A short trip around Russia - buying and driving a car

08 December 2015 Travel time: with 27 May 2014 on 01 June 2014
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The night of May 27th has come. I turned off my laptop tired and frustrated. The past day of searching has yielded no results. For almost half a year now I can not find the car I need. But summer is coming soon! And why isn't he answering? After all, his ad on the site for the sale of cars is still hanging, and it's been 3 weeks since we talked...

And the thing is that I wanted to fulfill my little dream and buy a car of a certain model. Not very expensive, not new, but it was problematic to find it for one simple reason - I needed a model with a manual transmission! And now, three weeks ago, this appeared on sale! At that moment, two such cars were sold throughout the country, but they did not fit - the first was rubbish, the second in Kaliningrad, and there were no customs for the rest of Russia. And the third is what you need! And my favorite color! And can such a trifle as distance interfere with me? : ) But I talked to the seller and he was gone…

When falling asleep, I put the phone next to me, what if it still works out?

A text message woke me up. Opening one eye, I read it: “I was on a business trip, are you still interested in a car? ! ".

It was 4 pm when I finished my business. Picking up the phone, I dialed the number with a little excitement:

- It's me, about the car, hello! Have you checked everything? Everything is working? Fine! At 9 am on Prospekt Oktyabrya 147? Well! No, you don’t need to meet, I’ll fly in early in the morning. I'll call you at 8 am. Okay, I'll text you in an hour. . .

Having opened the S7 airline website, I chose the direction: Krasnodar-Ufa!

There were no direct flights, only via Domodedovo. I chose the last one from Krasnodar at 19-45 (in Moscow at 22-15). Then transfer and at 23-55 flight to Ufa with arrival at 4-05 local time!

- Everything should work out! - I thought, - In Moscow, we will most likely not be at 22-15, as indicated, but around 21-30. In fact, until the next flight for at least two hours! The airport does not change, the airline too!

I clicked the "pay" button and entered my card details. The payment went through, and after printing the e-ticket, I sent the photo to the seller. And a tense pause began for me.

Tariff "Promo" worth 8450 rubles. had a lot of conditions and in which case - the money will not be returned : ) And in general, could he have returned from a business trip earlier? : ) Just a week ago this tariff cost 4500 rubles! But summer is almost summer! The sea season has begun!

After fifteen minutes, I calmed down, because I received an SMS from the seller that he saw that I had bought a ticket. After writing to him - “See you tomorrow at 8 am”, I made coffee and began to collect my thoughts.

Russia! But I've never traveled like this before! Of course, at an early age I flew with my parents to other cities, and even lived in the north for a short time. And I saw Moscow more than once. But I didn't see the country at all! I traveled all over the Krasnodar Territory, of course, and in general the south, and partly the Caucasus, but this is not the whole country! And I got on the Internet.

- Let's see! Ufa. The capital of the Republic of Bashkiria (Bashkortostan), 2000+ kilometers from us, it seems not very far. What about crime? They write that this is practically absent now, and especially never was (meaning the 90s). Fine! I have a flight with a transfer, well, nothing! After the flight "Dubai-Domodedovo - a night at the airport without sleep - Krasnodar" I'm not afraid of anything at all : ) It remains to find a hotel not far from the avenue I need.

Since I did not know how long I would have to stay in the city, I could not afford an expensive hotel. After scrolling through several budget options, but by no means a bedside table, I settled on the Panorama Hotel. It was located just near the place I needed. Booked. A couple of minutes later, an administrator girl answered me by e-mail that there are rooms with a shower and a toilet, but alas, with a split system, everyone is busy. In response, I wrote that I couldn’t live without a “split”, and after 15 minutes they called me back and said that they were still able to allocate the right number! Having ordered a transfer myself from the airport, at a fairly low price, in my understanding, I started collecting.

The fees themselves were not difficult. I threw in a laptop bag a few spare things, a DVR, a navigator, and the laptop itself. I hung a first-aid travel bag on my belt, which I always take with me abroad. And the most important thing remains - money! Where to put them? Maybe on a card? But what will it do? My meeting is at 9 am, banks also open at 9, what if the cashier does not have the required amount? And ATMs give out no more than 100.000 rubles. per day on my card. Or ride through the departments with a person I don't know? And it also happens that the card is unexpectedly blocked. I think all this is not the best option now, and there is no time to find out all the details, I have a plane in three hours! Let me put them in my pocket! And I’ll throw a ten on the card, just in case!

Having tried on a pair of jeans, I chose those from which a pack of "fives" does not particularly stick out. Will do! The main thing is not to constantly touch your pocket at the airport and do not forget to mentally follow it! And now coffee, a cigarette and a taxi!

