House of Faust

Faust's house
Rating 8110

2 december 2020Travel time: 10 may 2019
There are many hypotheses as to why the house is called Faustian. According to legend, it was in this house that the scientist and sorcerer Johann Faust signed his contract, hence Mephistopheles sent the doctor to hell and did so with such force that he punched a hole in the ceiling. Walking through the picturesque Charles Square, it is difficult not to pay attention to the pink house, stylized in the Baroque style. This building, built in 1617, is called the House of Faust, which is why it primarily attracts lovers of mysticism. According to legend, through the hole in the roof of this house insidious Mephistopheles took to hell the trusting Dr. Faust, for this reason, allegedly on the ceiling of the house formed a stain that can not be washed off. But the presence of a stain on the ceiling can not be personally verified, because there is no museum in the house. You can only admire the exterior from the outside.
The house is surrounded by numerous legends of a mystical nature, as among the inhabitants of the house for several centuries there were many strange personalities. Initially, on the site of this house from the end of the 13th century stood the inn of the voivode of Opava with a Gothic palace. After his death, the house changed many owners, who changed its appearance. Edward Kelly, an alchemist from England, lived in this bad house, claiming that he could make gold. Later, the chemist Mladota, who in the XVIII century managed to conduct unusual for that time chemical experiments, entered the house. The owners of the house were mostly representatives of the Mladot family, which is why the mansion was originally called "Mladotov Palace". This name was later forgotten, and the people of Prague began to call the building the house of Faust.

In the XIX century there was a shelter for the deaf and dumb, and then a clinic. In 1945, the mansion suffered from an Anglo-American raid.
Its current appearance is the result of reconstruction. Now in the "strange" house is a fairly large pharmacy, as well as the laboratory of the General University Hospital.
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original

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