Store Ponto MK

I advise you to visit!
Rating 10110

9 july 2018Travel time: 1 june 2018
I highly recommend visiting the Ponto MK store! I was in the store at the beginning of June 2018. with family: with husband, mother, son (14 years old) and daughter (8 years old). We were politely invited to see the assortment, no one imposed the goods! until I asked for help in finding the things I needed: a sheepskin coat for myself (I don’t like fur coats, I live in Moscow, reagents will ruin the entire hem in winter), and a leather jacket for my son (the guy grew up to 178 cm in a year from 160! as a result nothing to wear). We measured half the store with my son, settled on the things we liked. While the fitting was going on, the rest of my family had tea with cookies, sweets, everyone drank tea, as much as they asked, more precisely: how much we got into. All employees of the hall are very friendly, polite, smiling, patient, they speak Russian. We didn't have any money with us. We bargained well for a price that was acceptable to me!
We agreed to send it by mail after transferring the payment from home, leaving a deposit of 100 US dollars in advance, there was no more, we also agreed on the term for transferring money: it was convenient for us two weeks after arriving in Moscow. A day later, I returned, asked for additional signatures and a seal of the store on the contract, immediately received what was requested for me in case there were problems with the mail during the shipment. Upon arrival at home, I sent the money when I could. After 7 days I was a happy owner of my things. All the time the process was monitored with me by Anya, who is engaged in sending the goods and tracking its movement. Anya! Thank you for your care and attention! We will definitely visit the store again if (I hope so) we come to Konakli near Alanya.
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