When I entered the airport, I saw that the check-in for the flight had already begun. Asking for a window seat, I got a ticket. After that, I didn’t check in my luggage, because I didn’t have it and I knew that it was possible to check in for the flight and on the site, and even choose a seat! True, I did not understand how this should happen. After all, there is a tear-off spine on the ticket, but on A4 sheet?

As I entered the screening room in front of the sterile area, I began to mechanically take off my shoes. The inspector said that now it is not necessary to do this! I passed the frame and it rang. The woman brought the metal detector, but it did not bring any result, and then she felt the slightly protruding pocket with money, after which she smiled and said to go through : )

To my surprise, a smoking cafe opened at our domestic airport, right in the sterile area. It’s clear that everyone used to smoke in the toilet before and without it, but it’s more pleasant in a cafe, and it’s officially allowed!

I bought coffee and sat down at the table. I lit up. And then I was puzzled by quite logical questions in this situation: - Where am I? What am I doing here now? Which car? What Ufa? Where am I going?? ? To whom? What for? Is this not a dream? It seems to be not. But how could I come up with this? I got ready in 3 hours and I'm flying with money for no clear purpose! That is, the goal is clear, but this is a 100% gamble! Only I, of all my friends, could think of such a thing : ) Okay, even buying a car itself, but I'm flying alone! And in Ufa I don't have a single friend! Or maybe it's for the best?

I ordered more coffee. Thought more.

- And, in other matters, I'm doing everything right! All security measures taken. Firstly, no one knows that I flew with money and generally flew somewhere. Secondly, the seller does not know me and will not meet me at the airport at 4 am. The path to the city will lie through the highway 25 kilometers, and the fields, and in the dark : ) Well, just think, an airport employee groped for a wad of money, what will she do? And, in general, can I be too careful? And what, that I'm flying alone, stupidity? Maybe. But, if you judge like that, why do I need assistants? Most likely, I won’t drive a car, there are car carriers, and if I do, then only myself. I do not trust others driving cars on the highway. And taking friends “for furniture” for purchase is a dubious event for me... why? To not be deceived? They want to be deceived! I don't need bodyguards! Here, a friend would not hurt : ) But now there is no such acquaintance who can immediately drop everything and fly! Although, a second male person may be needed in order to look after the car in case of emergency... and so that it can be seen that I am not driving alone... Okay, that's enough! What am I sitting wondering! Bad thoughts away! I will learn to do things alone! So often I travel alone, and this is also a journey! Well, it's time to go to the waiting room, registration should already begin!

When I went inside and looked at the airport board, I smiled. The scoreboard showed: flight delay for an hour! Yep, the journey begins! : ) Well, nothing, I have a few hours left! I'll make it.

Fifteen minutes later the information was updated: 2 hour delay - flight non-arrival!

Here I have already become thoughtful. Or maybe I'll come back home? Can't fly? The plane has not yet arrived, I have no luggage and the refusal, in theory, should be hassle-free... No, what am I saying! This is against my principles! Gathered means gathered!

In my previous trips, I noticed that when you, usually not of your own free will, but at the request of the company you invited somewhere, you begin to change a pre-established plan, even an approximate one, or change the route (in the mountains, for example ), this eventually results in problems and confusion in 99% of cases!

But I won't be able to catch the plane to Ufa. . . And, in general, what is non-arrival? Fell, God forbid? Or broke?

Called home and asked to see the news. No plane, thank God, did not fall, which means the replacement of the aircraft for another reason. I called the airline and told the situation about the connecting flight:

- So, will the plane to Ufa wait for me? I asked at the end of the conversation.

- " No, the plane will not wait, we will offer you the next next flight - the girl of the help center answered.

-     Thank you…

And the next flight, as far as I remember, at 12-35 from Moscow and in Ufa I will be at 16-45, this is only at the airport... Of course, we are not talking about any traffic police. And a night, and even more, at the airport? Or book a hotel in the village and a transfer? I won’t pull an airhotel, and in this case the airline is unlikely to provide anything, because they have a delay of 2 hours. It's good that the connection of one airline, otherwise I would have to buy a new ticket... But I'm partly to blame myself! After all, I know very well and I myself advise my friends that you can’t dock for less than 5-6 hours. And if this is a charter abroad - preferably more! Otherwise, there is a chance not to fly at all! Okay, I'll solve the problems on the spot.

Finally, the airport doors opened and people headed for the bus. Unlike international airlines, here you could smoke right in front of the bus, they even put a trash can on purpose, which I took advantage of. We were brought to the plane, everyone settled in and the plane took off!

