи, Величка
Соляные копи, Величка
Соляные копи, Величка
Величка, памятник Папе Римскому Иоанну Павлу II
Zamek Zupny, Величка
Zamek Zupny, Величка
Zamek Zupny, Величка
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