After a meal with coffee, the flight attendants began to approach passengers whose Moscow was not their final destination and tell them where they should go upon arrival to change tickets for tomorrow. I was even more irritated, but turned my attention to the cat sitting next to me... exactly the cat, in a cage, in the arms of a nice hostess : )

The plane has landed. I looked at the clock - 23:30. Great : ( Departure to Ufa is in 25 minutes, which means the registration has already ended. Although, you never know, we should hurry up. Also, the gangway, unfortunately, is late.

There was a queue on the plane, but the flight attendants asked those who had the next flight to go ahead. A neighbor with a cat let me through and I left on the first bus. Entering the airport, I quickened my pace, frantically looking for the entrance to the sterile zone. As it turned out, the passport check and the “undressing scanner” were also there, although all the people here got off the plane. There was a queue, but it moved quickly. They allowed me to take water with me, and after three minutes I found the S7 counter, where two lovely girls were standing.

- Flight to Ufa! Late?

- No, go for registration!

- Hooray!! !

I even have time to smoke! But, alas, smoking rooms in Domodedovo have already closed. It's a pity. For the sake of interest, I decided to go to the toilet - there is no way to squeeze through because of those who want to smoke. I did not stand in line and went to check tickets at the desired gate, which ended on me. Good thing I don't have luggage!! !

By the way, all this time I did not forget to control the wad of money in my pocket, even despite the nerves and running around!

- I won't do that again! Docking with a small difference takes too much nerve! It's good that the registration was extended almost until the very takeoff! I said to myself as I sat down in a chair.

By the way, I was sitting in the last row. We had a Boeing 737 in Moscow, and an Airbus A-319 in Ufa, which has fewer rows of seats. And places were appointed once at the first registration.

During the entire flight, I watched the dawn in the distance. The night was not visible. And below were places where I had never been before! Large settlements and sometimes highways were clearly visible through the porthole window. Apparently, we did not fly high. I wonder if you drive the car yourself? These are all the roads I will pass... This, definitely, has its own romance!

Apparently, we were flying fast, because after an hour I heard a request to fasten the seat belts. When landing, they stabilized for a long time, and then braked sharply. When the reverse turned on, I almost got my nose to the folded table : ) Already tired, relaxed...

Ufa met me with good but cool weather - 11 degrees. There were no warm clothes with me, but this was not a problem for me.

Going out to the waiting room, I quickly found a man with a sign “Panorama”, smoked, and off we went!

- It's good that I arrived half an hour earlier! For some reason the plane arrived earlier! Have you departed before? the driver asked.

- No, they took off on time, they just flew fast! - I answered and immediately asked, - And how are your roads? I see that the track is not bad, but there is a track in the middle...

- Our tracks are normal, except for the track, but in the city they are not very good. Look soon! It's better in Moscow! the driver said

- And I'm from Krasnodar, I just flew through Moscow!

- From Krasnodar? And here for work? Are you already warm? - the driver began to ask various questions, to which he received exhaustive answers, except for the information that I had arrived for the car : )

After that, I was given a short oral tour of the city, during which I saw an unfinished mosque, and soon we arrived at the hotel.

The Panorama Hotel occupied several penultimate floors in an office building. We climbed the stairs. The receptionist checked me in and took me to my room. For the cost of 1500r. On the day he was great!

- Do you want to have breakfast? You have tomorrow included in the price! – said the girl.

- Five in the morning is the time for breakfast! Of course I want! - I smiled, - Where do I go?

- No need to go anywhere, I'll bring you breakfast in your room!

I left the door open and sat down on the bed. I'm in Ufa. . . Maybe lie down for 5 minutes? Not! I know those 5 minutes! And after refreshing my face with cold water, I began to walk around the room back and forth. After 15 minutes, the administrator returned with food.

- Is something wrong? she asked, seeing the open door and me standing by the onna.

- No, everything is fine, I'm waiting for you, thank you! I said and started breakfast.

Breakfast was very tasty sandwiches, coffee and porridge. After eating, I slightly “woke up” and went to look for a smoking room.

The room was on the floor and was a flight of stairs. Will do. Just at that very moment there was an employee of the hotel and some guy. He asked where I was from and was very surprised that he was from Krasnodar, and then told where he was from, but, to be honest, I let it pass my ears : ) Then, wishing me a good working day (people usually go on a business trip this way), the administrator left to the workplace, not forgetting to show me the kitchen with a kettle, refrigerator, dishes and a microwave!

By the way, about “work”. It's already seven in the morning. I have to call the seller in an hour.

The first half hour of waiting went well, but at half past seven I got tense again:

- What if the phone is turned off? It is unlikely that he was joking, but you never know what... Moreover, once he did not answer! Hmm, why am I really nervous? He came up with all this himself, so why whine? If he doesn’t answer, I’ll get enough sleep, take a walk around Ufa, take a ticket to Moscow, and I’ll definitely buy a car there! Let with an automatic transmission, well, what to do then! In other words, it's too early to panic, another half an hour : )

At 8:00 I dialed the phone number. The sleepy salesman immediately picked up the phone and said: "In an hour at the traffic police. " Hooray!

Taking my documents and putting some extra money out of my pocket, I went out into the hall and asked the receptionist to call a taxi. A single help desk has not yet been created here, so the call at such a time dragged on for 15 minutes.

Getting into the car and naming the address, I began to explore the city. Or rather, I tried. But not very well, because the brain after a sleepless night, running around and nerves began to “freeze” : ) But I noticed the roads. There were many, many pits, and not only pits : )

We arrived at the traffic police exactly at 9 am. I got out of the taxi and looked around the parking lot. My future car was not yet. Called the seller. He said he would be there in 5 minutes. 20 minutes passed and no one was there. Now other thoughts began to creep in. What if there is an accident? Well, then he should have called!

Another 10 minutes of tedious waiting passed, and now, I see her on the road! Yeaaaaaa! Finally! It looks just as I imagined, standing out from the stream with a slightly unusual shape!

I came up and we got to know each other. From his first words, it became clear that everything should be fine! I glanced at the car, I checked something and we went to make out. The car turned out to be not trash, in other words, if there were flaws, I would still buy it, but then I would have to arrange an auction. And so, the seller threw me off symbolically, which suited me, since his price was already slightly lower than the average market.

The traffic police of Ufa worked in the old fashioned way, without an electronic queue. First we went to the booth, where the girl wrote the contract and did the rest of the formalities. With her, they paid off. The seller told me that he would sit with me until the victory. The car was inspected, then we filed documents through a window in another building. The traffic cop, which pleased, did not wrap up the seller for 15 fines, but only reminded him to pay. True, before that, when he was very surprised that I was from Krasnodar, I told him that I had not slept for a day only from the plane : ) Then he asked if I was leaving the numbers, and said to wait an hour.

We sat down on a bench and waited for the documents. I didn't think of anything. The time was about 12 noon. The right eye no longer saw anything. I asked the seller to take me and the car to the hotel. Didn't want "no" to go to a strange city in a car unknown to me.

Then, in order to somehow cheer up, he began to ask if my new acquaintance had been with us. He replied that he had not yet, but he was going to, and I began to tell him all the information about arriving south by car, when it is better to go, how to go in the summer season, and so on.

An hour has passed. We were given documents. The registration certificate, however, was not laminated, but was given an oilcloth separately. I had to go back to the girl in the booth where the contract was drawn up, and do it there.

Then the salesman drove me to the hotel, “crushed” me around the city in parting, showed me how it works and left. I went upstairs, asked about parking and admitted that I had arrived by car. Where would she come from? : ) Then he went into the room and “passed out”. It's good that I managed to take off my clothes : )

I woke up in the evening, having slept only 5 hours. Looking out the window, I realized why the hotel is called "Panorama" - a beautiful view of the city opened from here! And right now it's sunset. After ordering food and eating, I asked to call a taxi and drove to the center. I needed to pick up a second car key. While waiting, I looked at the monument to the janitor! Then the taxi driver gave me a little ride around the center, although, in his words, there was no center. The city is elongated and in general the entire October Avenue is considered the center.

Returning to the hotel, I got on the Internet, which was free here, to look for offers to deliver the car to Krasnodar. Prices for car carriers are not pleased! It is not expensive to transport a car from Moscow, and hence the prices are higher - from 30 to 45 thousand rubles. And that's just the car. You also need to deliver yourself! Useful to look at flight options back. Yes… The prices “to the south” were radically different from the prices “from the south”. There were no seats at the promotional fare “to the south” (and maybe the fare itself), and the economy price was now equal to the business class price earlier. But this is only half the trouble. Economy tickets were only for “in a week”! And for the next few days there is only business class. And the prices there in the season... it is better to remain silent! It's already summer!

Well, what! So the car will drive itself! I ran to the shower and had dinner, I fell asleep until the morning.

After waking up, I immediately ran to the window. Phew! The car is in place! And I slept great! It's time for business!

Descending the stairs, I began to think about the options for inspecting the car at the station, which I was going to search on the Internet. But when I went outside and looked around the surroundings, I realized that I live in just an ideal place for me at the moment: on the left is the Okay hypermarket, and on the right is the huge Taganka service station. Just like on order : ) Let's start!

After thoroughly examining the car and getting to know it, I went to the station. My original goal was to change the oil and have the car inspected by the mechanics before driving. Going inside the service station, I was very surprised by the scale - two large buildings with a total area slightly less than a hypermarket. I have never seen such large stations here. There was also a store there. Having bought oil and air filters, I changed everything. The replacement was free and everything was done carefully, which made me very happy! Then I signed up for an inspection, after which I breathed a sigh of relief - the car was in excellent condition, you can go!

Of course, I had to say that I'm from Krasnodar and I need to drive her there and it's very, very far away, so that they would examine it very carefully! Everyone was surprised that I flew to Ufa for a car, and not to Moscow, and asked - “Is it really cheaper here? ". And what should I answer to this? Where I found it and took it : )

When the day came to an end, I went to the hypermarket and bought some food, coffee and everything I needed. I spent the evening in my room for a delicious dinner alone : )

The next day I went to fix the problem with the wheels. As I already said, the roads in the city itself were terrible, except for the highway and Prospekt Oktyabrya, and the wheels of the car were appropriate, plus they were decently worn out. Finding a tire shop in a nearby building, rubber inspection began. The result was this - one wheel in the trash (which was on the spare wheel), the second from the car only on the spare wheel. We need to find two more wheels. I couldn't find a used tire shop of this size. I went online and found several options. I started writing off sellers via SMS, as I was in roaming. The meaning of the text was something like this - “We ourselves are not local, do you sell wheels? ". Sounds idiotic, I agree : ) Especially when you consider that he wrote SMS from a number in another region! But people answered, and in the end it turned out that the wheels were bad. Alas. I had to buy two new ones in the store, which was also next to the hotel. In total, I got it: two old wheels in front, because when driving, if something happens, the front ones are always “killed”, two rear new ones and two spares! One on the fifth branded disc, the second without.

And the last step of preparation was to change the battery to a new one. The store was generally located in the hotel building and, having handed over the old one (and this is a discount of 300 rubles), I finished the preparations! True, there was one error on the panel, which read “battery low remote control”, which I defeated by changing the batteries in the keys in the hypermarket. After that, I bought in the same place on the road any necessary type of first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, and so on. By the way, when the girl at the checkout asked if I had a store card, I honestly said that I forgot it at home in Krasnodar. For some reason she was very surprised : )

After loading everything into the car and throwing a crowbar under the seat in the old fashioned way (I have no weapons), I returned to the room and analyzed the city a bit, namely, what I managed to notice in a few days. As a result, it turned out that I approve of Ufa, because I saw the behavior of people. First, the majority of people were harmless. In the eyes there were no such phenomena as "show-off", envy, anger, desire for profit and deception of one's neighbor. I see such people from the very first second, and in especially difficult cases - after a little conversation : ) Or am I just lucky? )

Secondly, the culture of driving. I lived near a wide road and rode a taxi, and never once heard the beeping in principle. Taxi, by the way, cost a penny, which pleased!

Since there were about half Russians and Bashkirs, many girls were called Zulfiya, Alsu, etc. ! It was a bit unusual : ) The weather was like in the desert - cold at night, hot during the day! The cars were observed mostly passenger cars up to a million, I saw a serious SUV only once, although the windows overlooked the hypermarket parking lot.

Having finished the analysis of Ufa, I got on the Internet, looked at maps, wrote down possible large cities and hotels in them. I watched a couple of videos with terrible (in some places) roads, got a little sad, then had dinner and went to the smoking room. There, by the way, I found out that there is even a sauna here, but only without a pool. Then I made coffee and began to analyze the upcoming haul.

In general, the idea of ​ ​ traveling around Russia did not let me go for a long time. But in a car! To travel many cities and places at once. But some things stopped me. For example, bad roads, which, however, I have not yet seen. Maybe not everything is so scary? And the fact that traveling by car is the second most dangerous - (the first - on a motorcycle) is only half the trouble! Can you imagine how many traffic police posts you will need to pass if you look at many regions, republics and cities? How many times will you have to stop with a non-local region, and even more so with a southern one, and show the contents of the trunk? And the “divorces” drank or didn’t drink, when everyone was initially aware that they “didn’t drink”? I'm sure that the drivers know : ) For example, I have had many times, even to the point of threats against me, although I practically don't drink even without a steering wheel! Well, let's see!

After waiting for dawn, I fell asleep and woke up only at lunchtime. It was a planned move!

After paying for the hotel, I loaded my things, sat down on the path and drove off!

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon when I got into a traffic jam on the way out of the city, which I overcame for 2 hours. But it helped me get to know the car. After all, even if a person has a long driving experience, you still need to get used to a new car!

Having left their city “for the scent” for the reason that the navigator showed nonsense as always, I stopped at a gas station. Catching a second smile of some lady waiting for her husband by the car, I started driving!

I drove, as always, according to the signs and intuition. On the navigator, I usually only look at the speed. The track was surprisingly empty, which pleased. I decided to go alone, that is, not to take fellow travelers, although people would fit in this car in the back seat with great difficulty. I didn't say the car was a coupe.

Once, however, I had a desire to take a girl soldier on the sidelines, who often met in a certain area, but they hardly needed to go to Krasnodar or Rostov-on-Don. Most likely, in the neighboring area, and even closer. This theory was also supported by their lack of any baggage.

The track was generally nothing if it were not for the rut. I will not go into details of the size of the wheels of the car, but I will only say that the rubber was low-profile and intended only for good roads.

I soon became sad. The repair of the road began and the car turned into a hard “stool”. Moreover, there were no roads in average condition: either good or bad. Often had to go 40-50 km / h, so as not to kill the car.

Thus, I passed through the Republic of Tatarstan, the Orenburg region and entered the Samara region. Fortunately for me, there were no traffic jams along the highway at that time, apparently, the flow of vacationers to the south had not yet begun. And between the regions there were no traffic police posts as a phenomenon, which was pleasing!

Yes, did I say that I was sad from bad roads? That's what I thought before because it was just the beginning!! ! Soon the road ended altogether and the M5 federal highway began to go into... fields! With gravel, dust and mud… I was driving behind a truck and saw nothing from the pillars of dust! Constantly clung to protection gravel and earth. Well, at least there is iron protection.

Well, well done, drove the car! : )

Having overcome such congresses three times, I finally found myself on more or less normal asphalt and “pressed the gas”. It was already dark when I stopped at the gas station. After pouring gasoline and buying coffee, I suddenly noticed that a man with a machine gun was guarding the gas station instead of a grandfather with a scanword! While drinking coffee, the guard decided to make a detour around the object, where around the corner he was caught by me : ) We started talking. I asked him why he was with a gun, and how things are now with crime in the Samara region. He replied that there was no special crime, but all gas stations of this brand were guarded here like this. And indeed, before and after the region, I did not see people with weapons at these gas stations.

After saying goodbye, I drove on and soon found myself at the fork of Samara-Tolyatti. I did not plan to spend the night in Samara, as I still had the strength to go, and in general, my original plan was to stay in Syzran. I even signed up for a good roadside hotel in those parts, just in case I didn't make it to the city myself.

And so, a great road began, or rather a motorway, where I decently accelerated to finally try the car at a higher speed!

When I drove into Togliatti, it was already night. Of course, at the entrance to the city there was a traffic police post and of course I was stopped there, but not all the locals before me and after. And, as I understand it, the traffic cop wanted to see the car. Looked. I was very surprised that I was from Krasnodar with the numbers of Bashkiria. Then he asked - “Did I buy it there or something? and asked for a lighter. I drove on, hoping that he would not bring me... damage : )

After a decent number of years of owning nine or tens, of course, I really wanted to see the Avtovaz plant, but, alas, not this time. I noticed, by the way, that brand new Lada-Grants without numbers “flyed” around the city with might and main. There was also a traffic police post at the exit, where the traffic cop also looked intently, but did not stop.

Immediately after posting, I noticed that I was passing some huge (feels like) bridge-like structure. It was the Zhigulevskaya HPP! What a pity that now is not the day!

After that, the track started again with a more or less normal road, and I “crushed” without stopping until the turn to Syzran. But after some time, a very unpleasant surprise awaited me - a terrible road, which can hardly be called a road in general. I stopped near some gas station, where a truck driver was standing. I asked him how the road was going. He said that the direction to Saratov was normal, but I would have to go through this terrible section first, and then at one of the forks there would be a new road that had completely collapsed!

What to do? Must go.

After driving a little more, I was specifically tired of shaking, because the car cannot drive on such roads, and went out to smoke. The fires of Syzran burned in the distance, and there were some fields around. Suddenly I saw the headlights of a car. These were teaching staff on the UAZ. They looked at me, then turned around and drove back. Probably they were checking to see if anyone was in trouble, or maybe they were looking for someone, because after 2 minutes they began to turn around again, but I had already left at that time : )

Having finally left on normal asphalt, I stopped to refuel and estimate my strength. By the way, it was in this place that the big roadside hotel that I ordered was located, so it was possible to spend the night right now! But after drinking coffee, I felt that, in general, I was not tired, and the night is the best and my favorite time to travel! Looked at the time - 2:30. I looked at the odometer - the distance traveled, taking into account Ufa - 650 kilometers. Before Saratov, another 300 kopecks. And I'll take it and go!

By the way, at 2:40 I noticed dawn was approaching! At first I thought that these were “glitches” from overwork : )

And I drove on, heading south (well, almost)! Soon there was a fork where the new road collapsed! Yeaaaaa! She really fell apart! I rode an off-road vehicle in such mountains : ) It took 40 minutes to drive a small section! And then I drove along a good road and finally saw what I actually wanted to see along this highway - on the left was the Volga River! Of course, I knew that it was wide, but I did not think that it was so wide! : )

It was 4 in the morning with a penny and it was already light. The temperature was only 4 degrees Celsius. I drove 100 km / h and admired the middle of Russia! To the right are birch groves, to the left - a wide river! Beauties! I see it all for the first time in adulthood!

True, driving up to the shore now was a bad idea for several reasons (tiredness, unknown shore, etc. ), but I was satisfied with the views!

I practically didn’t see cars on the way, but closer to Saratov they appeared, and the old VAZs, unlike foreign cars, began to attach themselves closely, since I was already driving more slowly due to the deterioration of the road surface. And this behavior of neighboring cars was a little annoying.

I entered Saratov at 7 am, in my opinion, somehow in a cunning way, turning the wrong way at the fork. But I was just lucky, because at least six traffic cops stood at the second one in the distance : ) Maybe it was something like a post! At this time, I almost did not think, but the strength still remained! Although, the eyes were already hurting from fatigue! And the nerves are gone from such roads! : )

I stopped on the side of the road and took out a leaflet with written hotels. Called first - silence. I imagined a sleeping female administrator wrapped (I don’t know why) in an Orenburg downy shawl : ) Then I called the second hotel, where a cheerful female voice immediately answered - “The Mirage Hotel”.

Having booked a room, I entered the address on the navigator and was soon there, although it was difficult to get there, as the navigator led into the fields, and huge pits came across along the way. When I arrived at the hotel, I looked at the odometer: I drove 950 kilometers, half on a well-worn road at a speed of 40 km / h. Slightly “goofed” to myself, how did I manage it, and went to settle!

Having paid with a card (I had to pay extra for an early check-in), I parked the car and went up to the room on the top floor. The hotel was good, but there was not enough lift. I got the number - ala-lair of a French artist - the window was only in the ceiling! It cost 1800r. per day. After taking a shower, I went to breakfast, which I was supposed to have and which here was a buffet! Hooray! Foodaaaaaa!

All the way I ate only croissants for an obvious reason - to avoid poisoning in roadside cafes. Most likely, this would not happen, but you never know what? After all, the pilots of the aircraft eat separate food - this is also for safety net!

In general, I had such troubles twice, but then it had no consequences, but now I'm alone! And in terms of security, in general, there’s nothing wrong with that, even at night, if you don’t tell any dubious company that you bought a car and drive it alone at night in such and such a direction : ) But, just for this, a person and given brains, I think : )

After eating, I returned to the room, where I noticed that it was getting hot. The window in the ceiling was closed with a curtain, the air conditioner worked, but still - the sun shone on the bed! Going downstairs, I asked to change the room. Surcharge for a junior suite was 700 rubles, but everything was occupied, and one such was released only at noon. Having booked it, I returned and “passed out” right in my clothes.

At 12 noon, I was awakened by a phone call. I did not have time to pick up the phone, but soon there was a knock on the door. It was the reception girls who said the junior suite was ready! Having moved to a large and cool room, I quickly washed my things and went to bed again, but this time on a large and comfortable bed!

I woke up at 6 pm. Immediately noticed that the eyes did not rest. After ordering food in a restaurant, I ate and went for a walk and went to the store. As far as I understood, the hotel was on the outskirts, so I did not see the city itself. There was no moral strength to go to the center, although I really wanted to ride on the bridge over the Volga Saratov-Engels!

- Okay, let's see! I thought and went to work on the car.

The sauna was good and had a big pool! Having ordered coffee, which the sweet girl promised to bring, I began to think over the further plan of the transfer. After the meal, I proceeded to water procedures and, finally coming to my senses, I got ready, said goodbye and went to the car, which at that moment was “rubbed” by two taxi drivers, discussing something.

It was 11 pm when I left Saratov along some even more tricky path than I had called in, thanks to the navigator : ) I had to drive a couple of kilometers along an asphalt road with huge pits through some fields.

There was still 1.300 kilometers to go, and I wasn't sure that I could handle this distance at once, so I prudently booked a room at a roadside hotel near Voronezh.

By the way, as for roadside hotels, I immediately decided for myself - no “homeless people” and “bedbugs”, take only good hotels with showers, toilets and air conditioning in order to have a good rest and sleep. You need to deliver the car and yourself whole! Yes, and it's nice! Plus it's more or less safe. Recently, I read a case - they took one trucker guy from some rooming house for 50 rubles. bed, and now his relatives are looking for him.

After a short trip, a “misfortune” happened - the front wheel went flat! I didn’t even understand what happened, I only heard “Pshsh”, and stopped. It turns out that he cut the rubber on the sharp edge of a small hole. Probably, the taxi drivers at the hotel jinxed it : ) It's good that there is a spare wheel! And it's good that the front tires are old!

Changing the wheel rather quickly, I drove on, but not quickly, since the front tires were now different! Not for nothing, in general, booked a hotel!

Then I began to admire the villages and nature of Russia, and forgot about everything. I even imagined these houses in winter, with snowdrifts and snow on the roofs. Yes! Still, it's great to travel around the country! Even despite the fact that now my trip is not an excursion and I didn’t really see anything. It’s only desirable to travel in an SUV, it will somehow be more comfortable!

And finally, the sign “Voronezh Region” appeared ahead and how the road was changed! Good started right away! Having passed through Borisoglebsk, I refueled, drank coffee and then saw a Ford Mustang Shelby, which raced along the highway at high speed. So the road will be good all the time! Hooray!

By the way, I noticed that it makes no sense to say the phrase “Hello” at gas stations. They don't even look at you, I don't know why. Pleasures such as food and snacks were also missing. Apparently, this phenomenon appears closer to the south, because gas stations facing the sea always have a minimum of pies, and a maximum of whole canteens right inside the gas stations!

After a short time, I finally drove onto the M4 highway and the already familiar picture changed. Expensive cars began to appear, complicated numbers, and so on. Quite quickly, having found the hotel, and with my eyes, and not with a navigator, I checked the distance traveled from Saratov - 500 kilometers.

It was 8 am. The Voronezh region met me with cloudy and cool weather. Breathing in fresh and humid air (something was drizzling from the sky), I went to check into a hotel, or rather, a hotel called “Usadba”. Then I went to look for a tire service, which, it turns out, was located 50 meters from the hotel. The ripped wheel could not be repaired, and having thrown it away, the installer put the spare tire on the rim and I again had a spare tire. It’s good that I took it with me, since he didn’t have used wheels of this size.

After that, he returned to the hotel, where he went for breakfast. Unfortunately, the canteen administrator was not very polite at first and I had to wait 15 minutes for her to finish something there. I understand, early in the morning : ) Then, as I understood, her pretty daughter came to her aid, and breakfast went faster, after which I returned to the room and went to bed.

After waking up after dinner, I ate and just started to relax, waiting for 10 pm. I categorically did not want to go during the day, since the M4 highway was already quite busy towards the south.

There was a distance of 850 kilometers. Having bought croissants, I moved out!

The M4 highway was, as expected, good. However, the signs “Wild Animals” were slightly “strained”. After all, a collision can result in problems, if not with health, then in the form of a damaged car at least, and in an unfavorable case, also a fine (in the zone of the sign). For example, for a dead elk - from 40.000 rubles. Yes, I feel sorry for the animals. But on my entire journey, no one ran out of the forest, so I rode without incident.

Somewhere between Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don, a gas station finally appeared with a cafe inside, where I had a good meal.

There were no posts along the way until the Rostov region itself, but here it began! At the very first post I was stopped and told that I violated the speed limit. Somewhere earlier, there was allegedly a sign 40 along the highway (which in itself is not according to GOST). Then I read that in that place this happens all the time. And by the way, this traffic cop also thought that it was the people going to the sea and was surprised that I was almost a local : )

The post on the border of the region and the Krasnodar Territory was closed, and the next one was also stopped, and only me. And in general, this post was a weight one for trucks, and they decided to stop me from the third row, right under the truck, which skillfully turned me over. I did not intend to crash the car, so I stopped very far away. Five minutes later, the traffic cop finally came to me, looked at the documents, then I told him what to stop like that. to put it mildly - not good. To which he replied that they have everything provided for there and the trucks drive slowly, but he could not clearly explain what he needed at all! In short, if it weren’t for the Zucker’s Balka post ahead, I wouldn’t have stopped.

But at the next big post, named above, which I encountered earlier, they just didn’t stop me, as everyone was busy inspecting the trunk of some vacationers heading south. The fact is that this post was decently abolished - before there were 10-15 people here.

After the village of Kushchevskaya, a perfectly straight track went without a single hole or patch. I haven't ridden it yet. and figured that here, in theory, you can go very fast for quite a long time.

In front of the village of Dinskaya, repairs began and two VAZs “sat down” on the back, which all the time sorted out the relationship a meter away from me. And there was nowhere to go - one lane of everything. Then I skipped them. It turned out that Rostov and Stavropol were arguing : )

At 7 am I drove into Krasnodar. Our post worked, but no one was there. Fell, apparently.

After the traffic jam at the entrance to the city, I put the car in the parking lot and went to sleep! Behind 2250 kilometers!

Summer has begun!

Let me dream about the sea!

Vitaly Vance, 2015.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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